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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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It’s disgusting our people starve whilst we feed the world.


And the EU just treat us like their big fault piggy bank.



They starve because they are lazy drunks with as many children as possible in order to claim benefits and can’t be bothered to do a hard days graft.



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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

now, if 300 Tory and Labour MPs would like the assembly to adopt a piece of legislation,

they would either need a PM nod or to ditch the government?

There is nothing to stop any MP from going into the Aye or Nay lobbies over any piece of legislation irrespective of the respective Party Whip. However, there are consequences for that individual MP. The same applies to groups of MPs. However, 300 cannot come together to propose legislation without going through the PM. And no PM is going to accept. Alternatively, if the Government is brought down and the new party of 300 wants to be the government, they will have to go through a general election and that will probably be the end of them. Other conditions apply when there is a National Government, but that's another story.

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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


by all means, I do understand the roles of the assembly and the cabinet

I was more after the formalities here - not looking at practical possibilities in today's UK political climate

Pointless looking at the formal without considering the practice, and of little relevance in a thread of this type. One should also note that UK constitutional niceties have evolved over a period of time and not enshrined in one single formal document.

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17 hours ago, bomber said:

sounds like it will be organised chaos,so lets say toyota are importing parts from CZ/poland/Slovakia which we know they do for their derby factory,they wont have a clue what tariff will be imposed if anything at all,a truck/van could sail through one day and get clobbered the next no wonder they have been pulling their teeth out,you cannot run a huge operation like that in this way,deal or no deal they wont be staying in the UK for much longer thats for sure.I would pack my bags and go,much cheaper labour with less hassle and without a channel to cross in central/eastern europe.

It will be exactly as what happens now, export invoices must carry a commodity code, the US calls it a Harmonised Code, which will determine the tariff to be applied. Currently products from the EU are zero rated so the code is only used for statistics. The UK has applied to use the EU tariff schedule.

Currently there is nothing to be gained by using an incorrect commodity code.


Why do I need a commodity code?

When you import goods to the UK, you will be charged duty at customs. This charge is calculated as a percentage of your product’s value. Your duty rating directs how much you will have to pay Customs when you import; HMRC requires you to declare your product’s commodity code to them in order for them to classify your product and give it an accurate duty rating.

For this reason, it is imperative that you find your correct product code. If you declare your goods incorrectly, then your goods are liable to be held by customs and you’ll run into far larger costs and fines than what you would be paying if your goods were correctly declared.


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1 minute ago, losworld said:

what kind of idiot would want to climb aboard the sinking ship that is the EU?  guess we will find out soon...

This is about leaving the EU, not about ‘climbing on board’, that is not the issue here. Anyhow, you are going to leave, so what do you care? Just go, and don’t look back (otherwise you might regret you left, who knows............)

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2 hours ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

...and clearly a neurotic old softy, who's sold out - completing the transformation from working class Manc lad to pro-globalist champagne socialist. Pretty quick to forget his working class routes - and of course the reasons for people, in a position once similar to his own, to vote the way they did, in both Lab and Cons constituencies. He's simply aiding and abetting the biased MSM, then rightfully admonishing May (not Tory voters), but simultaneously sneering at over half of his compatriots for precisely nothing. 

He hasn't forgotten his roots he did well because he had talent as an artist singer/writer/poet.like many of his generation myself included we left school at 15 with no qualifications, but the children of that generation got to university.The letter was not about him it was about the grandchildren of our generation.you seem to know the price of everything and the value of nothing,while I'm in cliche mode a little knowledge is a dangerous thing sums up more than a few on this thread.condescending c#=:s.

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She would have wiped the floor with Juncker, Barnier et al... and would have dwarfed Theresa (dis)May, that's for sure. One of the last of a dying breed, perhaps?
My grandma new her quite well, as did many in Cambridge while she was mayor. She said of her that she was 'a great laugh, very warm if she wanted to be, and very forthright...rather apt to "scare the horses"'.
Shame she kicked, could have done with putting her into battle in Brussels. 

She was a remainer.

“She moved abroad – first to Paris, where she worked for an NGO that was responsible for resurrecting Europe’s transport networks (she remains a huge supporter of Europe and calls Brexit ‘a tragedy’).”


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6 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Maybe you should wind your neck in a bit fella, spewing out such vitriol against myself and those you disagree with on TVF, you only look foolish. Learn some manners.


It's tiresome and unnecessary. I haven't once (to my memory) slandered you personally, I've called him (Harding) out for what I believe him to be, judging him by his words, alone, as have others on here. If he makes statements such as this in publications, it's the public's prerogative to challenge them. However, I'll freely admit that there's a chance I'm wrong in my summation, having never met the man, but I would argue for my analysis being roughly accurate, as he seems to make a pretty good case for it by himself.


And please, I'm condescending to no-one, that was done to full effect by Harding in his sanctimonious little article. I never doubted his talent as any of the above, nor am I denigrating his achievement, that's fine by me - as is anyone's, it's to be celebrated not attacked. What I really don't like is someone who reaches an elevated position in society to then look back at their beginnings and judge those who still reside their with contempt and paternalism, as he seems very clearly to be doing in the text in question. He's also spreading misinformation re: ability to work / travel and retire in Europe (as per bloody usual) and is engaging in latent hypocrisy (again, as per usual) with his call for a 2nd referendum to overturn the first - which he simply dislikes the result of and is therefore inclined to rail against, similar to how you dislike my comments and have decided to get a bit 'choice' in your retort. 


If you can't debate constructively and without personal vehemence, then, perhaps you shouldn't comment at all?


Guess we will agree to disagree.peace and love.

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