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Courts, not police, would punish drivers without licences, public assured


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I suspect that this will just make it tougher on farangs.  Few Thais could ever afford the new fines so it will be useless to even bother with them.  

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14 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

And this is a good thing. Conviction for us foreigners means get a couple of them and you are kicked out of here. 

Yes I agree but not to shit on your parade I imagine the law is more aimed towards the millions of Thais that have never had a driver's licence. IMHO this one isn't falang centric. That's assuming it goes through and the laws are enforced and there are actually cops who aren't on the take and don't mind a court appearance and are interested in cleaning up Thai roads...that's a fyck load of ifs.

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1 hour ago, starky said:

Yes I agree but not to shit on your parade I imagine the law is more aimed towards the millions of Thais that have never had a driver's licence. IMHO this one isn't falang centric. That's assuming it goes through and the laws are enforced and there are actually cops who aren't on the take and don't mind a court appearance and are interested in cleaning up Thai roads...that's a fyck load of ifs.



I see you are a ' The cup is half full ' sort of guy!.......forever the optimist!

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Thailand needs to change the laws to work for the people, scooters 150cc and under should need no licence. 150cc and high ( motor bikes)would require a licence as cars and trucks. This would make tourist bike rentals stay in business and it would work for the Thai people. Thais start driving scooters before they can walk and it’s a cheap transportation for small villages and towns.

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They can only get money out of people who actually have the money. If they enforce this law properly those who cannot pay will have to stand in front of a judge.

No money?

Jail time for you. 

Better use the tea money to build more jails boys coz there's going to be a massive influx of prisoners. 


This will change nothing other than making corrupt "fat cats" fatter. Corrupt cops will drain what they can out of unlicensed drivers and move them on. A smart move for dirty cops would be to set up checkpoints near ATMs. Then they can walk you over and confirm your "pleading poor" story. 


BIB would be loving this. Biggest pay rise in history. 



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16 hours ago, David Walden said:

It appears that the situation of police accepting bribes so you avoid prosecution is well established.    If you are pulled up for DUI you get out of the car but before doing so you put the 4000 you have been keeping in the glove box for some time for such an occasion on the front passenger sea (MAKE SURE THE PASSENGER SIDE DOOR IS UNLOCKED, VERY IMPORTANT).  You then walk to where the head man is and engage him in conversation for a few minutes.  You then go back to your car and drive off and put another 4000 in the glove box for next time.  Now this has nothing to do with Thailand?

Or you could just not drink and drive.

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1 hour ago, Crustyhk said:

They can only get money out of people who actually have the money

Exactly, that's why the government needs to introduce a decent social security system first. 

Look after citizens of a country. Not treat them as prisoners to start with.

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10 hours ago, starky said:

Yes I agree but not to shit on your parade I imagine the law is more aimed towards the millions of Thais that have never had a driver's licence. IMHO this one isn't falang centric. That's assuming it goes through and the laws are enforced and there are actually cops who aren't on the take and don't mind a court appearance and are interested in cleaning up Thai roads...that's a fyck load of ifs.

Probably easier done than your writing of crapping on my parade. It is aimed at a law effective for all, WE just have the most to lose if not in line. It will go through as the Dictator wants it. Maybe a min with the max will be put into place for the fine. Depends if the cop doesn't like you or not I would suppose. They all want $.

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The best way is to instruct all T/Police to wear a cam ( locked and can’t delete ) if they are on the road in duty to record what is happen and this cam must send back to the province Police HQ to check every time once they finish they duty.

Totally agreed to send people who driving without a DL to attend the court, as only more find and longer jail can change a person attitude.

The road must be keep safeguarding for all user as nobody like to be killed in the road.

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7 hours ago, Leafs04 said:

Thailand needs to change the laws to work for the people, scooters 150cc and under should need no licence. 150cc and high ( motor bikes)would require a licence as cars and trucks. This would make tourist bike rentals stay in business and it would work for the Thai people. Thais start driving scooters before they can walk and it’s a cheap transportation for small villages and towns.

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In western Australia we have a law that allows you to ride a scooter/moped of 50cc or less if you have a car licence.  Even with only 50 cc  you can get up to 80 kph.  And then of course their is my grandson and his mates who bore them out to a larger capacity and super them up so they can go over 100kph.  My son in law taught them much about mechanics as his hobby is restoring old cars in his back shed, good education and a great way to keep the young blokes off the streets and engage with his 3 sons, their mates and girlfriends.  He sometimes goes Hmmm    My grandson and his mate are are very good young mechanics and are good at making thing go faster.  My son in law also has a home beer brewing setup in his shed and makes good beer and cheap.  That also keep the boys home. They are young experts on making beer? and the neighbours also. (good street to live in).

   Perhaps 150 cc for a motor bike in Thailand to ride without a licence or any experience may be a bit much to ask of a novices if they and others want to live, 80% of Thais believe they do not die when they die, now that's a curly one?

      If you sit on the Cha-am to Hua Hin hi-way late at nigh at one of the karaoke bars along the way you will see at least 100 smaller motor bike 150 cc going past in a flash ridden by young blokes testing their testosterone levels, mostly flat out at about 150kph or more.  250/500cc bikes even faster. (never any police, that would be work?).   Even the very popular Honda Click Automatic Scooters 125cc when new can get up to 120 kph without much bother ( I know, only once? and not at night).

       It seems to me that any difficulties in training and getting a car or motorbike licence in Thailand are fairly simple. It's only the red tape and stuffing around with the almost mischievous actions of Thai police and motor registration official that are frustrating and stopping people from being made safer on Their roads (Yes they belong to the people)... Thailand does have the infrastructure to make safer roads.  "JUST USE IT."  Therein are some of the solutions. it's is all so easy to do.

Edited by David Walden
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On 8/25/2018 at 10:10 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

"...Since police will no longer have the authority to fine violators, there will also be fewer rogue police officers preying on motorists, he said..."

You can't change "bad culture" overnight! :thumbsup:


Unless you promptly jail each and everyone of the rogue officers!

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IMO, the amended harsh fines have pros and cons. 

The only worry thing is crook policemen will find ways to earn money from the public.

It is a huge disadvantage to the rural folks. 

Many are poor folks and when they got caught for example driving and forgot to bring their license. The fine is 10,000baht. So are they going to pay 10,000baht? No way. 

So the crook policemen will give them two choice, go to court or pay now.

How many will the poor people will want go to court? Court is at the big province. Not near to their homes. 

By going to court, they have to waste petrol, waste time from work, have to prepare to pay for fine upon court sentenced. 

Many will rather pay on the spot and crook enforcement officers will exploit it. 

In the past, may get 100-200 baht undertable but now the crook policemen easily earn 1000-3000 baht each from the public. 

How many people are driving without license up-to-date? The crook policemen are laughing busily counting now. 

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OK, the bets are on that it will only increase the non-receiptable outlays at the checkpoints rather than bring civil order. 
All those clowns without driving license beware, you need to ride with more cash once these fines are officially applicable. 

Or do I see anything wrong? 

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29 minutes ago, transam said:

Well that's a step in the right direction, the courts out on the streets...:whistling:

Are you referring to the RTP "court of justice"?   AKA The Keystone.......................... ☺️

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Was thinking just the same. Yes tea money or paperwork and court? I was also thinking the goldshops will like this as gold is pawned and never reclaimed. Up in Issaan these penalties are between 2 and 5 times what people earn a month.Guess they will take that in to account and drop the fine down to what it is now!

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On 8/25/2018 at 7:32 AM, YetAnother said:

thai police are corrupt, they will offer on-the-spot-discounts

They will be doing the courts a favour. As it is the courts are overloaded and slow. They will not be able to cope with the workload if every person without a license is sent there.

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

They will be doing the courts a favour. As it is the courts are overloaded and slow. They will not be able to cope with the workload if every person without a license is sent there.

Yes, all part of the normal unconsidered or thought through pronouncements made by the idiots in control. Corruption is controlled from the top, so nothing will ever change.


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4 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

Was thinking just the same. Yes tea money or paperwork and court? I was also thinking the goldshops will like this as gold is pawned and never reclaimed. Up in Issaan these penalties are between 2 and 5 times what people earn a month.Guess they will take that in to account and drop the fine down to what it is now!

Legal loan sharks are not just in Thailand. UK had to clamp down and almost put Wonga etc out of business with new regulations, but with name changes etc they are all still in business charging unbelievable interest rates considering the BoE base rate.

The social media companies, coffee, chicken and phone seller multinationals and other tax evaders are skinning the deluded fashionistas and posting incredible profit margins.

It is all out of control.

Here the main problem remains the basic fact that the legal system is corrupt and incompetent to its core, leaving the door open to the politicians and other civil servants to prey on the less well off and poor masses.



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6 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Yes yes yes, same old unrealistic view of how the whole of Thai justice works - money, money and more money.

From the posts I have read everyone knows how this will work, except the jokers in charge.


More hot air, wais and lies.


"More hot air, wais and lies." & dies. :sad:

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An idea, if they had 24 hr courts for traffic offences, the drivers could be immediately taken to court, fined and disqualified. garages would be called to pick up the vehicles and the driver left outside the court, with no transport. 

Now that would work ……...however it is still down to the Copper on the Roadside being scrupulously honest...………….Never in my experience here. owever it will heighten the  Police desire to make it corrupt as they see a cash cow being taken away , if the COURTS have the say on the fine . 

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