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Would You Be Here Now - If You Had Known Before What Now Was Going To Be Like?


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This is another 'I-have-nothing-to-do-tonight-except-clean-the-dog-so-I-will-post-another-brainless-question-on-Thaivisa' post!

This question is aimed at those of us living in Thailand.

Considering all the recent problems/bad news re Thailand, (visa changes, coup, airport woes, company rules, proposed nuclear reactor etc etc):

If (before you came to LoS), you had known that Thailand would be experiencing these recent problems (and others), would that news have affected your decision to come to Thailand in the first place?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing :o Had I known before that all Thai women were very beautiful, but that all of them were also slighlty barmy (!), I might have chosen a different destination.

Had I known that Thailand would have a coup, have a new airport full of cracks, then my decision to come here would not have been swayed.

How about you?


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This is another 'I-have-nothing-to-do-tonight-except-clean-the-dog-so-I-will-post-another-brainless-question-on-Thaivisa' post!

This question is aimed at those of us living in Thailand.

Considering all the recent problems/bad news re Thailand, (visa changes, coup, airport woes, company rules, proposed nuclear reactor etc etc):

If (before you came to LoS), you had known that Thailand would be experiencing these recent problems (and others), would that news have affected your decision to come to Thailand in the first place?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing :o Had I known before that all Thai women were very beautiful, but that all of them were also slighlty barmy (!), I might have chosen a different destination.

Had I known that Thailand would have a coup, have a new airport full of cracks, then my decision to come here would not have been swayed.

How about you?


YES, YES YES, Definitely YES I would have come anyway....

Too much fun.....and this country is as a magnet to me

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Well to me, although i'm not there full time yet. My plans for me and the mrs haven't changed for living there, one iota. It's still better than being in the UK and i miss it like mad. The only purpose for me being in the UK is to earn enough to go out there full time and have a good standard of living.

Edited by mrbojangles
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If (before you came to LoS), you had known that Thailand would be experiencing these recent problems (and others), would that news have affected your decision to come to Thailand in the first place?

I came here for a bit of excitement. So... BRING IT ON!!

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Had I known the hours I would work, the living environment I am in, the answer is ABSOLUTLEY NOT. But all of my issues, I doubt could apply to a retired individual with a good sum of money, and no ties.

But I am here, so make the best of it....

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Pfft.... The junta of the day back then were shooting people on the streets in Bangkok when I first came here.The government has changed here from one set of dumb crooks to the next, and the Baht has crashed, blah, blah.... Same old....

Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :o

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i'd have waited till I was 50, and had enough to retire permanently.

Now I've had 2 daughters here and turned my life upside down.

I'm just listening to Hoobastank while I'm writing this and the lyrics seem appropriate: I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be, a reason to start over new, and the reason is .... Thailand, and all it's given me!


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Well to me, although i'm not there full time yet. My plans for me and the mrs haven't changed for living there, one iota. It's still better than being in the UK and i miss it like mad. The only purpose for me being in the UK is to earn enough to go out there full time and have a good standard of living.

The UK... Hmmmm..

Got to be the saddest, most depressing, extortionate, miserable, bent, snobbish, ignorant, arrogant, insular, self-centred, loud mouthed, moronic, foolish, brain detached, fat, ugly and smelly collection of folk that existed in the entire universe... Of course Thailand is attractive to you !!

For here you have the happiest, most uplifting, honest, cheerful, sure, classless, obliging, friendly, open, caring, quiet, sensible, wise, intelligent, thin, beautiful and fragrant collection of folk that ever existed in the entire universe...

excuse me while i dislodge my tongue from my cheek & cough up a greenie.

If you want to do a Dorothy and look for a somewhere over the rainbow, then yeah come here cos it sure aint kansas toto!

All i'm saying is that while playing with the munchkins and oiling your tin man may be fun for a while, you will inevitabley be wearing those ruby slippers one day, tapping them 3 times together and uttering to yourself the immortal line.. there's.....

Having said all that, unlike the movie, the wicked witch of the east managed to steal my slippers..!! so i can't go back...

Ho hum..


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Well to me, although i'm not there full time yet. My plans for me and the mrs haven't changed for living there, one iota. It's still better than being in the UK and i miss it like mad. The only purpose for me being in the UK is to earn enough to go out there full time and have a good standard of living.

The UK... Hmmmm..

Got to be the saddest, most depressing, extortionate, miserable, bent, snobbish, ignorant, arrogant, insular, self-centred, loud mouthed, moronic, foolish, brain detached, fat, ugly and smelly collection of folk that existed in the entire universe... Of course Thailand is attractive to you !!

And what nationality are you then mr clean cut, ever so high and mighty hansum man. :o

You obviously don't know nothing about me, as you make it sound like i've never even visited Thailand, so don't don't start slagging me off. Simon's question was a serious one and i gave a serious answer. To me, you sound more like your description above, than i do. So fly away won't you Goshawk :D

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I get bored out of my trollies sometimes from lack of any decent intellectual stimulation but apart from that, I don't ever regret giving up the west and moving to the east at the tender age of 38 for a better lifestyle of no stress, nice weather and a chilled out pace of life.

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Well to me, although i'm not there full time yet. My plans for me and the mrs haven't changed for living there, one iota. It's still better than being in the UK and i miss it like mad. The only purpose for me being in the UK is to earn enough to go out there full time and have a good standard of living.

The UK... Hmmmm..

Got to be the saddest, most depressing, extortionate, miserable, bent, snobbish, ignorant, arrogant, insular, self-centred, loud mouthed, moronic, foolish, brain detached, fat, ugly and smelly collection of folk that existed in the entire universe... Of course Thailand is attractive to you !!

And what nationality are you then mr clean cut, ever so high and mighty hansum man. :D

You obviously don't know nothing about me, as you make it sound like i've never even visited Thailand, so don't don't start slagging me off. Simon's question was a serious one and i gave a serious answer. To me, you sound more like your description above, than i do. So fly away won't you Goshawk :D

slagging you off ?? :o do you not understand irony ? (thought that was just the yankees..)

i'm from da UK me sen... lighten up fella !! and read it again...

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This is another 'I-have-nothing-to-do-tonight-except-clean-the-dog-so-I-will-post-another-brainless-question-on-Thaivisa' post!

This question is aimed at those of us living in Thailand.

Considering all the recent problems/bad news re Thailand, (visa changes, coup, airport woes, company rules, proposed nuclear reactor etc etc):

If (before you came to LoS), you had known that Thailand would be experiencing these recent problems (and others), would that news have affected your decision to come to Thailand in the first place?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing :D Had I known before that all Thai women were very beautiful, but that all of them were also slighlty barmy (!), I might have chosen a different destination.

Had I known that Thailand would have a coup, have a new airport full of cracks, then my decision to come here would not have been swayed.

How about you?


Er, Simon, if you do decide to choose a different destination can you please put me onto a few numbers. I'm well into very beautiful slightly barmy Thai women. And don't worry about the screwed up airport, I'll come by boat if I have to.

Yours sincerely, a slightly barmy LOS fan. :o

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Yes I still would come here, I love it! Like Casaundra I do miss the intellectual stimulation of big city life in the west, but what else is here more than compensates for that lack. But I would not have bought a condo, even though it is in the 49%, what a silly decision that was!

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As most of us are not blessed with foresight, it is a rather moot point. Nevertheless, if i would just arrive now in Thailand, fresh from the boat, i doubt that i would be interested in staying for very long.

I do not regret at all though that i came here, i just find that the atmosphere right now is not exactly pleasant, if one is more interested than in just having some sort of extended holiday. And even the pleasures one can have on an extended holiday are in many other places to be found much more pleasant.

Whatever, it may be not the most comfortable times, but definately the most interesting times in a very long time.

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The UK... Hmmmm..

Got to be the saddest, most depressing, extortionate, miserable, bent, snobbish, ignorant, arrogant, insular, self-centred, loud mouthed, moronic, foolish, brain detached, fat, ugly and smelly collection of folk that existed in the entire universe... Of course Thailand is attractive to you !!

Hi watched bird,

stop fluffing your feathers, there is at least one user who had to laugh hard at your post. You made my day! Don't be discouraged and have this nice rat tail here.


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Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :o

Don't do it man, don't do it. I kid you not, 5 mins back here and you'll be scratching your eye balls out :D

Just spent 3 weeks back in the UK on vacation, and me and my Thai missus really enjoyed it.

Its best to keep a base back in your home country. And some savings too. How many other countries in the world give less interest on bank a/c's, based on nationality?

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Am going back to the UK for several weeks 'cure'. (i.e. cures you of ever wanting to live there again.)

Not sure if I will be able to survive the deprivation of not being able to read the Bangkok Post over a few beers every day. The real-life unfolding 'Thai' drama is better than fiction. I think myself very lucky to be a witness to it!

Roll-on the next imbroglio.

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I'm the U.S. now enjoying watching college basketball, which I couldn't do in Thailand. And I can still get my fill of football (soccer) with a couple of channels here. U.S. vs. Mexico tonight (can't watch that in Thailand).

But as per your real question, I'm not going back at least for six months to see how all of the issues pan out until then. I never thought there'd be any bombs in Bangkok, but it has happened twice in the last month. While I know my chances of winning the lottery are probably better than being injured by terrorists, it's still a concern. As is the airport news, government problems, Thaksin's possibility of return, etc.

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Well, my (our) decision to come to Thailand to live was somewhat forced, contracts in Europe dried up and it was a case of going back to the UK (where we'd eat into our savings in zero time) or come to Thailand where our meagre pot would at least last slightly longer.

As it happens we've been here for just over two years, during that time I've managed to have three months without work :o No I don't teach, I'm a Consultant Engineer (in a somewhat niche part of the transport industry) so when I'm working money is not an issue.

Put simply, even with the changes over the last year or two I doubt I'd have done it any differently. I love my (slightly potty) wife, her (even more potty) mum is great, and my 'instant' family of four step-grandchildren (oldest is five) are incredible.

We are not going anywhere soon, bring on the visa rules! :D

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Well to me, although i'm not there full time yet. My plans for me and the mrs haven't changed for living there, one iota. It's still better than being in the UK and i miss it like mad. The only purpose for me being in the UK is to earn enough to go out there full time and have a good standard of living.

The UK... Hmmmm..

Got to be the saddest, most depressing, extortionate, miserable, bent, snobbish, ignorant, arrogant, insular, self-centred, loud mouthed, moronic, foolish, brain detached, fat, ugly and smelly collection of folk that existed in the entire universe... Of course Thailand is attractive to you !!


Please don't judge others against your own good points.

Like mrbojangles I'm not there yet but working towards it. Although I have the funds and the years for retirement I'm just not ready to hang up my site boots yet. There's a good few more years useful life in the old dog yet and currently I'm working around S.E. Asia earning bluddy good spondulaks and checking out my options. Currently LOS is still my top choice and it'll take more than a coup and a few cracks to change that.

Yeah. I know, never put off 'till tomorrow what you can, or should, do today but hel_l I am enjoying my work so why shouldn't I? I may chuck in the towel, fly back to Thailand and fall down one of those bluddy great cracks! :D

No, nothing has changed my mind regarding my final port of call but, as I said, I'm just reviewing the options (MY, PI & VN) and so far none of them have made the grade. The main thing is never to forget that your are a temporary accessory in the country and always maintain some form of an escape strategy.

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Yes, definitely yes. Love many things about this place, dislike a few others, a couple really annoy me. Top of the list of positives are my Thai friends, who are gems.

That said, I'm on the plane to Brisbane tonight for a two month holiday, so I'll see how I feel after that. I expect to be shocked by how expensive everything thing is in Oz, annoyed by the insular attitudes, feel bloated after eating western food, enjoy the English language TV and bookshops and love reconnecting with family and friends.

Life is what you make it. Home is where you feel comfortable. Always have your exit plane fare in the bank just in case.

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Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :o

Don't do it man, don't do it. I kid you not, 5 mins back here and you'll be scratching your eye balls out :D

Just spent 3 weeks back in the UK on vacation, and me and my Thai missus really enjoyed it.

Its best to keep a base back in your home country. And some savings too. How many other countries in the world give less interest on bank a/c's, based on nationality?

Yeps, we had similar feelings after our recent holiday in the west. The main thing that we enjoyed, other than the far better environment for our little son, was that we did not need to be careful what we talked about where, and who might have listened in.

Edited by ColPyat
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