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Man ‘confesses’ to killing sister and her millionaire Brit husband

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, LomSak27 said:


“colonial ambition”, Way too  ‘Euro Conspiracy theory’ tripe. Thailand got off from paying the rice reparations to Malaysia Singapore, because they scammed a “shortage – famine”, (what did you expect),  in their own country.


“Britain regarded Thailand as having been partly responsible for the damage dealt to the Allied cause and favored treating the kingdom as a defeated enemy. However, the US had no sympathy for what they considered British and French colonialism and supported the new government. Thailand thus received little punishment for its wartime role under Phibun”.


Americas colonial ambition was little more than no sympathy for the Old Colonialism

All correct.  The Thai ambassador to USA also refused to deliver the declaration of war on USA too.   That would have helped.   I think they maybe did actually get to declare war on G.B.  Cant remember and too lazy/busy to look it up now.  And yet, 70 years later, America is one of the big Three colonial aspirants.  USA, Russia and Islam!!!!

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13 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



Punishment will probably be halved to 250b and half a wai

How's Canada going?

 Missing Thailand?

   And the Thai-centric forums and Rent-a-Print-Standard replies?

RIP to the victims in a truly tragic case.

Edited by thaiguzzi
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11 hours ago, gerritkaew said:

So sad,

you want to spent your years with your loved ones and get killed by your brother in law??

whats becoming off thailand, its not like 10 or 20 years ago when thing like this not happening...

R.I.P People.

Ive been around in Thailand for close to 40 years and now i hear this discussion about 'Farang/Thai' relationships....................

My thoughts are that 40 -30- 20 years ago there wasn't quite the number of Farangs living as ex-pats............. I think the number has grown a lot in, let's say the last 20 years........ Many farangs, while in Military, met and married Thai wifes and took them to their home countries............ Only to move to Thailand in recent years in 'Retirement' as ex-pats...........

BUT THE REAL 'EYE-OPENER' is....... when you consider that we didn't have....... UNTIL recent years...... Social media and 'such agressive' news reporting ............... until 'RECENT YEARS''..............................

So it could have been happening and we didn't hear so much............. OR.........  Maybe it didn't happen so much in the past...............

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'Scolded' as a reason for murder- the actions of a spoilt brat not a middle aged man. One article reported him as the 'mastermind' of this disgusting double murder- I think they should have looked up the definition of 'mastermind' before utlising it. 


The wife looks like a quiet inoffensive little lady who had found happiness.


I feel very sad for the two of them who clearly had the burden of greedy relatives that they would not pander to-ultimately leading to their demise..

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Thai people are all about flaunting wealth, all you have to look at is the number of red plates over 3 months old. That man seemed meek enough. Just jelousy. He seems to be good a digging holes with a digger, we'll see how good he is with his handsif he gets hard labour. RIP in the twilight of their lives.

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3 hours ago, mercman24 said:

i have a friend from the UK, had a farm and a son in Chang Rai, maybe 5 years ago, he was met by his wifes 2 brothers, who said if he did not walk away he would be buried on the farm, no questions asked. needless to say he walked away back to the UK


It was never his farm to begin with.... 

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11 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Totally agree.

I rented land for one brother in law, bought a Kubota etc for him so he could grow rice at a cost of 300K to try to make him self sufficient.....but he is probably the laziest person in the world...and so never makes any money. I just paid for the party for a novice monk (another nephew) at a net cost of 100K after getting most of the envelopes.

We pay her mother a monthly sum and I gave her 20K this year to fix up her house.

I've paid for kidney dialysis and many other emergencies...and apart from the kidney dialysis have received no thanks at all.....


So having dumped probably about 2 million baht into the family over the past few years l I am still seen as tight by all the family and get no thanks at all.




The problem is now they think you have the magic money tree.

Some people could be grateful, others would be just envious.

Stay safe out there.

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15 hours ago, poohy said:

63 and cant handle being scolded utter madness !


didn't want any money, thats good cause he cant spend over the next 20 years in prison

oh while we are here now about this brother


now how much did the rest of the family know?


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40 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

Totally agree. I often wonder how my relatives perceive me. My missus tells me that they slag her (and presumably me) for being tight with them. From my perspective I live modestly despite being well off....but I (my wife) has a 10 million baht house, We drive a pick up (brand new) and a Ford Fiesta (which is a dreadful car). But her brothers have no money at all in their pockets most of the time, and when they have any, it goes on cigs and booze. My wife paid for the entire education of her niece up to university, and then I paid for her university. I am now funding a nephew through uni.

I rented land for one brother in law, bought a Kubota etc for him so he could grow rice at a cost of 300K to try to make him self sufficient.....but he is probably the laziest person in the world...and so never makes any money. I just paid for the party for a novice monk (another nephew) at a net cost of 100K after getting most of the envelopes.

We pay her mother a monthly sum and I gave her 20K this year to fix up her house.

I've paid for kidney dialysis and many other emergencies...and apart from the kidney dialysis have received no thanks at all.....


So having dumped probably about 2 million baht into the family over the past few years l I am still seen as tight by all the family and get no thanks at all.


My wife has recently scolded her brother and his wife off in front of the family and has cut them of from all money in the future. She will not go back to the village even to visit her mother she is so sick of her family.. 


Overall this murder has made me think about how vulnerable I am to this sort of thing and made me thing about how we are perceived by the family. I am well off by any standard but I have to make provision for my wife after  I die and I do have another family back in the UK. My pension is easily enough to live on, but I have alimony payments to my ex and financial support of my grown up kids (house deposits and the like). This means I am eating into my savings....I do resent it therefore when I am called tight by the family and I feel like telling them to <delete> off.


Well tell them and upstakes and move else where to a safe haven. 

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13 hours ago, samsensam said:


indeed; but it's all relative, to an average village dwelling thai someone, thai or foreign, with two cars and a decent house with a swimming pool would be seen as a wealthy person, but to your average westerner probability not so.


this is, of course, one of the main reasons why so many thai women (and men) from a poorer less educated background are attracted to foreigners. and not because they have arrived in thailand and suddenly become hansum.

Two cars, a decent house and a swimming pool makes them wealthy to me as well!  RIP Alan and Nott.

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15 hours ago, moe666 said:

More than likely borrowing money and finally told no. The Brit had the right to spend his money as he saw fit but why flaunt your wealth in a poor country next to poor relatives.


Were the relatives "poor"?


Apparently the couple were killed because the brother felt annoyed about being spoken down to. He was able to afford BHT50k to hire killers. 


Loss of 'face' was the main motive here (and of course the inane thought process).     

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I don't buy his pathetic excuse as being true any more than I believe in the tooth fairy. I just don't see that the Brit guy would be a Thai scolding specialist throwing out scolds left, right and centre in fluent Thai demeaning this guy until he lost all self respect and flew into an uncontrollable rage, oh, wait a minute, it was premeditated, with hired help, so it was planned, a little over zealous for a scolding then and as the daughter starts her probes, she will probably find a lot more missing than the pick-up, probably a series of things that he just needed to fund his escape, Yabba, booze, girlfriends, petrol, murder plot nights etc. etc.

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