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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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You are perfectly free to believe that the wonder woman single handedly brought the EU debt estimate down from the 100 billion mark to the 39 figure.

She had a very good reason for fending off any talk on refunds - self interest.

I must admit you have lost me there!

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You are perfectly free to believe that the wonder woman single handedly brought the EU debt estimate down from the 100 billion mark to the 39 figure.

She had a very good reason for fending off any talk on refunds - self interest.

"She had a very good reason for fending off any talk on refunds - self interest."


Please elaborate as I'm sure we'd all (remainers and brexiters alike) like to know about her self-interest in fending off any talk on refunds.

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I don't think a Brexier in charge of Brexit would have delivered a better Brexit - a different Brexit true, but one that would have been just as divisive and bad for the country albeit in different ways. 


Firstly, I don't think there is a "good" brexit out there to be had - if you take a hammer to our highly interdependent and cross-connected  society you will break things with unexpected consequences. Any Brexit will break things and make life  more complicated for businesses and people in general. No one can agree how much needs to be broken and how much the associated extra costs are worth the pain.  No one Brexit plan will command the support of the majority of people who want brexit.


Secondly the Brexiters as a whole(by this I mean the politicians who support brexit, not their followers) seem to be stupid, lazy and incompetent, though the relative proportions of these virtues may vary between individuals.  We " have had enough of experts" eh?  There is a reason we have experts. They understand how things work. This lot seem to have no idea how the modern world works and no interest in learning about it. To give but one example. There is all this talk about the wonderful new trade deals we will have. Anybody who knows anything about trade will tell you it is not tariffs that stifle trade these days, but non-tariff barriers   - the SM got rid of these, that is why it facilitates trade so well.











I think you just don't want to consider that a better settlement might have been possible? 

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I must admit you have lost me there!

At the time the media was shouting 100 Billion, I saw a discussion programme with financial analysts including the EU, and what the media was reporting was the debt figure, when the refunds were calculated and taken into account the final figure was likely to fall between 25 and 50 billion.

I never saw TM answer any question on the refunds always sidestepped, obviously better to keep the people in the dark, looks good when you can say you got it down from 100 to 39.

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Please keep up.


We’ve already had a people’s vote on this very subject in 2016,

Followed by a rubber stamp when we had the more recent general election,when 85+ of the population voted for parties that favored exiting the hated E.u.


Now now, you can't use the GE to endorse brexit, because both major parties where endorsing it and FPTP makes voting for a minor party a wasted vote. 


And none of these have defined how we should leave - you are happy with TMs plan then?

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A Brexiteer being in charge is what should have happened from day 1, of course. I hear people say that they 'feel sorry for her' and 'that she never wanted to umpire this absolute mess', ... say what!?

She put herself up for the Prime Ministerial position and won the Tory party vote! So pull the other one!

Her election as PM was the biggest mistake of recent months IMO, as is now all too clear. She has only sabotaged every step of the process and is either conspiring against the result that she was never in favour of, or, is so woefully inept as a negotiator that she has absolutely no place being in such a powerful and important position.


The Soviet Union comparison is one that is so often derided by those opposed to Brexit, but there couldn't be a better analogy right now. It seems clear that when you have the likes of Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Bukovsky making the exact same claims some years ago (before subsequent acts of closer union & the EU military were unveiled), everyone should take be taking note. Staggering that the EUSSR still has so many defenders. 


Brexiters were put in charge of leaving the EU, the foreign office, international trade and the back bench for the seventeenth century. They all turned out to be useless, just as you would expect.


I must say though, the standard of MPs generally is embarrassing. I would like to see all MPs facing reselection  before every election. Frankly, most of them are just not clever enough or knowledgeable enough. Anyone see Labour's shadow foreign trade minister? What a spasmo. I reckon only about 10% are good enough and that includes all the parties.

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In other words, May is playing games trying to get her leave in name only 'deal' (......) accepted by MPs.


Of course most MPs are thinking along the same lines - but I doubt this ploy will work as well as she hopes amongst the electorate.

Not quite. Your government has been informed in no uncertain wordings that this is the only deal there is. It's no longer UK's parliament right to change the deal. It is what it is. 


Vote the deal down and you are facing a no-deal Brexit. That might be hard brexiters dream, but hardly good for the country.. nor good for the EU either. 


Enough is enough. 

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It should be zero....  There is absolutely no reason for the UK to pay the EU 39 bn at all.


Even more ridiculous in view of her leave in name only 'agreement' with the EU!

I guess as sovereign nation UK has the possibility not to pay her commitments to other parties.


As every single government in this world watches what happens with Brexit, each of the countries do make notes if Britain after brexit is still trustworthy partner to do business with. 


Don't pay you dues.. well that's as clear signal one can send.


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