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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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F- me! Both sides screaming insults at each other. Both sides deliberately antagonising the other.

I thought we were supposed to be British and have values, as opposed to some third world mob. Is this what we are reduced to?

We need to settle down, debate like adults and try to find some sort of common ground. If not, we deserve to be ruined. Each and every one of us. 

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4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

I watched a programme last night were the guy mentioned that by March next year the death rate of Brexiteers meant that they would no longer have a majority, even if the same people voted in the same way. Natural selection can work even after only two years.

as daft as it sounds its probably right.

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18 minutes ago, baboon said:

F- me! Both sides screaming insults at each other. Both sides deliberately antagonising the other.

I thought we were supposed to be British and have values, as opposed to some third world mob. Is this what we are reduced to?

We need to settle down, debate like adults and try to find some sort of common ground. If not, we deserve to be ruined. Each and every one of us. 

even before brexit watching the MPs in Parliament was comical another reason i would have more faith in a sprout running the nation from Brussells.

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Well I live in the real world


You want to quote exchange rates from 1984? Be my guest.


I quoted rates from 1993 when I was here working in the real world.


How about you?


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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:



According to adammike is was 41.90 yesterday and most of the credit for the drop in sterling should go to the remainers/remoaners

I was replying to a post about brexits impact on the economy,jobs,the pound etc and the new BoE scenarios that were published claiming it's all project fear2.0,I simply pointed out that Brexit has not happened yet but the pound has lost 20-25% since the referendum.Once again I will point out that the brexiteers voted leave and they own it, any thing that happens because of voting leave is down to them and them alone nothing to do with the people who voted remain.YOU OWN BREXIT.

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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:



According to adammike is was 41.90 yesterday and most of the credit for the drop in sterling should go to the remainers/remoaners

I was replying to a post about brexits impact on the economy,jobs,the pound etc and the new BoE scenarios that were published claiming it's all project fear2.0,I simply pointed out that Brexit has not happened yet but the pound has lost 20-25% since the referendum.Once again I will point out that the brexiteers voted leave and they own it, any thing that happens because of voting leave is down to them and them alone nothing to do with the people who voted remain.YOU OWN BREXIT.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

I watched a programme last night were the guy mentioned that by March next year the death rate of Brexiteers meant that they would no longer have a majority, even if the same people voted in the same way. Natural selection can work even after only two years.

Don't worry  about the leavers  with   immigration  enforcing all the rules and  , with all the Brits leaving Thailand due to the new rules and those that are being deported for overstaying there will be a high % of them that couldn't vote due to the 15 year rule, once there back on Uk soil they will be eligible to vote as you say Natural selection

Edited by vinny41
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54 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

And I repeat again Remainers are also responsible for the drop in Sterling value, Markets reacts unfavourable to uncertainty are remainers responsible for uncertainty yes. If brexiteers own Brexit why don't all the remainers let the Brexiteers get on with it

so why every single time in over 2 years has the pound rose slightly at the slightest hint of a soft brexit or another vote only to fall back again once it looked unlikely,its been nigh on daily for over 2 years,even a retard can see a hard brexit/no deal and down it would go another 10%,its the one thing the "experts" called correctly before the vote and its the one thing that WOULD happen again with a hard brexit/no deal,its cost expats worldwide £5k+ already and counting,you should be thanking great leader May for cutting your losses and going to farage and asking to be reimbursed your loses from his EU pension pot.

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Bit of a conundrum really, as Brexiteers don't like foreigners or anything they have to say, yet somehow believe by leaving the EU we will deal / trade with even more of them.

Perhaps some might take the time to see what foreigners think of Brexit.......



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42 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Bit of a conundrum really, as Brexiteers don't like foreigners or anything they have to say, yet somehow believe by leaving the EU we will deal / trade with even more of them.

Perhaps some might take the time to see what foreigners think of Brexit.......



but our MPs are better than yours they will return the UK to its glorious past,we will be the envy of the world,nations are fighting each other for the honour to trade with us,GDP will rise,unemployment will fall,the pound will soar,living standard rise,stocks will rise,the NHS waiting times will drop,how do i know you may ask,well a guy down the pub told me he knows everything,this is him


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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:

And I repeat again Remainers are also responsible for the drop in Sterling value, Markets reacts unfavourable to uncertainty are remainers responsible for uncertainty yes. If brexiteers own Brexit why don't all the remainers let the Brexiteers get on with it

We aren't stop them, sniping from the sidelines is all we can do,The PM is running the show it's a Tory party -brexiteers gig, you can't lay anything at the door of remainers.OWN IT.

Edited by adammike
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1 hour ago, kwilco said:

Bit of a conundrum really, as Brexiteers don't like foreigners or anything they have to say, yet somehow believe by leaving the EU we will deal / trade with even more of them.

Perhaps some might take the time to see what foreigners think of Brexit.......



Tissue of lies with the "77 percent of us don't want Brexit -- signed, Young people." 

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7 minutes ago, adammike said:

We can't stop them, sniping from the guidelines is all we can do,The PM is running the show it's a Tory party -brexiteers gig, you can't lay anything at the door of remainers.OWN IT.

Seems to be some remainers in both the Labour Party and the Tory Party Reaminers are Guilty as charged regarding the value of sterling 

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22 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Seems to be some remainers in both the Labour Party and the Tory Party Reaminers are Guilty as charged regarding the value of sterling 

JC was telling everybody for 3 or 4 days after how he could get a better deal for the UK,gone very quiet since and where is BJ and NF these days they seem to have vanished,maybe Boris is busy shagging 

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27 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Seems to be some remainers in both the Labour Party and the Tory Party Reaminers are Guilty as charged regarding the value of sterling 

Explanation or it's brexiteers fake news.You own it lock stock and sinking barrel.

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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Hard Brexit takes us below 40.



plus probable inflation in UK as prices rise as do index linked pensions but not sadly for Thai based UK expats - there's no way back to the country you profess to love so much yet wish to harm with what is now incontrovertible ignorance. Can I suggest a remoaner anthem we're staying in the club ...to the tune of Jilted John's we're going down the pub. Looks like it's nearly in the bag https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/nov/30/snp-and-lib-dems-back-benn-amendment-to-prevent-no-deal-brexit .


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13 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:



plus probable inflation in UK as prices rise as do index linked pensions but not sadly for Thai based UK expats - there's no way back to the country you profess to love so much yet wish to harm with what is now incontrovertible ignorance. Can I suggest a remoaner anthem we're staying in the club ...to the tune of Jilted John's we're going down the pub. Looks like it's nearly in the bag https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/nov/30/snp-and-lib-dems-back-benn-amendment-to-prevent-no-deal-brexit .


The amendment is not binding May can choose to ignore it

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26 minutes ago, adammike said:

Explanation or it's brexiteers fake news.You own it lock stock and sinking barrel.

who to blame for brexit going badly

Remain and Leave voters point the finger at one another in roughly equal proportions: 42% of Remain voters blame those who voted for Brexit, while 39% of Leave voters fault their Remain-voting counterparts.


Sterling Drops Sharply as Brexit Uncertainty Continues

So it looks like both remainers and leavers are both responsible for the value of Sterling 


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1 minute ago, vinny41 said:

who to blame for brexit going badly

Remain and Leave voters point the finger at one another in roughly equal proportions: 42% of Remain voters blame those who voted for Brexit, while 39% of Leave voters fault their Remain-voting counterparts.


Sterling Drops Sharply as Brexit Uncertainty Continues

So it looks like both remainers and leavers are both responsible for the value of Sterling 


sterling drop instantly when leave won and is not much lower now than after that huge drop yet you blame the uncertainty of the last 2 .5 years...get real man

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2 minutes ago, bomber said:

sterling drop instantly when leave won and is not much lower now than after that huge drop yet you blame the uncertainty of the last 2 .5 years...get real man

Uncertainty and Corbyn


Chance of Jeremy Corbyn-led government sparks fears among investors who ‘have withdrawn £15billion in shares’ in just two years

The fears are driving pension scheme money to be sent overseas to protect them against a run on the pound by Corbyn's hard-left agenda

THE fear of a Jeremy Corbyn government has led investors to withdraw more than £15billion in shares from the UK in the last two years, it has emerged.

City leaders told the Spectator magazine that they fear the uncertainty of his socialist agenda a lot more than Brexit.


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13 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Uncertainty and Corbyn


Chance of Jeremy Corbyn-led government sparks fears among investors who ‘have withdrawn £15billion in shares’ in just two years

The fears are driving pension scheme money to be sent overseas to protect them against a run on the pound by Corbyn's hard-left agenda

THE fear of a Jeremy Corbyn government has led investors to withdraw more than £15billion in shares from the UK in the last two years, it has emerged.

City leaders told the Spectator magazine that they fear the uncertainty of his socialist agenda a lot more than Brexit.


JC was history until brexit,as ive stated on here many times,now its a double whammy,brexit is bad JC is even worse,cheers brexiteers for the chaos and 1000's of pounds per person you have cost each tax payer in the UK

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52 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Uncertainty and Corbyn


Chance of Jeremy Corbyn-led government sparks fears among investors who ‘have withdrawn £15billion in shares’ in just two years

The fears are driving pension scheme money to be sent overseas to protect them against a run on the pound by Corbyn's hard-left agenda

THE fear of a Jeremy Corbyn government has led investors to withdraw more than £15billion in shares from the UK in the last two years, it has emerged.

City leaders told the Spectator magazine that they fear the uncertainty of his socialist agenda a lot more than Brexit.


will wetherspoons allow wheelbarrows through their doors so the working man can enjoy a cheap beer if they actually have any beer in the pumps.

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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

will wetherspoons allow wheelbarrows through their doors so the working man can enjoy a cheap beer if they actually have any beer in the pumps.

Wetherspoons is planning to only sell British booze – but will its customers be bothered?

According to Martin, within two years, the company will have completely dumped products from the “protectionist” EU, because tariffs make them too expensive for his clientele.


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