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Thai man shoots his young neighbor dead because he wouldn't turn down the music


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Feel for him, and my neighbours when I was young. If ever a mass shooting was justified it would be in this situation.The sins of the fathers are visited on the young, to the second, and third, and fourth generations. Ha!


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6 hours ago, smedly said:

yes he deserved to be murdered for loud music - right ??


Are you insane ? you have very clearly lost it along with those that "liked" your post


He should have called the police, it is their job to sort stuff like this out - if they fail to do so (which is likely) it does not give anyone the right to take a gun and murder someone 

It was an extreme response , no doubt about that. The perp should have blasted the sound source in the pick up to high heaven , and shot the guy in th leg or  something .. watch him bleed out slowly to Beethoven’s 5th... or 6th ? 

This case has no basis in rationality. It is bizarre. He must have had mental or drug related problems. If so I hope he is dealt with sympathetically. RIP to the  victim , and condolences to his family. Hopefully it results in some serious thinking in regards to noise pollution . 

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7 hours ago, Darcula said:

For the love of music......at least he died doing what he liked.

True Darcula but what about the chap who shot him , did he get his sleep that drove him nuts ?  No he did not but he never thought of that .   Can't blame him though .

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6 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

 I couldn't agree more. Loud music can be selfish and extremely anti social but if somebody truly believes that it is a legitimate reason for a person to be gunned down, then they need locking up themselves. There is always another solution.  


You are quite right.


In such a situation I would remain impassive, calm and tolerant.........the Bhuddist way.


And invite Somboon for a sleepover.



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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I can't believe how most Thai people don't care at all about noise pollution at all.  

Thai Culture dictates that everybody should help everybody else.  That works very well at school, where the weaker students just copy everything from those with half a brain.  But, school finished, it's just the, "Me, Me, Me" attitude.

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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

We have noisy neighbours on both sides.  One EVERY SINGLE DAY at 5 - 8 pm opens all the doors to his pick up truck and plays his music (with heavy base) at maximum volume.


On the other side the neighbour has started up a wood cutting factory.  On goes the banging base music at 9 - 5 EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I would move house, but we only just built this one and are tired of moving.


The head man lives next door to me, but he does not seem to care about the constant noise.  I don't think there is a solution.  Asking the neighbours to not play the music loud will just make them loose face and get angry with us farang new neighbours.  Asking the head man I am sure he will do nothing or, just tell them it was us who complained.   Same problem.


We had to move house last time due to EXTREME noise.  Now its go me thinking about moving back to the UK... which I really don't want to do.  I can't believe how most Thai people don't care at all about noise pollution at all.  

5 - 8 pm??

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7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

 I couldn't agree more. Loud music can be selfish and extremely anti social but if somebody truly believes that it is a legitimate reason for a person to be gunned down, then they need locking up themselves. There is always another solution.  

Yea for sure ,,,, Kneecap him or break some arms and legs ,that will do it for a couple Months

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Pumping lead into the subwoofers would have been more practical. But then, likely, he would have been murdered. Loss of sleep adds up and can make a person literally crazy. Sadly, I doubt he will sleep much better where he is headed.

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36 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

5 - 8 pm??

Whats funny about that?


I have the loud base resounding about me now as I type this.  Nowhere in the house can I escape it.


The 5 - 8 pm is every single day, on top of the other neighbours with the new furniture 'factory' who have base music blasting from early in the morning till 5 or 6 pm.    So I have banging base sound from 8 or 9 am till 8 pm.  You think that is funny?

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7 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Applauding cold-blooded murder because of noise. ?There are some bitter sods on TVF forum.

Reading only the comments on page 1, most make me worry about you mates !

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8 hours ago, Ugothai said:

nobody can deny that this is a big problem in thailand.....thai people don't care the others and they think they can do what they want without respect.....

Many, but for sure not everyone...

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Had a Halloween party ( it was held at different friends houses every year). Talked to all the neighbors within noise range as well invited them if the wanted to come to the party. 


One neighbor called the polce (its wa ps probably 10:00 PM) most of the people at the party either were attorneys, worked for court system or a police with a few of us others as well. Police came said lower the music if we come back the owner of house goes to jail. 


A district attorney talked to the police trying the DA influence. They said if we come back we will take the owner of house and you .



Thailand should adapt some type of restrictions when in a residential area. 



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13 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

What if it was your son? interesting question that you have asked. So now I ask you what if it was your son who is showing a complete lack of consideration and respect to the neigbourhood with the continual playing of overly loud music. Would that not show that you were incapable of bringing your own son up and in teaching him to respect people and to have consideration to others. Who is to blame? You for not teaching your son to show respect, your son for being a complete <deleted> or the poor person that is at the end of their tether from putting up with the shit from your son. To me you failed to teach your son the proper manners and you are the one who is responsible for your sons attitude, therefore you should be sent to prison.


Ummm.  Bad news. 


The average parent hasn't a clue what their son is doing when they're around the corner and out of earshot.  Many parents only find out when they get that call, either from the cops, the hospital or the morgue.


Claiming that they deserved that call is despicable.  It could have just as easily been your phone ringing, or a knock on your door.


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8 hours ago, smedly said:

yes he deserved to be murdered for loud music - right ??


Are you insane ? you have very clearly lost it along with those that "liked" your post


He should have called the police, it is their job to sort stuff like this out - if they fail to do so (which is likely) it does not give anyone the right to take a gun and murder someone 

HEY!!!! You are absolutely right ........... Morally...........

BUT..... Since he did what he did.... we can rejoice..... that we are now rid of 'One' Thoughtless/worthless young 'Thai Guy' Who was probably selling drugs to pay for his 'bad habits'..... And who has probably 'fathered' anywhere from 2 to 10 babies and not contributing to their support.........

Even though you are right 'Morally' (In my opinion)...... I must say that I personally see it as a 'WIN---WIN' situation where as we got rid of one 'Irresponsible' Thai guy and the shooter as well in one 'throw'...........

I just wish the shooter had been a neighbor of mine.and got a few of the 'Extra loud' motorcyclists that 'revv-em-up' as they go past my place outside Pattaya at 2-3-4 AM every day......... I have even had thoughts of stretching a 'fine wire' across the road which could be drawn up quickly as they approach in the quite of night and act as a 'hangman's noose' for them........

BUT..... I have better control of my emotions than this shooter in this post...... Thanks, MOM.... rest your soul.....

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

So he went back upstairs and got his .22 gun then proceeded to shoot twenty year old Chaiwat in the head, reported Sanook.

Ha, I just printed out the Thai version to place it under the windshield wiper of the idiot mobile fruit vendor who visits our Apartment block twice a day, early morning and late night. He parks in the lot and starts his recorded propaganda about his crap via a 200 watt speaker. His sales monologue is as long as a reading of War and Peace.  ? ?️??

Edited by Lupatria
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So now he can spend a couple of years in a cell with other inmates every night. That for sure will bring a good night's sleep for those years. Well done :cheesy:


They really don't think ahead more than a couple hours at a time, don't they?

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

He should have called the police, it is their job to sort stuff like this out - if they fail to do so (which is likely) it does not give anyone the right to take a gun and murder someone 

"..of they fail to do so (which is likely)..."  Then just wound him - no need for murder. :whistling:


Just an alternative view point.

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9 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

Ha, I just printed out the Thai version to place it under the windshield wiper of the idiot mobile fruit vendor who visits our Apartment block twice a day, early morning and late night. He parks in the lot and starts his recorded propaganda about his crap via a 200 watt speaker. His sales monologue is as long as a reading of War and Peace.  ? ?️??

Did he respond to the "message"?

Edited by lvr181
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