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Germany's Merkel visits Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, vows to fight anti-Semitism


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Germany's Merkel visits Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, vows to fight anti-Semitism

By Jeffrey Heller



German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers a statement after signing the guest book at Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem October 4, 2018. Debbie Hill/Pool via REUTERS


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Head bowed, German Chancellor Angela Merkel paid homage in Jerusalem on Thursday to the six million Jews killed by the Nazis and said Germany had a responsibility to confront anti-Semitism and never to forget the Holocaust.


Merkel's visit came against a backdrop of resurgent nationalism and far-right violence in Germany which has been fuelled by anger at her decision to welcome more than a million mostly Muslim asylum seekers in 2015.


Merkel also said she agreed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Iran, Israel's arch-enemy, should never be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons but that they differed on how to achieve that objective.


Merkel began a day of meetings between Israeli and German government officials with a visit to Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust memorial, where she laid a wreath on a stone slab that contains ashes of death camp victims.


"Almost 80 years ago, on the pogrom night of November 9, Jews in Germany faced unimaginable hate and violence. This was followed by unprecedented crimes against civilisation in the form of the Shoah," Merkel, speaking German and using the Hebrew word for Holocaust, said at Yad Vashem.


"Germany has a perpetual responsibility to remember those crimes and to confront anti-Semitism, xenophobia, hate and violence," she said, after arriving for a 24-hour visit as part of annual government-to-government talks between German and Israeli ministers.


After discussions in Jerusalem with Netanyahu, Merkel addressed Middle East issues in a joint news conference with the right-wing Israeli leader, who praised what he described as her consistent stance against anti-Semitism.


Germany remains party to a 2015 nuclear pact between Iran and world powers that Netanyahu opposed and from which U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out in May.


"We are very convinced and strongly share Israel's position that everything must be done to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Where we are not always united is on the path to this goal," Merkel said.


At the U.N. General Assembly last week, Netanyahu accused Europe of appeasing Iran and said he would prevent Tehran from entrenching in Syria and arming Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas.


Merkel, at the news conference, described Iran's military presence in Syria and Lebanon as a threat to neighbouring Israel.


On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Merkel reaffirmed her support for a two-state solution and concern about Israeli settlement expansion in occupied territory where Palestinians seek for a country of their own.


Such activity, she said, "makes the two-state solution difficult to achieve".


Merkel said that Netanyahu urged Germany to encourage the Palestinians to return to negotiations that collapsed in 2014, adding: "I will do this". There were no plans for Merkel to see Palestinian leaders during her brief visit.


(Additional reporting by Joseph Nasr in Berlin; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-10-05
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Right, the two-state solution is dead because a biased poster holding extreme views says so. Sure.

As for your usual one-state waffle, the same refusal to address any realistic issues and problems with that, never mind your faux "vision" isn't necessarily what most people involved have in mind.

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20 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Germany's Merkel visits Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, vows to fight anti-Semitism


Yeah, but. . . 


Never mind the nationalists and so-called far right. What about the anti-Jewish sentiment rife among the millions of Muslim immigrants shepherded into the motherland during Merkel's thirteen years as Chancellor?


All over Europe, including Germany, instances of violence and intimidation of Jews have continued to grow as European nations have soaked up a sunami of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East and Africa.


In the hot seat as Chancellor for 13 years, Ms Merkel must have been aware of this grim reality. Yet she continued to throw down the welcome mat.


Looks like a classic case of what you sow. . . 

Perhaps Merkel and her fellow Europeans should prepare to accept another 4.8 million Palestinian refugees plus millions more outside of the West Bank and Gaza, if Israel decides to ethnically cleanse them.

Wouldn't it be better for all the Palestinan refugees to go back where they came from... Palestine!


Visit Palestinian problems, before Palestinian problems visit you!


Or perhaps Merkel and her fellow Europeans should put real pressure on Israel to resolve the conflict addressing the injustice done to the Palestinians, rather than paying lip service to a two state solution, muttering a few platitudes then returning to her domestic problems allowing Israel to dig a bigger whole for itself.

Edited by dexterm
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Oh, you're doing that lame blatantly dishonest co-opting thing again? Because actually, no - Merkel wasn't expressing "the same thought as yours". "Difficult" (Merkel) is not "dead" (you), and a mind reader you are not. So once again, misrepresentation, co-opting, and lies. Same old.


All of your usual talking points, regardless of their biased presentation were addressed numerous times across multiple topics. That you repeatedly choose to ignore answers or simply incapable of comprehending complex issues is regretful.


You can try and turn the tables, as you do - but you'd be hard pressed to find "extreme" views in my posts, or much having to do with "dreams". In fact the comment is just another instance of your usual inconsistency - most of your usual nonsense criticism is about my posts not being decisive enough for your taste or lacking in "vision" while focusing on details. Then again, it's the same sort of nonsense criticism that often spews made up stuff like "too difficult basket", whereas in this post you seem to do the very same yourself. I'd ask you to make up your mind, but fat chance you'll even acknowledge the above.


Ignoring reality - the conflict being in the ME, parties not fully into your rose tainted social engineering project, and no successful precedent around - is a choice. Feigning ignorance, over and over again, as to other posters' views is disingenuous. You keep asking for my views, you get answered, you bring the same thing up as if no answer was provided on the next topic. Pointless.


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15 hours ago, dexterm said:

Perhaps Merkel and her fellow Europeans should prepare to accept another 4.8 million Palestinian refugees plus millions more outside of the West Bank and Gaza, if Israel decides to ethnically cleanse them.

Wouldn't it be better for all the Palestinan refugees to go back where they came from... Palestine!


Visit Palestinian problems, before Palestinian problems visit you!


Or perhaps Merkel and her fellow Europeans should put real pressure on Israel to resolve the conflict addressing the injustice done to the Palestinians, rather than paying lip service to a two state solution, muttering a few platitudes then returning to her domestic problems allowing Israel to dig a bigger whole for itself.


Hyperbole and scaremongering. Disregarding the fact that there is no such impeding "ethnic cleansing" on the horizon, nor millions of Palestinian heading for Europe - your own posts often go on about how "time is on the Palestinians' side". As usual, the ability to make a coherent and consistent argument seems beyond your reach.


Like it or not, Merkel is not party to you one-sided, extreme views.

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12 hours ago, Morch said:




Oh, you're doing that lame blatantly dishonest co-opting thing again? Because actually, no - Merkel wasn't expressing "the same thought as yours". "Difficult" (Merkel) is not "dead" (you), and a mind reader you are not. So once again, misrepresentation, co-opting, and lies. Same old.


All of your usual talking points, regardless of their biased presentation were addressed numerous times across multiple topics. That you repeatedly choose to ignore answers or simply incapable of comprehending complex issues is regretful.


You can try and turn the tables, as you do - but you'd be hard pressed to find "extreme" views in my posts, or much having to do with "dreams". In fact the comment is just another instance of your usual inconsistency - most of your usual nonsense criticism is about my posts not being decisive enough for your taste or lacking in "vision" while focusing on details. Then again, it's the same sort of nonsense criticism that often spews made up stuff like "too difficult basket", whereas in this post you seem to do the very same yourself. I'd ask you to make up your mind, but fat chance you'll even acknowledge the above.


Ignoring reality - the conflict being in the ME, parties not fully into your rose tainted social engineering project, and no successful precedent around - is a choice. Feigning ignorance, over and over again, as to other posters' views is disingenuous. You keep asking for my views, you get answered, you bring the same thing up as if no answer was provided on the next topic. Pointless.


I have never known you to debunk a single one of my posts. Plenty of hot air, obfuscation, and personal flaming though.


I have outlined above some of the serious problems that make a two state solution not only difficult, but impossible, if Israel continues on its present course of illegal expansion of settlements and as many of Netanyahu's colleagues urge - outright annexation. IMO what Israel has already done is realistically irreversible and therefore makes a viable two state solution impossible.


Many world leaders have said the same thing as Merkel. 
UN leaders, Kerry, Obama, and Clinton have described Israel's current illegal occupation as "unsustainable" if Israel is to remain Jewish and democratic.

Even endorsed by some of Israel's own military officials just 2 days ago.

Top Israeli ex-officials warn US Jews that Israel on ‘reckless’ path to 1 state
Commanders for Israel’s Security, led by IDF hero of Yom Kippur War, to tour US arguing against annexation of West Bank



Israel should heed the advice of Merkel. She threatened to cancel this current visit if Israel demolished a village to make way for yet another Jewish only settlement. So they stopped...for now. I hope there are bigger sticks to come to curb Israel's expansionism. Outside pressure is the only way Israel will see sense.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

Incorrect. In Germany the majority of current anti semitic activity originates from the Far Right.




Somewhat more complex than the decisive "incorrect" comment suggests:


After a refugee influx, does Germany have an imported anti-Semitism problem? 



Anti-Semitism Growing Among Far Right and Muslim Migrants in Germany, State Premier Tells Haaretz



Angela Merkel denounces ‘different type of antisemitism’ from Arab refugees after assault on men wearing skullcaps



Merkel admits 'a new form of anti-Semitism' has emerged among Germany's Arab refugees and admits she is 'dismayed' that Jewish schools and synagogues require police protection


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22 minutes ago, Morch said:


Hyperbole and scaremongering. Disregarding the fact that there is no such impeding "ethnic cleansing" on the horizon, nor millions of Palestinian heading for Europe - your own posts often go on about how "time is on the Palestinians' side". As usual, the ability to make a coherent and consistent argument seems beyond your reach.


Like it or not, Merkel is not party to you one-sided, extreme views.

You lack vision. The history of politics is one of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.


Ethnic cleansing is happening right now in the Occupied Territories. What happens to Palestinian families who are evicted and their homes demolished to make way for Jewish Only settlements?


If Merkel and the EU spout words of disapproval to maintain the facade of appearing to negotiate but fail to follow up with action  while Israel continues its expansionism  and UNWRA refugee rights and the hope of a viable two state solution are eroded, there will be absolutely no hope left for a homeland for Palestinians. 


At that point millions of Palestinian refugees will be on the move to seek a better life (who could blame them?), and politicians will scratch their heads saying what could we have done to prevent this?

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What you pretend not to know is hardly credible, considering your insistence on ignoring anything that doesn't fit your pushed agenda. The reality is, of course, different - and many of your "arguments" were indeed debunked numerous times - whether you like to acknowledge it or not.


A good example would be this topic, where you make claims regarding Merkel's position being similar to yours, whereas in reality, this is not the case.


Your opinion as to the two-state solution being "dead" is dully noted. No one (other than yourself, on other posts) claimed it was easy to achieve. On the contrary, many of the related issues are often brought up (and denigrated by yourself, when it fits). Seems that making faux comments about "too hard basket" is yet again, something governed not by an actual position, but by convenience. Essentially, what you go on about now is exactly that "too hard basket".


Many world leaders say a lot of things, and you are often willing to twist or co-opt their words as aligning with yours. But reality is that most do not advocate your point of view, nor consider it a realistic, or even a good, option.


Israel's policies (and more so, its current government's) do nothing to promote peace, and indeed - in the long run things might come to a head. This is nothing new, and was discussed on many a past topics. The issue with your rants is that you seem unable to differentiate between the present, and whichever "vision" of the future you push on any given rant. If anything, your references would indicate that the issues involved are contested even within Israel, rather than the wholesale nonsense generalizations you often go on about.


As for your "outside pressure" thing - funny how you object to any such when applied to the Palestinian side. Not surprising, though, considering your extreme one-sided take.


Spin it however you like - Merkel is not party to your extreme views, nor does she see things quite as black and white as you pretend to.

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You can keep waffling on about "vision", it doesn't change the fact that your posts on this topic (and many others) are a collection of misrepresentations, lies and slogans.


There is no "ethnic cleansing" as you suggested in your previous post. There are no millions of Palestinian refugees about to flood Europe. And there is no extreme change on the horizon as you try to paint. Considering you often go on about "time being on the Palestinians' side" the impeding catastrophe touted seems as contrived as most of the content of your rants.


The reality is that, your spins and co-opting aside, most European leaders do not subscribe to your extreme, one-sided views or your prescribed notions regarding how best to deal with things.


Your hyperbole and scaremongering is nothing new, Same goes for the usual inconsistencies and dishonesty.

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

my point was the majority of anti semitic activity as identified by German authorities originates from the far right, not from asylum seekers / refugees as inferred by the poster to whom I responded.


That may be, but classifications and labels used seem to play a factor in how these figures are arrived at (some references to these in the links provided). Further, I don't think ignoring what might be relevant changing trends is a wide course of action. For example, saying the majority of antisemitic activity is attributed to the "far right" doesn't relay if there are changes as to relative figures pertaining to associations of perpetrators, or whether the pattern and severity of attacks changes.

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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I repeat my point was the majority of anti semitic activity as identified by German authorities originates from the far right. Not a discussion on potential future scenarios. 


You may repeat the point, but please note that I'm not talking about potential future scenarios. How figures used by authorities seem to have some issues, and the same goes for lumping together all antisemitic activity. When talking about trends, that's not necessarily a future reference either.

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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


You may repeat the point, but please note that I'm not talking about potential future scenarios. How figures used by authorities seem to have some issues, and the same goes for lumping together all antisemitic activity. When talking about trends, that's not necessarily a future reference either.

I assume you can read German, alternatively Google translate, so go to the link below for your detailed research.


Even after decades of rigorous political education and intense, self-critical soul searching, 9% to 10% of Germans express classic anti-Semitic feelings, according to a 2017 report commissioned by the Bundestag. Many more, up to 50%, harbor more mild anti-Semitic prejudices.

Edited by simple1
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5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I assume you can read German, alternatively Google translate, so go to the link below for your detailed research.


Even after decades of rigorous political education and intense, self-critical soul searching, 9% to 10% of Germans express classic anti-Semitic feelings, according to a 2017 report commissioned by the Bundestag. Many more, up to 50%, harbor more mild anti-Semitic prejudices.


I assume that you can read the links provided above, which would suggest that antisemitic sentiments are at least as prevalent, if not more so, among relevant Muslims. I am not attempting to white-wash anything relating to the "far right" or to lay everything on Muslims. Just saying that it isn't quite as clear cut as suggested.

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19 hours ago, simple1 said:

Incorrect. In Germany the majority of current anti semitic activity originates from the Far Right.



My point wasn't that Germany doesn't already have more than its fair share of home-grown anti-semites activity (it always has), but that importing millions of Islamic immigrants can only make the situation worse.

Belatedly, Ms Merkel seems to have seen the light and sensibly tightened the motherland's borders.

Edited by Krataiboy
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On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 12:25 PM, dexterm said:


"On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Merkel reaffirmed her support for a two-state solution and concern about Israeli settlement expansion in occupied territory where Palestinians seek for a country of their own.

Such activity, she said, "makes the two-state solution difficult to achieve".


.. not just difficult ...makes it impossible to achieve with illegal settlement expansion swallowing up more Palestinian land leaving just a patchwork quilt of non contiguous bantustans. The two state solution is dead. 


Not a problem. So make it a single state where all citizens have equal human and civil rights.

That sums it up very well.

Anyone who argues with that obvious fact is either hopelessly naïve or pushing an agenda. 

A viable two-state solution is impossible now because of the reasons mentioned.

Angela Merkel isn't stupid. It looks like she's playing Bibi's game while seeming to challenge it on some points. Her opposition to illegal settlements on the West Bank is an absolute farce - Germany has done nothing to effectively oppose them. It's just talk. 

The Zionist dream of Eretz Israel has been ended by the reality of over four million Palestinians who aren't going anywhere and are becoming increasingly militant as a political solution seems less and less likely.

Historically the Middle East has been a bloody quagmire where foreign forces get bogged down until they come to their senses and get out. 

That has never been more true than it is today.

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So in essence, nothing of substance to add, while parroting the views of the other "objective" poster. Guess that the fact said the touted positions are far from anything resembling universal agreement doesn't register with some. Like it or not, Merkel, like many other Western leaders, does not subscribe to the agenda, narrative and extreme views pushed.


Your usual slogan bit habitually ignores the fact that there are Zionists who are all for territorial compromise and a two-state solution, and that the view you push is not quite the general, or core element as you try to paint.


Palestinians getting more militant as a political solution seems less likely? Sure. But no real expectations of the Palestinians to actually work toward such a solution in your posts. Just the usual one-sided drivel.


As for the last line - nothing in your post actually support this, just another slogan.

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The two-state solution is now a zombie long dead, yet still it keeps staggering on.

Who can sincerely believe in it anymore? Least of all Israel and the Zionists, since the idea's basic concept has been so thoroughly abused and violated, perforated with holes so big you can plant a settlement in them. The idea has been rendered no longer materially feasible. 

The settlements killed the two-state solution - but not as an accidental by-product of Israeli "security" issues, as if the settlements were a reversible mistake. But rather they killed the two-state solution as part of a calculated agenda from the very start of the Zionist project to capture, de-populate and settle Jews on all the land of Palestine.

Zionism's early generation of founders always envisioned the large-scale removal of the Arab population, and the settlement of their own descendants in land belonging to others. You can read it in their diaries and letters, in their unguarded moments when they are talking among themselves. Herschel, Jabotinsky, Ben Gurion, Meir - they all spoke privately of what they understood: that all of Palestine would be theirs, and that it would be a state for the Jews alone.

This has not changed.

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That you (and the other "objective" poster) pronounce the two-state solution dead doesn't make it so. Obviously, Merkel is not quite of that opinion. Your wholesale wide-brush comments about general views supposedly pertaining to Israel and Zionists are bogus. There is no such unity of thought or purpose as you suggest.


That you allege some master plan, adhered to and meticulously carried out over decades is conspiracy theory nonsense stuff. Your off-topic assertions as to historical figures views is misleading, and incorrect (at least with regard to three of the four mentioned). But again, expecting anything honest or accurate is futile when it comes to certain posters. That you are either ignorant of or ignore the existence of various views within Zionism, both past and present is, by now, a routine element of your rants.


Again, nothing much on-topic, other than the usual collection of biased, misinformed, misleading snippets.

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On 10/5/2018 at 5:05 PM, Krataiboy said:

What about the anti-Jewish sentiment rife among the millions of Muslim immigrants shepherded into the motherland during Merkel's thirteen years as Chancellor?

Exactly! They but instead they are only concerned about the right which are really just trying to protect their country from the hordes of Mohammadan invaders she has let in to burn, rape , and pillage the country. Meanwhile the great majority of anti-semitism there comes from, you guessed it, the Mohammadan invaders yet somehow the 'right' is always on the tips of their tongues as the real threat. Pure evil and incompetence!

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1 minute ago, vinegarbase said:

Exactly! They but instead they are only concerned about the right which are really just trying to protect their country from the hordes of Mohammadan invaders she has let in to burn, rape , and pillage the country. Meanwhile they anti-semitism there comes from, you guessed it, the Mohammadan invaders yet somehow the 'right' is always on the tips of their tongues as the real threat. Pure evil and incompetence!


Err no. If you'd bother reading any of the links provided above - none of them alleges that there are no issues with antisemitism related to the far right, and none (I think) claims that Muslim-related antisemitic incidents make up the bulk of such. Guess it's a wee bit more nuanced for some.

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