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America's image worsens under Trump


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44 minutes ago, iroc4life said:

Bye Bye my arse, Europe would be speaking Russian in a week without the USA so be careful who you say bye bye too. The bodyguard will get tired of being side stepped someday. 

In your dreams.

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7 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:


You much too sensitive, seriously now, doesn't Trump bashing get old. I'll be sticking up for Trump mainly because the Dow is getting ready to bust 27,000 and S&P is nearing 3,000 and for once we have a President who isn't afraid to piss people off by what he says. At times he could rein it in alittle, but so what. Mexico and Canada seem pleased with the deal they made with Trump. Once again we're standing alongside Israel, 


Come on now guys......group hug


Look at the deal he made with Mexico and Canada, one big nothing burger. Very little difference to the NAFTA arrangements. Of course Trump talked it up bigly, but Mr. Egomaniac would. Look at the details, more Trump hot air. Same as he's disarmed North Korea, solved the Middle East crisis, built a wall and Mexico paid for it, etc. etc. More hot air from a self inflating balloon buffoon.


Look at the trends in the Dow over the last 4 years. Would have done even better under Obama.

Edited by Spidey
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3 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:


You much too sensitive, seriously now, doesn't Trump bashing get old. I'll be sticking up for Trump mainly because the Dow is getting ready to bust 27,000 and S&P is nearing 3,000 and for once we have a President who isn't afraid to piss people off by what he says. At times he could rein it in alittle, but so what. Mexico and Canada seem pleased with the deal they made with Trump. Once again we're standing alongside Israel, 


Come on now guys......group hug


Haha, you are reading my mind. I swear I was about to post something along those same lines.

Kinda curious how many people here talking bad about him have money in the US stock market? Or how many of you guys follow the market?

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1 hour ago, iroc4life said:

Bye Bye my arse, Europe would be speaking Russian in a week without the USA so be careful who you say bye bye too. The bodyguard will get tired of being side stepped someday. 

Dude, you need to be in comedy. 

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14 minutes ago, garyk said:

Haha, you are reading my mind. I swear I was about to post something along those same lines.

Kinda curious how many people here talking bad about him have money in the US stock market? Or how many of you guys follow the market?

My ancient Mom almost has a stroke if the name Trump is mentioned. My response to her always is: "Oh Mater, Mater, have you checked your portfiolio lately? Oh and your investment advisor said your tax bill will be less this year, wot wot?"

Edited by Nyezhov
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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

My ancient Mom almost has a stroke if the name Trump is mentioned. My response to her always is: "Oh Mater, Mater, have you checked your portfiolio lately? Oh and your investment advisor said your tax bill will be less this year, wot wot?"

What did she reply? "Yes, but Nicholai my boy, if that nice man Barak had another term we'd have been even richer" 

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5 minutes ago, Spidey said:

What did she reply? "Yes, but Nicholai my boy, if that nice man Barak had another term we'd have been even richer" 

Naw dude she took a beating under Barak. Even her real property was stagnant. Now the comparables show bidding wars.


Folks cant claim that the US economy isnt full steam ahead. Like this news:


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11 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

To be honest Americans could give a rats ass of what other countries think about Trump. He is working for Americans, not anyone else. So of course other countries do not like him. That's how I know he is doing a great job. 


To be honest, you do not represent all Americans in general, nor even a majority of. Pretending to speak for them notwithstanding.

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Empires Come and go this is the history of the World. One great power rises and another declines. As the United States supplanted the British Empires position in the World in 1945. So too will other Powers rise to challenge and perhaps supplant the position of the USA.

I do not pretend to know what the so called World Order will look like in 50 years.

Democracy as We all know it needs to develop and grow. History show Autocratic Systems do not tend to last forever.

As to D Trump I have always thought of him as  schoolyard bully and braggart nothing there has changed.

Maybe he has worsened America's image to the World. Certainly confuses those of us who are traditional US Allies.

Administrations come and go good and bad. No one view lasts forever

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It's getting a little tiresome being a tripwire in Europe -- and paying a disproportionate share for that "privilege." If the Europeans can't even man an armed force that's more than a shell, why in the world should America pick up the slack.....?  If a loud, crude, rude bozo can somehow reverse the American penchant for being played as a sucker, well, he'll certainly get a lot of support on the home front, mannerisms aside. And Trump's taking the world to task has been -- as an American -- fun to watch, warts and all. Now, if he'd just quit tweeting....



In October, reports emerged that not a single German military submarine was operational — at a time when Russian submarine operations in the Baltic Sea were raising new concerns. Bundeswehr pilots are using choppers owned by a private automobile club to practice because so many of their own helicopters are in need of repair. And about half of all Leopard 2s — the tank which is most common in the Bundeswehr — were out of order as recently as November, which left the country with only 95 tanks of that type. By comparison, Russia is believed to have over 20,000 combat tanks, even though it is not known how many of them are operational.



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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 1:38 PM, pegman said:

Funny, when I was a kid my grandpa told me he enlisted in both World Wars when our allies were attacted. In both wars that was years before the Yanks joined in. Fact is they only went to war when they were attacted themselves. Prior to that they were busy using those wars as profit centres cashing in selling weapons to their friends. Go ask any Vietnamese who the Yanks were there helping. It was for their own imperial purposes and having been in central Saigon and Detroit I think the right guys won.  One a vibrant people place the other a wasteland.

Regardless of when they joined, or for what reasons, a lot of Americans died in wars they didn't need to be in. I for one am grateful for their sacrifice.

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Not really, America, as in USA, has always had an image problem; like you can't be the biggest guy on the block and not expect some envy. I remember WW1 and WW2. It's the Brits who stopped the rot but it was the Americans who saved our asses.

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1 hour ago, habanero said:

One thing the world fails to understand is, unless your a whining #me too liberal. Most Americans could care less what you think of them.

 So get a life and move on.

 Pretty sure I will be hearing from the whining crowd.


Yet another posturing poster who claims to speak on behalf of "most' Americans.

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5 hours ago, mikebike said:

No... just stupid. See any recent Kanye rant.

Here is one from yesterday




Kanye West launched into an expletive-filled rant as he lavished praise on US President Donald Trump at an event in the Oval Office.

Wearing a Make America Great Again hat "made me feel like Superman", he said.

West had been invited to the White House for lunch to discuss prison reform and other issues.

At the end of the 10-minute monologue, during which Mr Trump nodded in approval, the president said: "That was quite something."

West replied: "It was from the soul. I just channelled it."

"I love this guy right here," West said, walking behind the desk to hug the seated president, who said: "That's really nice."

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Americas image worsens under trump

Yes, certainly when he takes time away from his twitter machine to host a leading representative of today's US artistic might -- a rapper. And, stay tuned -- we're set to have another talk with North Korea, so my intelligence has just informed me that Dennis Rodman has been appointed the NSA advisor for North Korean affairs. Sigh.


Anyway, in today's democracy you do what you can to broaden your base. Trump already has Appalachia -- now he's going for the large city ghettos.


Somehow Thailand's coup system of "government by the [smart] people" has a nice ring to it. Hello, General Mattis?



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On 10/3/2018 at 2:34 PM, james1995 said:

what's their problem?  i don't have a problem with trump.  i have a problem with people opposed to trump.  if europeans don't like him, fine.  i don't have any plans to spend any money in europe anyways.

"I have a problem with people opposed to T". 

"If Europeans don't like him, fine".

Please read your post one more time.

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