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New Higher Speed Package From True


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Was at the true shop today and noticed a brochure in thai.

Asked my wife to look at it and she tells me that true is now offering higher speed DLS for lower prices.

new prices:

512/256 540 Baht

1024/512 599 Baht

1524/512 750 Baht

Higher speeds as well. all listed in Thai on this website TrueCorp High Speed DSL

There is a link to a page to convert your existing account over to the new price! If anyone has any other info onthis let me know.


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Will it actually make any difference? Or will we all end up with a lower ACTUAL throughput (as opposed to the MAX throughput they promise but practically never deliver)

Well for me it will, I stay in Thailand for most of my transfers of data. :o

But your right only time will tell.


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They will just sell more of the lower package deals, which will become even more useless as new subscribers choke the already bad infrastructure.

I assume that the higher stated speeds will work similar to the previous lower speeds.

I wish True et al, would just stop these blatant rip off promotions.

They all need to stop selling and start improving.

The internet service in Thailand is rubbish!

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We currently subscribe to TRUE ADSL 1Mbps at 890.-/month and also subscribe to UBC.

My wife just called TRUE at 02-900-8000 - here is the info she got:

For now True will not yet make any changes in our case because their first priority is TRUE MOVE customers.

Everybody else, who is not a TRUE MOVE customer, will have to wait until after March 06, 2007 when they will put up an on-line application form.

Two options will be open to us:

1) stay with 1Mbps but pay only 599.-B or

2) upgrade to 2Mbps at the same price of 890.-B

so, let's wait and see how things work out in March.


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