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Thai cabinet approves new rules to ban students from ‘indecency’ and ‘inappropriate’ displays of affection


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58 minutes ago, fantom said:

This is an pathetic attempt at social engineering using the cloak of 'Thainess'


Frankly I suspect this one idiocy too far, as the sainted Margorie Proops, of blessed memory, wrote in her agony column in the 60's 'you cannot argue with a teenage erection.'

I remember from the '60s ' A standing dick has no consience '.

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"Warat Phrueksakulnan, the director of Bureau of Scout Movement, Red Cross Youth and Student Affairs, said in an interview with Kom Chad Luek, that kissing the cheeks of a member of the opposite sex or embracing them is “inappropriate”". Said the man who has never kissed or embraced his mother, sister or daughter in public? 


I don't know why these men ever left the Monkhood?

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3 minutes ago, TPI said:

"Warat Phrueksakulnan, the director of Bureau of Scout Movement, Red Cross Youth and Student Affairs, said in an interview with Kom Chad Luek, that kissing the cheeks of a member of the opposite sex or embracing them is “inappropriate”". Said the man who has never kissed or embraced his mother, sister or daughter in public? 


I don't know why these men ever left the Monkhood?

The Monkhood ?   You mean that collection of Buddhist crooks who steal money and have sex with underage children of either sex  when they are not out buying lottery tickets ?

Edited by Esso49
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9 hours ago, webfact said:


 Warat Phrueksakulnan, the director of Bureau of Scout Movement, Red Cross Youth and Student Affairs, said in an interview with Kom Chad Luek, that kissing the cheeks of a member of the opposite sex or embracing them is “inappropriate”


9 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

Another clown from a bygone era failing to understand what year we are living in.

What do you mean? He is the director of scouts, guides and Red Cross cadets. He is right there at the cutting edge of contemporary youth culture, with their uniforms, neckscarves and marching. Why, I'll bet on important days he even turns out in khaki shorts and a woggle! 

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8 hours ago, Eligius said:

I know, Bluespunk. It's just incredible, isn't it? I always think surely the junta cannot do anything else to make themselves look ridiculous and jurassic - and then they come out with stuff like this. 


Just unbelievable. 


I hope the students all over the land will show the Authorities what they think of such 'regulations'!

Have a public "Kiss-In" at Sanam Luang by students from across the country.

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20 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Next we will have the Thai equivalent of Islamic religious police.  It is getting rather stupid. 


I would call these people dinosaurs but that would be unfair to dinosaurs. 

Indeed,as far as research has shown (I may stand corrected on this) the dinosaurs had absolutely no stance on Islam -or Christianity for that matter-whatsoever.

Presumably,if you were a T.Rex one was as good a chomping material as the other.

Islam has nothing to do with this whatsoever.

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9 hours ago, Eligius said:

'Causing a public nuisance' ...


Well, the biggest, most mammoth 'public nuisance' in Thailand at the moment (and for the foreseeable future) - is the 'government' itself!


That goes for just about every government.

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<deleted>?  You have got to be kidding!!??  If some school administrators told my 16 year old he or she couldn’t give an embrace to the person they loved, the administrator would be taking lunch through one of those illegal California straws!

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was it what, 1974 when the University students rebelled against government crackdowns? 


How can they ever control something like this when all around them is this kind of behavior, in or out of Thailand.  look at all the spam ads, half naked girls, copulation, big ...  drink red drinks for big boobs, drink blue drinks for big sausage, drink green to create potency and other effects... 


all the gov is doing is provoking... maybe if they have these riots again...then Marshall law can be implemented  then the pra-yu-th will be in power another 10 years.  maybe this the ultimate goal.


besides being stupid... its a waste of money... cops will love this job... get to see naked girls, do some feelski's when loading them up in the patty wagon(underage teen girls are their favorites), get bribes again... a great field day in Thailand coming ahead...mean while on the roads... fatalities are too messy for them to clean up.



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8 hours ago, jerojero said:

Utter stupidity! Prevent youth from committing sexual acts? Trying to control human nature. Imposing morality. Who's morality? These drunk-with-power old men are utterly stupid. Unbelievable!

"These drunk-with-power old men are utterly stupid. Unbelievable!"

Yes, with their mentality they would be better living in Saudi Arabia.:cheesy:

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17 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Exactly, GarryP! That is what the students should be doing now: a MASS demonstration of affection and peace, where they hug and kiss each other - filling the streets of BKK and other cities. Just as Suthep took over BKK with his agenda of hatred (hatred of freedom and democracy for the people), so should the Thai students take over BKK, Chiang Mai, Hatyai and all other major conurbations with their mass Kiss for Freedom and Love! They could also play the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony as they hug, where (in Schiller's great words) people are encouraged to 'give this kiss to the entire world'!


Not likely..


The folks around my way did,however,enjoy a good lashing of Tchaikovsky's 5th (Maris Jansons) whenever I was in the mood..


The 'Ode to Joy' was hardly popular in Europe from 1914-1945 was it?


They hardly give it lip service now..just ask the Serbs...


It is not for nothing that British historian Mark Marzower calls 20th century Europe 'The Dark Continent'.


One would think that they would shut up and cease judging others but,apparently,it is beyond their ken.They continue to condemn other cultures...other civilizations, after their own stupendously appalling record-which continues unto the present day.































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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Ye Gods! Just when I thought the depth of stupidity couldn't be plumbed any deeper.

If the kids follow it through to the letter, there will be no Thai people in a  couple of generations.

Don't worry they will find the way!

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