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Trump revokes ex-CIA chief's security clearance, slamming critic


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3 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

dictators are elected?

Hitler was elected.... and was ultimately granted dictatorial powers. It was a process.


trump was elected.... and appears to be seeking to gain a position whereby he can act out with impunity.... it is a process


one liked nazis... one is enlightened and favors neo nazis ???

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3 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

Has Brennan been silenced?


examples please

???.... are you actually asking for examples of things that have not been said by Brennan?


if so.... no wonder your a trumpist , as logic and rational thinking should motivate you to provide examples of how he has not been silenced, to make your point.


That not withstanding, if I hear anything Brennan doesn’t say, I’ll pass it on.


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Good Lord!    Talk about fake news-  Trump continues to  state the reason he lost the popular vote- almost 3 million illegals  were allowed to vote and they all voted for Clinton.  Trump postulates that Comey and the FBI were out to get him. He then refuse to believe the FBI. the CIA and even foreign intelligence services that Russia and Putin  interfered in the US election. This is the same Russia and Putin that sends agents to poison it's citizens who dare to disagree; invade other countries and take their land; and uses the Russian Mafia to launder money


Now we are led to believe that an American/British agent may have bee planted in the Trump campaign.  I hope so- because when a person is suspected of dealing with an American enemy- and wants to become President- they need to be investigated.   Why is Trump so worried about the Mueller investigation?  If he has nothing to hide- simply say nothing and let the investigation continue.


The reason Trump is so fearful is :


A.  He knows the Dossier is true and it contains real damaging evidence


B. He knows that any FBI/CIA plant in his campaign has evidence on how he colluded with the Russians and potentially used the Russians to gain the Presidency.


C.   At one time Trump was facing bankruptcy and he made deals with the Russian oligarchs ala Putin to purchase Trump real estate at inflated prices- pocketing the difference. It's called money laundering.


Let the investigation continue to its conclusion- If Comrade Trump did no wrong- he will be vindicated. Don't  any of the Trump supporters want the truth?

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By November of this year-  the American people will have had almost 2 years of   an America under Donald Trump and his cabinet. There will be a Congressional election.


Let's see how the American public votes- this will be referendum on Trump; his policies and his rhetoric and way of governing.  Although I did not vote for Trump as President- I stated I would give him a chance.  Unfortunately, he has betrayed that chance. There is not one thing that Trump has done or supported that I can agree with. He can state the problem- but his solutions are flawed and destined to fail .


I will be happy to vote against him this Fall.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

By November of this year-  the American people will have had almost 2 years of   an America under Donald Trump and his cabinet. There will be a Congressional election.


Let's see how the American public votes- this will be referendum on Trump; his policies and his rhetoric and way of governing.  Although I did not vote for Trump as President- I stated I would give him a chance.  Unfortunately, he has betrayed that chance. There is not one thing that Trump has done or supported that I can agree with. He can state the problem- but his solutions are flawed and destined to fail .


I will be happy to vote against him this Fall.

I remember the thread . It was on November 9, or 10th 2016 .you said you would give him a chance! Sorry to hear he disappointed you! Thanks for trying!

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Obama may have been a lot of things but definitely not a narcissistic and surely a decent family man who  dignified his time as President and did not embarrass the United States.


It appears Trump supporters are simply unable to point out any positive things about their hero and have to continually go back to Obama or Clinton and discuss what they did or did not do.


Neither Obama or Clinton is President-  Trump is the President and the fact is that Trump is a narcissistic meglomaniac who cannot accept any criticism and uses revenge to attempt to silence his critics.  The strange thing is that all Trump has to do is shut the hell up and act like a human being and most of his critics might even lower the rhetoric.  He can't do it. He has to strike back like a small kid in the playground who can't control himself.  The Psychiatrists call it Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

I remember the thread . It was on November 9, or 10th 2016 .you said you would give him a chance! Sorry to hear he disappointed you! Thanks for trying

You have an excellent memory!!   and you are correct.  There are so many things wrong with America that need to be corrected and I wish Trump would do that.  He articulates the problems but his solutions are the wrong ones.


In the spirit of trying to find something good to say about him-  I do like the fact that he is willing to sit down with any foreign leader, even enemies, to attempt to find solutions.

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45 minutes ago, riclag said:

Hitler took away guns ,PT promotes them! Hitler jailed or murdered people who were against his Nazi Germany.Mentally challenged were euthanized under Hitler.  All of this Hitler crap is the usual ploy used by  the fascist left,who want to control people, by having Government controlling their  existence!

Lol... again... it’s a process


hitler won an election before doing any of the above ( through bully and intimidation practices, albeit at a grand scale)


What the world is concerned about, is how far trump will go.... 


as to ploys.... lol.... if people stop comparing trump to other presidents, then perhaps others will stop comparing trump to other past politicians.... after all, Hitler did start a war to make Germany .... yes.... great again



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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Obama politicised the Security Agencies of Government - CIA and FBI in particular.  Under Obama FBI and CIA appointments were based purely on someome's politics - not on their ability. Trump is reacting to over a year of media attacks from these people - because he and GOP lead to their downfall.  Despite lots of evidence to show that the Mueller probe is nothing but a political which hunt, and was based on faked reports and DNC created documents, and the CIOA and FBI were actively protecting Clintona nd attacking Trump, and still no evidence of any Trump criminal activity, and the House Intelligence Committe hearings showing that CIUA and FBI were politicised under Obama - the MSM and anti-Trumpers refuse to see that truth.  Obama politicised the CIA and FBI and used them against his political  opponents - just the case of Dinesh D'souza is enough proof - but there are none so blind.


Political Spying: As Robert Mueller's chimerical Russia-Trump collusion probe grinds on, a real possible crime has been revealed: the collusion between the Justice Department, the FBI, the Clinton campaign and, possibly, the Obama administration, to plant a spy in the Trump campaign. If so, as some say, it's bigger than Watergate. The spy's name is Stefan Halper, a professor at Cambridge University who has high-level ties to both U.S. and British intelligence, as Daily Caller New Foundation investigative reporter Chuck Ross discovered. The revelation made Trump livid, and rightly so, as his tweet on Sunday afternoon plainly showed: "I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the (FBI and Department of Justice) infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!"  https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/did-obama-spy-on-trump/



What Are the FBI and CIA Hiding?  The agency might have led the bureau down a rabbit hole in the 2016 Trump counterintelligence probe. Did the Central Intelligence Agency lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation down a rabbit hole in the counterintelligence investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign? Although the FBI’s case officially began July 31, 2016, there had been investigative activity before that date. John Brennan’s CIA might have directed activity in Britain, which could be a problem because of longstanding agreements that the U.S. will not conduct intelligence operations there. It would explain why the FBI continues to stonewall...

T https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-are-the-fbi-and-cia-hiding-1533078662


In July:  Sen. Rand Paul said Monday he is meeting with President Donald Trump to ask that former CIA Director John Brennan have his security clearance revoked.

“Is John Brennan monetizing his security clearance? Is John Brennan making millions of dollars divulging secrets to the mainstream media with his attacks on @realDonaldTrump,” the Kentucky Republican tweeted Monday morning. "Today I will meet with the President and I will ask him to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance."   https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/23/rand-paul-john-brennan-security-clearance-735620


And this is just the beginning: The White House is looking to bar security clearances for five top Obama administration officials: former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former national security adviser Susan Rice, and former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The sixth official, former CIA Director Michael Hayden, was appointed by President George W. Bush.

“The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearance because they’ve politicized and, in some cases, monetized their public service and security clearances. Making baseless accusations of improper contact with Russia or being influenced by Russia against the president is extremely inappropriate,” 



Brennan, who was CIA director under President Barack Obama, now works as a senior national security and intelligence analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. Brennan has been highly critical of Trump. Most recently, he lambasted Trump‘s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin - calling it “nothing short of treasonous”.  Media comments made by all the other former Obama people under consideration to also have their clearances removed, have all been vexatious and false.  They have stirred up the media about Trump collusion, and their false claims are starting to come undone - just like all the false claims of sexual harrasment against Trump during the elections have been proven a deliberate political attack orchestrated by the DNC and Clinton campaign.  These people were certain Clinton was going to win and they went over the mark, and their media activities since leaving (or being thrown out), have been disgraceful and totally biased.  They are clearly attempting to muddy the waters so their own collusion against Trump cannot be easily seen.  But the truth will out - these people will be seen for what they are. Treasonous is right - they were activiely partisan in the conduct of their duties and they never thought they would ever be held to account.  And they never would have been if Clinton had won.


Brenan monetizing his security clearance. Accusations made by Trump's supporters. Actually they did not even accuse him because they carefully put it in interrogative mode and not in affirmative mode.

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35 minutes ago, riclag said:

I remember the thread . It was on November 9, or 10th 2016 .you said you would give him a chance! Sorry to hear he disappointed you! Thanks for trying!

Yep.... 2 years ago I was also ardent about giving trump a go... I insisted that he must be given at least his first ninety days, before people started crying, and I repeated that sentiment thru out his first ninety days.


I think that’s fair


but two years on, fairness was fruitless.




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1 hour ago, CGW said:

Anyone that quotes "Snopes" as a reliable source? ?   https://owlcation.com/social-sciences/Snopes-and-Facts

Snopes citing Associated Press for this information, is that unreliable? 


Even ELVIS123456's post shows you diffuse fake news. Lol!

As for your source, how reliable is it.

Snopes is actually rated as "least biased" ?


Edited by candide
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23 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

A report to the U.S. Senate in 2016 stated that since the beginning of fiscal year 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services had placed almost 90,000 unaccompanied minors with sponsors in the United States. Under the terms of the 2008 Trafficking Victims Protection Act, unaccompanied minors from countries other than Canada and Mexico were transferred from Border Patrol to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, by law within 72 hours, said David Fitzgerald, co-director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at University of California San Diego. These minors were detained in a jail-like setting until they could be placed with a parent, family member, or other sponsor living in the U.S. They stayed with those caregivers until the end of their immigration proceedings, which would decide whether they could stay permanently or be deported. 




Facts?  I could swear that anti-Trumpers dont want facts.  What say you now??


I never said that these unaccompagned migrants have been adequately dealt with, and it was not the point. I never thought that the previous administration was perfect too.

The point was that a Trumper in this thread showed an image on which it is written that Obama separated 89000 children from their parents, in order to try to prove media are biased against Trump.

And even your post shows that it was absolutely fake news.

What do you say to that? ?

Edited by candide
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51 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Facts?  I could swear that anti-Trumpers dont want facts.  What say you now??

If this is true- I would hold Obama  with the same contempt I hold Trump.


Guess what- Obama isn't President-  Trump is. At this juncture I could care less what Obama did or did not due.  Donald Trump has used children to try and stop illegal immigration. He has separated them from their parents and then when court ordered- his incompetent staff cannot find the parents or children.   


The Immigration solution is simple- draw up a fair and equitable Immigration bill and submit it to the Congress right now. Let's see what they do.  


Instead of doing his job- Trump is worried about security clearances for retiredGovernment employees and whether is one time staffer Omarosa has a tape in which Trump uses the N-word.


Trump seems to believe that if you lie enough -people will accept the lie as truth.  Guess what other regime in the World lived by that rule?  Hint-  they were defeated in 1945  by a joint force of Americans, Canadians, English, Dutch, Danes, Australians etc.


   Trump is finished- he knows it but his supporters don't yet get it. If he released his tax returns- we would all see a huge flow of Russian money into his bank accounts.  Nothing against the law in receiving overseas money as long as it is reported.  Treason on the other hand carries the death penalty,

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1 hour ago, captspectre said:

I am quite sure that the President is not losing any sleep on the scum bags he is offending! why in hell does an ex Gov't employee need a security clearance anyway? as a former federal employee I lost my clearance when I retired and it was automatic, i no longer had a need to know about what the Gov't was doing as far as my job was concerned, and all you trump haters? eat your hearts out! this man will be RE ELECTED in spite of all the trash talk going down! knock yourselves out with all the profanity and lies! I for one am enjoying it because it is bothering you all so much that you may need medical attention! and 2020? can't wait! but bumungrad does not handle trump deraangement syndrom!


The post you replied to asked whether "America can afford a President who makes so many enemies". Whether Trump sleeps well at night is irrelevant. Complaining about "profanity", but asserting all those Trump offends are "scumbags". Same old incoherent fare often on offer.

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It is not uncommon to lose your security when leaving government service.  I lost mine on government retirement.  I don't know why these former government officials still have there's.  Once you go into the private sector there is no need for it.  This is a big deal about nothing.  Get a life and move on.

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1 minute ago, gmmarvin said:

It is not uncommon to lose your security when leaving government service.  I lost mine on government retirement.  I don't know why these former government officials still have there's.  Once you go into the private sector there is no need for it.  This is a big deal about nothing.  Get a life and move on.

For most people the last day they walk out the door, their security clearance ends.   The upper echelons are often allowed to keep the clearance as they may be called on to assist in particular situations.    It's their for the convenience of the gov't.   Not for the former employee.



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