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Murdered beauty shot dead in Nakorn Pathom was playing the field in Pattaya


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4 hours ago, MaksimMislavsky said:

There is. Prosecute the killer full-time and don't blame the victim publicly as it encourages future violence against "prostitutes who play their clients" by implying that the shooter was actually not so much in the wrong thus contributing to upholding the convention that his act was somewhat socially acceptable as "she was asking for it"

If you want to quote me then at least quote the whole sentence my man

This young woman made her choices

This young woman decided against short time rentals

This young woman's "MO" was to play the mark for a monthly income which necessitated a semi - permanent arrangement

This young women then decided to play her marks against each other, but found it impossible to alight from this particular merry - go - round when she wanted to

I will say to you again my man -

It is impossible to protect prostitutes who play their marks against "EACH OTHER ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD"

She alone put herself in the position of looking down the barrel of that gun, because she was involved by choice in the world of vice


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16 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Sorry, she wasn`t an independent woman because she had to resort to extorting money from men to support her promiscuous lifestyle. Being independent is someone that can life their life without being financially supported by other people.

So it's only if you inherit a large sum of money, or self-employed that makes you truly independent? Everybody else is dependent on earning wages every week. So I imagine she fell into the self-employed category.

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38 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

 It is impossible to protect prostitutes who play their marks against "EACH OTHER ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD"

It's pretty much impossible to protect a woman against a determined, deranged stalker as well, even though they may have done nothing wrong.  

Edited by giddyup
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If you are jealous, or vexed, or vain, or stupid, or drunk, but rich just kill the bitch and call the police to negotiate your freedom. 

She was beautiful, he is an ugly, fat, pig. I hope he will be hung by the balls, with his weight death should be prompt ! 

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3 hours ago, oldlakey said:

This young woman decided against short time rentals

This young woman's "MO" was to play the mark for a monthly income which necessitated a semi - permanent arrangement

Where does this knowledge come from? Her having monthly arrangement with the Dutchman tells nothing exactly about the nature of her other relationships. We can't even say for sure how much of "rental" was there if at all in each case. 


In fact we are getting down to a looped discussion. I've got nothing essential to add.


Sorry if you find my not quoting your entire (lengthy) sentenses offensive. I'm qouting the points I'am trying to reply to, for clarity. I do take care to make sure the meaning is not altered by short quoting.


Edited by MaksimMislavsky
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1 hour ago, MaksimMislavsky said:

Where does this knowledge come from? Her having monthly arrangement with the Dutchman tells nothing exactly about the nature of her other relationships. We can't even say for sure how much of "rental" was there if at all in each case. 


In fact we are getting down to a looped discussion. I've got nothing essential to add.


Sorry if you find my not quoting your entire (lengthy) sentenses offensive. I'm qouting the points I'am trying to reply to, for clarity. I do take care to make sure the meaning is not altered by short quoting.


Nothing essential to add you say, 555555555 yes I had noticed

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On 9/5/2018 at 7:42 PM, Naamblar2014 said:

Agree with some other posters that this woman was obtaining money by deception of at least 2 people.  Who knows how many more ?  IMHO she is committing fraud and this should be treated as any type of fraud,  criminal charges laid. Not an option in  this case but  absolutely necessary in thefuture  to stop this  type of  behavior. This type of deception to obtain money needs to stop.  How many foreigners having lost their lifes savings as a result of these scammers,  proceed to end their own lives.  Why are these bar girls with multiple people sending them money not charged with fraud? How is that in any way different to the Nigerian romance scams,  which are investigated, with prosecution of the scammers. How is it that one poster here thought it OK to assist these bar girls in drafting love letters in order to obtain funds from someone by lying to them? They may very well be gullible but  don't deserve  to be scammed. Not every person has a reason to distrust others.  In fact isn't it the dishonest that think others are dishonest.  As for the killer,  he has been identified as a Thai.  Right or wrong in his mind,  his actions are likely the result of the frustration of having a corrupt system of law enforcement,  where he would have no recourse,  so unfortunately snapped because of a loss of face and took this unfortunate course of action. References to his looks etc should be left out.  Not all relationships are based on the way someone looks believe it or not.

I don't believe we can justmove on  or just walkaway as you  might  in  a broken  relationship as this was straight out deception to obtain money. If you were scammed out of your home would you just walk away? It is not simply the right of the women to have as many relationships as she wishes,  unless she was totally upfront with all concerned.

one of the more sensible comments here so far...

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Just now, jeffreysearch said:

Really ?? deceiving many men out of big money and lying about relationships... your a cold man ... been there have you .... without her doings .. there would be no crime that happened ....

Yes, really.


If the guy didn’t like her choices he should have walked. 


He didn't own her and had no say in her choices. 

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On 9/5/2018 at 8:24 PM, Vacuum said:

Oh, ok, just because you've done it makes it a universal law? If I feel the urge to lie and cheat, I would just leave my wife and forget about her. You can't have your cake and eat it.

yes some foolish comments on here .... makes me wonder about people sometimes ??

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On 9/5/2018 at 8:34 PM, newatthis said:

 If your worldview causes any sort of pain or suffering to others, you must expect ramifications. There is no such reality as turn the other cheek, forgive and forget, shake hands and walk away. Many of us may have those mindsets but, truthfully, those Victorian ideals will not thrive in the 21st century.  Why do you think movies like "Punisher" and "Equalizer" are popular? Because it's payback time!!!

Yes, this young lady was a victim of a final solution and that is devastating.  Logically, the man should have walked away but human beings are emotional creatures as well as logical. She suffered the consequences of playing with human emotions and her children will have to live with the result.

Yes i totally agree with what you say .. but do Thai men every walk away from what we Farangs would .. never in Thailand... Different World.

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On 9/5/2018 at 9:12 PM, mizou198 said:

It's not about justify. It's trying to explain and share opinions about what leads her to her death.


This is crystal clear for me :


If you always drive too fast, expect one day to get an accident 

If you like to fight, expect one day to get beaten

If you use drugs, expect one day to make an overdose


And if you repeatedly scam people, expect one day to meet a bad one...


She is partly responsible, for what happen to her.


It's not victim blaming, it s statistics. The more dangerously you live, the more problems you get

Totally agree...... thats life ... especially in Thailand

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36 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Yes, really.

If the guy didn’t like her choices he should have walked. 

He didn't own her and had no say in her choices. 

Although is there any posters saying that he did the right thing and was correct to kill her ?

I think that we are all in agreement that he should not have killed her and he should have just walked away

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Although is there any posters saying that he did the right thing and was correct to kill her ?

I think that we are all in agreement that he should not have killed her and he should have just walked away

Many are victim blaming. 

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On 9/6/2018 at 10:12 AM, giddyup said:

Judging by some of the comments, there is obviously a very large percentage of woman haters on this forum, guys who think that this young woman deserved what happened to her, had it coming in fact. I can understand why these guys ended up in Thailand, their misogynist views and attitudes wouldn't have got them a first date in a western country, yet they put down the very women they probably came here for in the first place. Hypocrites all.

Why ? just because you dont agree with them ... they just dont like Scamming women.. they dont condone the murder ...  stop reading out of context ... and thinking your the rules boss here .. its their opinion.. nothing to do with what you said....  Fool !

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On 9/6/2018 at 1:56 PM, giddyup said:

One house, understandable, two houses, unforgivable. Some people never learn. I know a guy here who has lost 3 houses to 3 different women, now he is penniless and surviving on a meager pension. Was he exploited, hardly.

You must be a `Good guy.. if you didnt convince him to not buy all them houses etc ... well done ... or did you think he deserved it ... ??

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1 hour ago, jeffreysearch said:

You must be a `Good guy.. if you didnt convince him to not buy all them houses etc ... well done ... or did you think he deserved it ... ??

He never asked my advice, besides, he is a grown man, he can make his own decisions, and I doubt if he would have listened to me anyway. Happy with the explanation?

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12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Yes, really.


If the guy didn’t like her choices he should have walked. 


He didn't own her and had no say in her choices. 

He had no say in her choices quite correct, but he made his own choice as regards her choices because she was involved with him and her choices affected him

This is a case of human behaviour / nature in the raw

He made his own choice and hopefully will pay the penalty for that

He is quite obviously not a clone of yourself Bluespunk




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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

He had no say in her choices quite correct, but he made his own choice as regards her choices because she was involved with him and her choices affected him

This is a case of human behaviour / nature in the raw

He made his own choice and hopefully will pay the penalty for that

He is quite obviously not a clone of yourself Bluespunk




Good we agree. 


She was blameless. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Good we agree. 


She was blameless. 

I am sorry you can't comprehend my last contribution, but nevermind

Her actions cannot be divorced from what took place here, as much as you continue to insist they can it's not unheard of in the profession she choose 

This is real life Bluespunk and involves fallible people, she has to share some of the responsibility for what happened that's the way life is, no matter how much you dislike it

Its clearly one of the sins is it not "revenge" 


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