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Elon Musk appears to claim Brit cave hero Vern Unsworth is a ‘paedo’ AGAIN – one month after he apologised for outrageous slur


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

But he has taken to Twitter again, this time to question why diver Vern hasn't sued him in wake of the remarks. He wrote: "You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me? He was offered free legal services."

To Mr Musk. -No I don't think it's strange, It means he accepted your first apology. Why bring it up again?

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" Musk had claimed it was suspicious the 63-year-old lived in Thailand before explicitly branding him a "paedo" in one post. "  That sounds like Musk is labeling all of us long standing expats in Thailand as paedos??


I am not a stock market man so some of this is over my head, but didn't I read recently that Musk was trying to buy up all the shares in Tesla for himself?  Wouldn't this would be a good way to have the share price drop, as it did with his first accusations, thus making it cheaper for him to buy out the company?

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Are you sure? Because these days you have to be careful what you do.

Some time ago I spoke to an older Danish couple who visit their family in Denmark. They watched the grandson at a swimming competition and grandfather made a picture of grandson on the podium. Someone accused him to be an old pedophile making pictures of a half naked boy (his grandson)...

Imagine if any picture exists of "the accused" maybe with some diving gear near some boys. Big risk.

I dont think so .

Its not illegal or consider pedo to be photographed in the vicinity of kids in swimming  gear .

(I am talking about in public BTW , no need for anyone to give circumstances where it may be illegal)

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

One user just reacted to this with a confused face. Yes, I had also a confused face when the old guy told me that story.

But I believe him and he is a serious guy who wouldn't invent such a story.

Some people in this world are going crazy and it seems like lot of professionals (think about kindergarten teacher, etc.) are scared to touch children because of possible accusations. Crazy but true.

Someone may have accused him, buts that irrelevant .

Was any further action taken ?

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49 minutes ago, Horace said:

Why is Elon Musk doing this?  I don't think it has anything to do with Vern Unsworth.  In news unrelated to the cave, he's been portrayed as a bit unbalanced.  And he has a Trump like need for attention.

Maybe he wants to become president after Tesla fails.

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27 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Someone may have accused him, buts that irrelevant .

Was any further action taken ?

No, no further action. In the event which I talked about it was irrelevant.


But it seems with prominent people lots of things are dug up. MeToo and all the accusations of what supposed to have happened decades ago is the best example.


Lets assume for a minute pictures exists from the guy with some boys around him. It could be perfectly harmless like maybe a kids birthday on a hot day in Thailand. But mix that picture with others and maybe a strange look and I am sure tabloids like above are happy to print it.

And then the guy can explain 100 times that he is no pedophile. Some people believe everything they see somewhere in a newspaper or on the internet.


It seems these days accusations are often enough to ruin people's lives. It's not difficult to understand when people decide to stay out of the limelight as much as they can.

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

" Musk had claimed it was suspicious the 63-year-old lived in Thailand before explicitly branding him a "paedo" in one post. "  That sounds like Musk is labeling all of us long standing expats in Thailand as paedos??


Yes I remember the tweet, suggested that any Western male who came to live in Thailand i.e. expats must be paedos.


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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

" Musk had claimed it was suspicious the 63-year-old lived in Thailand before explicitly branding him a "paedo" in one post. "  That sounds like Musk is labeling all of us long standing expats in Thailand as paedos??


I am not a stock market man so some of this is over my head, but didn't I read recently that Musk was trying to buy up all the shares in Tesla for himself?  Wouldn't this would be a good way to have the share price drop, as it did with his first accusations, thus making it cheaper for him to buy out the company?

Musk didn't want to buy all the shares by himself, he tweeted that he had funding for people who wanted to buy all the shares at a 40% premium.


That was a big lie and he only wanted to talk the price up with that tweet.


He is now sued by his own shareholders, by some big investors and hedge funds, and soon by the SEC also for that tweet.


Yesterday was also anoounce that some early investors in his company gonna sue him because he didn't say everything ( long for he lied) in his prospectus.


He will also be sued by car buyers because it has turned out that he build a car which has so many shortcomings that it is actually not road worthy


Seemingly he hasn't enough and want to be sued for defamation also.

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OMF - I agree with you, that some people believe everything they see via the newspaper or internet. That's why I would sue - especially with a free ride from the law sharks. Do you think as many people paid attention to Mr. Unsworths comments compared to what Musk said, especially with his inflammatory wording? Whatever that was said prior or afterwards  paled in comparison to the attention received when Musk utter the words 'pedo guy' - The so called apology didn't receive a quarter of the attention those two words did. You'd have to have very deep pockets to sue someone like Musk but if Unsworth received pro bono offers, it shows law sharks knew he was ripe for the picking - and deservedly so. 

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1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

Elon Musk appears to be like some of his ' Inventions "

Not wired up correctly.

If you take a brilliant mind and let it work on full speed over years with no proper rest nor recovery, add different psychosis as a result of that and top it with different drugs then its performance is simply no longer brilliant - the functionality and especially the predictability may even be far less than average..:coffee1:

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7 minutes ago, ttrd said:

If you take a brilliant mind and let it work on full speed over years with no proper rest nor recovery, add different psychosis as a result of that and top it with different drugs then its performance is simply no longer brilliant - the functionality and especially the predictability may even be far less than average..:coffee1:

Your words sadly remind me of Howard Hughes.

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1 minute ago, ThaiFelix said:

Your words sadly remind me of Howard Hughes.

Yes all very true and I would not be surprised if we wake up one day to read that he ended his life..   The line between brilliance and being unhinged is very fine

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Another story brought to you by The Sun...

And just in case it is true: Maybe someone should explain to that American guy that not everybody in this world sues other people. Some prefer to continue with their quiet life and some don't even care about social media. Maybe Mr. Musk can learn something from these people.

Story has spread a bit further than The Sun now.


It's covered on Yahoo finance, and US papers.



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1 minute ago, ThaiFelix said:

I find little evidence of there EVER being any correlation between "Trump" and "brilliant/brilliance".

...with other words, it doesnt require Rocket Science to GRAB a P...Y...:shock1:

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27 minutes ago, ttrd said:

If you take a brilliant mind and let it work on full speed over years with no proper rest nor recovery, add different psychosis as a result of that and top it with different drugs then its performance is simply no longer brilliant - the functionality and especially the predictability may even be far less than average..:coffee1:

Who says Elon use drugs? 

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14 hours ago, Hummin said:

And you believe in that story? 

In UK you are not allowed to take photos at your kid's sports day, just in case you get a sports-clad young person in the background, take the photo home and beat your meat over it. <deleted>' crazy.

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54 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

I asked if he did drugs! Can anyone provide a link where it proves he use drugs? 


People who are Bipolar, can act like they are on drugs, but they are not! How hard can it be for TV members to understand he struggle with Bipolarity, and understand what it means to be bipolar? 


Many famous big thinkers, musicians, artists, writers have struggled with bipolarity, and many ended their life by suicide! Others abused drugs and so on. But as far I know, Elon do not drink or do drugs. 

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