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From reality TV to U.N., Trump to wield Security Council gavel


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From reality TV to U.N., Trump to wield Security Council gavel

By Michelle Nichols



FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., September 20, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Segar


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - He has chaired board meetings, cabinet meetings and starred in a reality television show, but on Wednesday U.S. President Donald Trump will wield the gavel in the United Nations Security Council to denounce Iran for what his administration sees as its malign regional behaviour.


Trump is able to preside over the 15-member council as the United States holds the monthly rotating presidency, which coincides with the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week.


"I am sure that's going to be the most watched Security Council meeting ever," U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told reporters.


But despite the unpredictable nature of Trump, some diplomats aren't expecting a reality television performance in the Security Council, where nearly every member is likely to be represented by their prime minister or president except Russia and China, which are expected to send ministers.


"I don't think it will be that entertaining at all," said one senior U.N. diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.


"Even those who don't like him, the attitude of all other heads of state and government in a public meeting when faced with any president of the United States of America is to be on their best behaviour," the diplomat said.


It is rare for the council - formed in 1945 to maintain international peace and security - to meet at the head-of-state and government level. This will be the third time the body is chaired by a U.S. president. It has the ability to impose sanctions or authorise the use of military force.


Trump's predecessor Barack Obama presided over meetings in 2009 and 2014 on nuclear nonproliferation and foreign terrorist fighters. In both cases the council adopted resolutions on the topics under discussion. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said there are no plans to adopt a resolution at Wednesday's meeting.


"We want to make sure (Iran) understands the world is watching. That's the biggest reason for this meeting," she said earlier this month.



The topic of the meeting will be nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, a broad issue that allows leaders around the horse-shoe table to raise a variety of subjects from North Korea to chemical weapons attacks in Syria and Britain.


However, Trump signalled on Twitter he will zero in on Iran, when he posted: "I will chair a United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran."


Tehran has accused the United States of abusing the power of the Security Council president.


The U.S. concept note on the meeting circulated to Security Council members does not specifically mention any countries.


"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ways the Security Council can better enforce the resolutions it has adopted ... to counter the spread and use of the world's most dangerous weapons," it reads.


The role of the Security Council president is typically administrative and neutral. The president is in charge of scheduling and presiding over council meetings and briefing other members states and the press on the council's work.


Trump will have a binder in front of him to read from in order to run Wednesday's meeting. He will make a statement first in his national capacity and then it is likely to take about two hours for all council members to speak. Haley has twice taken council envoys to Washington, where they have met with Trump.


Russia has shielded Iran from U.S. attempts to get the Security Council to call out Tehran over accusations it supplied weapons to Yemen's Houthi group, a charge that Iran denies.


When asked what he thought about Trump chairing a Security Council meeting, Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said with a smile: "I felt thrilled." He added: "I don't think we will see any major intrigue in what he will say."


(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Yara Bayoumy, James Dalgleish and Diane Craft)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-24
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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Having recollections of every President since JFK and their peculiar peccadilos, it doesnt bother me at all. As long as the job gets done. NK, China, Russia and Iran are the problems in this world.

last time I looked, these countries didn't start the two illegal wars...

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine you would have a president like that and imagine you would have to admit that lots of people in your country actually voted for that guy.

It must be difficult to be an American these days.


I confirm that for some of us, it is most embarrassing. Though I do understand and feel the frustration/anger in the working middle class is justified. This is the result of many things but points out that voting your gut is not as wise as voting with some thought.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And he is on the best way to f%# up NK, China and Iran.

And at the same time he makes sure he is nice to Putin.

Dont think he has been particularly nice to Vlads country, but hey, the facts speak for themselves.


2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

last time I looked, these countries didn't start the two illegal wars...

Its only illegal if WE say it is. Deal with it. Daddy Sam knows best for the world, not Uncle Xi or his ilk. Its called Realpolitik.

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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Having recollections of every President since JFK and their peculiar peccadilos, it doesnt bother me at all. As long as the job gets done. NK, China, Russia and Iran are the problems in this world.

We are supposed to give you credibility because of your recollections?  I doesn't bother you at all~now we see you are much like Trump talking about yourself ????.  Trump is so weak and thin skinned, he is a joke.  I agree with having to deal with the countries you have listed above, and I hope his strategies work, but it is unlikely.  The USA gets weaker every day Trump is in office

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18 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Dont think he has been particularly nice to Vlads country, but hey, the facts speak for themselves.


Its only illegal if WE say it is. Deal with it. Daddy Sam knows best for the world, not Uncle Xi or his ilk. Its called Realpolitik.

On top of being illegal, they have resulted in a big mess in Iraq and the ME.

Uncle Sam may know best, but Bush obviously did not. ????

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16 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Like Trump you mean, who has difficulty remembering what he did/said the day before...…..or how to spell!!

That makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the whole discussion but hey, enjoy!

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Imagine you would have a president like that and imagine you would have to admit that lots of people in your country actually voted for that guy.

It must be difficult to be an American these days.


It's not difficult at all to see my president showing leadership in the world instead of bowing down to others like a mouse. It's not difficult to see our economy roaring with new jobs and the stock market soaring. What is difficult is listening to the airheads cry about Donald Trump and try to subvert our constitutionally elected POTUS. MAGA!

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

That makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the whole discussion but hey, enjoy!

It makes sense because it was you who said...………..Well surely more credibility than one who cant recollect......


Recollect and remember are interchangeable.  


And I do enjoy making fun of the ignoramus who is now the POTUS because every move he makes and every word he utters shows his limited mental capacity and limited knowledge.


Can't wait to see how he can stuff up his speech at the UN...……….if he could read he could stay on script but he finds reading difficult.

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1 hour ago, xylophone said:


And I do enjoy making fun of the ignoramus who is now the POTUS because every move he makes and every word he utters shows his limited mental capacity and limited knowledge.


Can't wait to see how he can stuff up his speech at the UN...……….if he could read he could stay on script but he finds reading difficult.

Well he wasnt ignorant enough to get elected and to be a billionaire was he.


I know, blah blah blah...but he still has more money than all of us put together AND is Prez. More than can be said for most of his critics.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump is able to preside over the 15-member council as the United States holds the monthly rotating presidency, which coincides with the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week.

Presiding over...


Is that not chairing the meeting, normally a good chairperson just controls the meeting allowing fair debate and all opinions to be heard.

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11 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Is that not chairing the meeting, normally a good chairperson just controls the meeting allowing fair debate and all opinions to be heard.

Its the UN. Sort of like a Zoo where the Chimps run the joint.


Id like him to say "Yo dudes, the US is paying for all this, so shut up and listen".


Wait...thats it...he will piss them off so much that they will move to Geneva and he'll have a line on the property...build a big old Casino there...

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Dont think he has been particularly nice to Vlads country, but hey, the facts speak for themselves.


Its only illegal if WE say it is. Deal with it. Daddy Sam knows best for the world, not Uncle Xi or his ilk. Its called Realpolitik.

Uncle Sam knows what's best for the world is exactly what has always been wrong with US foreign diplomacy. Far more enemies than allies.

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8 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Having recollections of every President since JFK and their peculiar peccadilos, it doesnt bother me at all. As long as the job gets done. NK, China, Russia and Iran are the problems in this world.

and  America, don't forget America.

Other presidents had their faults but they kept the presidency dignified, Trump is an oaf, he has degraded the high office and America itself.

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3 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Uncle Sam knows what's best for the world is exactly what has always been wrong with US foreign diplomacy. Far more enemies than allies.

Yeah well the Germans aint marching through Paris, Samsung is able to make cell phones and the Japonaise make cars instead of planes. Whenever there is an earthquake or...a cave rescue...Uncle Sam is there footing the bill. When Vlad charges across the Fulda Gap, watch the whinging start...oh please please please help us. At least the Poles know what side there bread is buttered on.


Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

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9 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

and  America, don't forget America.

Other presidents had their faults but they kept the presidency dignified, Trump is an oaf, he has degraded the high office and America itself.

Dignfied? Billy the C blowing a load on some intern? Lyndon calling folks "n...."? Kennedy playing hide the bologna with a mentally ill actress. Tricky Dicky? They are all clowns.

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Oh boy more trump nuggets like there were good people on both sides or the classic it is a very wet storm from the standpoint of water oh boy get ready to be embaressed they need to keep him in adult day care we’re he belongs

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8 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

The US sold weaponry to both sides during both wars. Waited until the end of the Great War to contribute and then claimed victory. Same with the 2nd World War.

Green cheese!

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47 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:



Ive stood at the graves of US soldiers in the Argonne and in Normandy who died making todays world possible. You dont like the fact that we are number 1? It bothers you that we call the shots? Thats fine, better learn Chinese then so you can kowtow to your Han overlords......

I've stood at the graves of many nations'

war dead. British, Scottish, Welsh,Irish,French. Indian, South African, Canadian, Australian, New Zealanders, and Americans.

You claim the US  won the war. Look at the dead once again.











Edited by duanebigsby
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11 hours ago, webfact said:

"We want to make sure (Iran) understands the world is watching. That's the biggest reason for this meeting,"

That's Haley's agenda. Even if Trump agreed to that agenda he will feel no constraint to deviate and ad lib his own immediate thoughts. As such I expect Trump to include regime change in Venezuela and a second summit meeting with Kim.

With regards to Trump's desire to meet with Kim 'quite soon,' Haley is opposed saying, "I think Secretary Pompeo needs to have a couple more conversations before the President meets with Kim again."


But I believe that Trump sees his UNSC chairmanship as an opportunity to promote himself (and thus his republican party) before the mid-term elections.

11 hours ago, webfact said:

"I don't think it will be that entertaining at all," said one senior U.N. diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity.


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