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a changing retirement - marriage - retirement extension, money seasoning reqmts

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I had a retirement extension for a number of years based upon income and never had to 'season' money in the bank...then last year I switched to a marriage extension (not advisable and to be avoided if at all possible) also based upon income...my wife has died and now I have to return to a retirement extension for which I will use the allowed combination income and money in the bank arrangement...in this case how long does the money have to be seasoned in the bank? can my return to a retirement extension be considered a 'new application' only requiring the money to be 60 days in the bank?


thanks in advance...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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You are changing the reason for extension, you are not getting a new visa, so in my view it's three months. I was in a similar situation myself, though the meat in my "sandwich" was a Non-B work visa. I imposed a three month seasoning period on myself, even though two might have been enough.  I suppose you have the alternative of leaving Thailand and starting with a new visa, if you don't have enough money to wait three months.

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It will not be considered your first extension. The first extension is considered to be one for a new non immigrant visa entry.

There is no written requirement for the money to be in the bank for any amount of time when using the combination option but many offices will want it to be in the bank for 3 months on the date you apply.

I suggest you contact your local office as to what their requirements are. If the amount of money in the bank is small compared to the income they may waive their 3 month requirement.

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I think it would come down to the individual office/officer doing the change of extension, is your renewal of extension due soon or you are changing half way through the year, that may effect how they process it. If you have the means to get an income letter, why not get one for the whole amount, ie: 65k, and not worry about money in the bank seasoning.

At the moment on a marriage extension you would only have 400k/40k deposit/income so either way you will need to up your deposit/income/combination.

I posted recently about a change of extension status (retire to marriage), all the standard requirements went out the window and they basically made it up as they went along. I used an income letter for 70k, covering the old extension and the new, that part of the process took 3 seconds as they just glanced at the figure then moved on to the other hoops I had to jump through.



Edited by Peterw42
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8 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

my wife has died and now I have to return to a retirement extension for which I will use the allowed combination income and money in the bank arrangement...in this case how long does the money have to be seasoned in the bank?

My condolences. 


When using the combination method the money in the bank needs to be ‘seasoned’ for the same 60 days/3 months. They will usually only waive that if the money in the bank is small, but even then they don’t have to.


8 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

can my return to a retirement extension be considered a 'new application' only requiring the money to be 60 days in the bank?

Every time we apply to extend our stay it’s a “new application”, however, because this is not your first extension they will almost certainly insist on 3 months.


In case you’re not aware — even though your wife has died you don’t need to make this change until towards the end of your current permit to stay.

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thanks for the replies...so for the 90 day money seasoning we're talking about calendar days, ie if the extension expiry date is 20 December the money would havta be in the bank by 20 September? I presume that if the account balance doesn't go below the required amount during this period then I should be OK...true? it would be the same account that I use for daily expenses...the bank pass book print out should record any transaction that would violate the requirement...

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18 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:

thanks for the replies...so for the 90 day money seasoning we're talking about calendar days, ie if the extension expiry date is 20 December the money would havta be in the bank by 20 September? I presume that if the account balance doesn't go below the required amount during this period then I should be OK...true? it would be the same account that I use for daily expenses...the bank pass book print out should record any transaction that would violate the requirement...

It is written as 3 months in the police order not 90 days. It will need to be in the bank for 3 months on the date you apply for the extension. Using the the dates you used you would have have in the bank on the September 20th (September 19th if it was 90 days).

Just be sure it does not go below the required amount during those 3 months and you will not have a problem.


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