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Who is the real Thai girl : Sober or after too many ?


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4 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Heavy drinkers both male and female come in several categories.


There are the merry drunks fun to be with on social nights out, there are the stupid drunks that can be embarrassing after having a few drinks and there are the aggressive drunks that when intoxicated want to fight everybody and then there are the randy drunks, people that after a few drinks feel as horny as hell.


Once worked with a 34 year old married woman, that when sober was totally prim and proper, but when drunk she transformed into a raving nymphomaniac. All my male work colleges used to aim for her at our staff parties. Of course these days men that have sex with intoxicated women can be charged with rape that includes Thailand and best avoided.


Okay, I think you put it better than me, but yeah, we're broadly on the same page.

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1 hour ago, Wake Up said:

I know I am not the only man that has sex with a women who is intoxicated. Not rape and has happened for thousands of years. But if she breaks my tv or anything out she goes. But some women are better in bed under the influence and you are missing out if you have never had drunk sex.  To each his own. 

I agree with you. The difficult part is to get her at the sweet spot. Drunk enough but not too drunk.

And for the record: In my definition that sweet spot is when she still knows what she it doing.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I agree with you. The difficult part is to get her at the sweet spot. Drunk enough but not too drunk.

And for the record: In my definition that sweet spot is when she still knows what she it doing.

Getting her at the sweet spot is not so difficult.  You just have to keep her still for long enough to find it.  :cheesy:

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That happens to me, I get out of dodge before i become a casualty, I have permanent scars on my arm and neck from a raving lunatic drunk Thai woman's fingernails, first sign of lunacy, I bail and desert them, they can find their own way home.?

Edited by TunnelRat69
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10 hours ago, Wake Up said:

I know I am not the only man that has sex with a women who is intoxicated. Not rape and has happened for thousands of years. But if she breaks my tv or anything out she goes. But some women are better in bed under the influence and you are missing out if you have never had drunk sex.  To each his own. 




I even think that sex without being drunk is so boring...

But maybe I abused it, more than 500 I guess... so at the end it is always the same thing !

The best was with Mdma, but too old now and too dangerous here !




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