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Repair Local Area Connection


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Why is it that I have to click repair local area connection every other page I look up?For the last month or so Every page I want to lookup,even the bookmarked ones,will show me "the page cannot be displayed".I can refresh it as many times as I want it will say it cannot find the server.As soon as I do a repair and refresh again it will show up.This getting quiet annoying as I have to do this every other minute.Has this to do with my internet connection or with my settings of computer or modem and can this repair be set to automatic?

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somthing is clearly wrong, most likely reason is that your pc is configured to get it's IP address using DHCP, but somehow doesn't get it correctly at boot time. This could be for different reasons, faulty network board, faulty DHCP server.

To check this: do run, cmd and enter ipconfig/all this will tell you how your IP address has been assigned, if it's DHCP, you could consider trying a static IP address. Of course in order to do this, you need to know your network specifics.

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Your router could be about to die too, or is recieving sporadic power. Can you give us some more in formation about how you're connected?

I have a tot goldcyber package wich is connected thru the original tot modem/router. It is distributed by avbell which is in reality a Xavi x8122r Modem.The modem is less then 1 year old so I doubt it is gonna die already.It's strange to me that as soon as I have done a repair it opens the page straight away and I will have no problems connecting to pages on the same server.As soon as I try to open the next webpage I will have to do a repair again.Also If I keep open A webpage like lets say yahoo finance for a long time and then do a refresh it will not open or show me the not updated page again or even a earlier version.After a network repair it shows the updated page.

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Your router could be about to die too, or is recieving sporadic power. Can you give us some more in formation about how you're connected?

I have a tot goldcyber package wich is connected thru the original tot modem/router. It is distributed by avbell which is in reality a Xavi x8122r Modem.The modem is less then 1 year old so I doubt it is gonna die already.It's strange to me that as soon as I have done a repair it opens the page straight away and I will have no problems connecting to pages on the same server.As soon as I try to open the next webpage I will have to do a repair again.Also If I keep open A webpage like lets say yahoo finance for a long time and then do a refresh it will not open or show me the not updated page again or even a earlier version.After a network repair it shows the updated page.

I had a similar problem last week. Internet Explorer kept throwing up error messages. After much troubleshooting, I found that, during a Norton AV live update, the settings in Norton had 'firewalled' IE. It was fixed with just a click.

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