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Changes allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work??

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I'm a little uncertain about my legal position in terms of performing work in Thailand.


I understand, until recent times there have been strict rules regarding employment for foreigners, and, apart from a list of  prohibited occupations, this has altered due to A decree allowing employment via a "Work Permit".



My questions are:


1. The work permits revolve around naming an employer. Can one be "self employed"?


2. Where does one stand regarding unpaid "handyman/repair/maintenance duties as well as laboring around the farm for ones girlfriend?

    Does this constitute employment and is the a prohibition involved?






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1. You still need to be working for a company to get a work permit.

2. It would depend upon how an authority informed of your activity interpreted the new rules. If you were considered to be working in a profession a work permit would be required. The new definition of work is a little vague.

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36 minutes ago, rockyysdt said:

Does that mean I simply nominate the girlfriend as the employer?

Also, can payment = food and lodgings?

Nothing has changed for the requirements to get a work permit as far I know. It still requires you to be working for a registered company or partnership with 2 million baht capital or in some cases a registered sole proprietor business and 4 Thai employees.

There is no minimum salary to get a work permit. If a number was put on the value of food a lodgings it might be accepted.

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Ubon. I am legally married and am on an extension on the basis of marriage. Would you know what would be needed for a husband and wife business like a small shop or a market stall or something of that nature.

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19 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Ubon. I am legally married and am on an extension on the basis of marriage. Would you know what would be needed for a husband and wife business like a small shop or a market stall or something of that nature.

The only difference is that you would only need 1 million baht of registered capital. And dependent upon where you apply for the work permit only 2 Thai employees instead of 4.

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Where do the new rules now leave musicians? I didn't see them on the list of prohibited occupations. Thailand has many first class guitarists, singers, and vocalists but pianos, saxophones, trumpets, and trombones are as rare as hens' teeth. Banning Farang  residents and visiting musicians from overseas from playing was supposed to preserve jobs for Thais but all it does is to stop Thais from learning, growing, and cross pollinating. It is to be hoped that Thailand is now emerging from the Dark Ages and we will see a vibrant music scene develop. It should be noted that Thailand's much loved late King was an accomplished jazz musician and composer.

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9 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

The only difference is that you would only need 1 million baht of registered capital. And dependent upon where you apply for the work permit only 2 Thai employees instead of 4.


Or a sole proprietorship registered at the local Or Bor Tor may be OK.


i.e. local partner as proprietor employing foreign partner as manager

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6 minutes ago, timendres said:

Up until now, I have been told I needed a minimum salary of 50,000 baht.

That is the minimum salary to a apply for an extension of stay based upon working at immigration.

There is no minimum salary to obtain a work permit.


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