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Thailand is too noisy - and the Thais themselves are fed up with it!


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8 hours ago, fullcave said:

No honda waves with baffle removed, noise cars/ trucks, six wheelers, boom boxes, or all night drunken karaoke parties here, thank you. 

Any Thai with a mike in his hand   Oh my god,      Cremations, weddings, Football commentators, Muay Thai commentators, Most of all  Women on the TV that shout and over talk others,  The worst ones are the sponsors on TV promotions screaming in excitement at a product.  The most hateful has to be the pick-up slowly forming a traffic jam in town with speakers at 500 watt blaring out.

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3 minutes ago, toolpush said:

Where I live the worst noise is the locals with their loud pounding bass "music" and all the Thai Racing Water Trucks, Thai Racing Gravel Trucks, Thai Racing Cement Trucks, etc, etc

you live WRONG place if have noisy proplem, move other area to far country then no have proplems newer.

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20 hours ago, CGW said:

Traffic noise is out of control! the ridiculous point is the people most exposed - Traffic cops - do nothing about it! ????

Motorbikes, cars, and lorries with straight through exhausts.  Loudspeaker clusters.

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31 minutes ago, finnishmen said:

if you living area have noisy too lot, you live wrong area, go to isaan coumntry and have silent ewery day, only sometime dog noisy little but use footh have silent leu, 555555


Go to the mountain, dig a cave, hunt for food.   Issan not noisy ???   try any city town or village --listen to the wifey and Mama    all day,   But you dare not speak about them yakking all day  or you have a problem--for sure.....ha ha ha

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34 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

In my opinion Thais tolerance of noise starts as infants on a motorbike. First they learn to cry then scream then talk over the sound of the engine and wind rushing past their ears. By age three they are total tone deaf and have no self awareness that they are loudmouths.

Surely your wife is not loud when speaking next to the person,     SURE she is not   ha ha ha

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18 hours ago, mikecha said:

doont they do that where you come from of u dont like leave 

amaising this asian culture have been in and out asia 50 years and was always like this 


No they don't do it like that in my country - it is an offence to obstruct the traffic AND fuel is expensive.

No it wasn't always like that 50 years ago: there were few cars in the time you are talking about.  Nowadays there are far more cost-effective ways of advertising.  This way you merely antagonise any would-be customers.

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4 hours ago, marquis22 said:

And soi dogs

Not only soi dogs. Thai dogs even their household pets. Firm believer most Thai should not have pets. Blatant non caring for others letting them do anything they want and even crapping out of the street and sidewalk is acceptable to them. 

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21 hours ago, Thian said:

That's what i hate the most of the countryside, those nasty roosters who all start at 3-4 am untill 9 or so...

Also the Wat shouldn't make so much noise as they do.


And the roosters are even totally useless, they use them for fights and bet on them, absolutely a no go for buddhists...


But don't worry, i won't go out of BKK...

Years ago, on a visit to my MIL house, I paid her the value of the roosters and the BIL topped them for dinner. I then had a, somewhat, more peaceful stay for the next 4 days!

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On Friday evening, until 12:18 am, I was unfortunate enough to have a teenaged road race outside my house. To see all these fools hunched down over their impotent little mopeds, at full throttle making a racket like a 747 taking off. Well it made my blood boil...what idiots. I lay awake hoping some of them would crash and die.

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20 hours ago, samsensam said:


While many foreign tourists and expats think Thais just grin and bear it, the opposite is in fact true.


rubbish - whoever wrote that article knows nothing about thialand. i know thais grin and bear excessive noise because i see them doing so every day; promotion girls in shopping mall, car park guys with whistles, late night partying, sitting on public transport with the advertising blaring and people listening to music/tv shows on their mobiles without headphones, there is simply noise everywhere and very very rarely does anyone do anything about it. culturally thais tend to avoid confrontation so just grin and bear noise, they also generally wont take responsibility for resolving issues and problems.

I must admit I was in awe of a couple of ladies on microphones spouting their marketing speal at a recent exhibition, it was non stop / seamless for about 15mins at a time.


I wanted to tell them to take a breath, but couldn't get a word in edge ways....

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Here's the summary of an interesting related study by Kyoto University from earlier this year:


The study:
"Cell type-specific suppression of mechanosensitive genes audible sound stimulation", PLOS ONE, 31.1.2018


Even cells "suffer" from noise


Noise is harmful to health: as experiments by Japanese researchers show, even normal tissue cells react to loud noises. The noise makes them "flabby" and produces fewer proteins.


Most environmental stimuli such as light, heat and pressure register living organisms with the help of specialized sensory cells, e.g. photosensitive receptors in the eye or the hair cells in the inner ear, which convert mechanical stimuli and make sounds audible.


But even less specialized body cells sometimes react to stimuli that do not act chemically or materially. Among other things, it is known that all cells are exposed to heat - e.g. in case of fever - to form heat shock proteins. A similar reaction occurs in cold weather. Whether and how other mechanical stimuli affect cells and their genetic material has not been studied so far.


Reaction to sounds
In their latest study, researchers headed by Masahiro Kumeta from the University of Kyoto have dedicated themselves to sound. "Sounds are omnipresent," says Kumeta. The question of whether simple cells react to it at all, therefore essential - but so far hardly studied.


For his experiments, the team used four cell lines from mice, including connective tissue, progenitor cells of neurons and skeletal muscle. In a warming cabinet, the cell cultures were sonicated for several hours, with different frequencies and volumes.

Noise leads to genetic changes in cells

The researchers then looked for changes in three genes that are known to respond to mechanical stimulation. One is involved in the growth of bones, the other in wound healing and in the growth of connective tissue.


Genes less active
In fact, there were measurable changes in gene activity. After one to two hours at a volume of 94 decibels, the genes were sometimes up to 40 percent less active. The effect then lasted for at least four hours. Depending on the volume and the waveform, the effect was different. There were also differences between the cell lines. For some, there were no changes. According to the researchers, those cells, from which bones and muscles can develop later, react most strongly.


As Kumeta points out, the tests at the cellular level do not permit any far-reaching conclusions as to whether the genetic changes could have consequences for the tissue or for the whole organism. "Besides, the 94 decibels we used are very, very loud. In everyday life we are not so often confronted with it. The observed effects may not be 'normal', "says Kumeta. For example, a level of 90 decibels can be found in factory buildings or when a heavy truck passes by.


Harmful noise
However, the noise is not quite far away from the reality of life. By comparison, in a city like Vienna (pop. about 1.9m) more than 800,000 people live with an average noise pollution of over 55 decibels (European Environment Agency). In Europe, about one in four lives at such a noise level.


That environmental noise, especially traffic noise can make sick, we know from numerous studies, ranging from sleep disorders to cardiovascular diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise is even the environmental problem with the second highest health impact. The harmful effects may actually begin in the genome of individual cells.


"For the time being, we want to search for more genes, which may be even more sensitive to sound, so already on such levels that you find in everyday life," said Kumeta. Only then will the researchers systematically examine what the genetic changes mean for the whole organism.




Edited by jollyhangmon
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2 hours ago, toolpush said:

Where I live the worst noise is the locals with their loud pounding bass "music" and all the Thai Racing Water Trucks, Thai Racing Gravel Trucks, Thai Racing Cement Trucks, etc, etc

Pretty much the same where I am, we are on a private road (no traffic) about 1k from a B road in-between two villages which are about 2k east and west. The fallacy that trees and vegetation stop noise is exactly that, a fallacy - noise travels a long way, when they crank up their bass (Music?) we can hear it, it is just plain annoying.

When Somchai senior in his truck is racing Somchai junior on his Motorcycle (sounds like a cement mixer on steroids!) on the public road, it does tend to break the relative peace and quiet & off course we have the compulsory dogs barking at times, I expected these noise levels when I moved in and spent a fair amount on "soundproofing" the house as best as I was able to.

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'Empty vessels make most noise' is the relevant quote here and I do find the most empty headed of them (which is plenty) do just that. They are simple minded folk stimulated by noisy exhausts and such like rather than anything more intellectually challenging.


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3 hours ago, finnishmen said:

if you living area have noisy too lot, you live wrong area, go to isaan coumntry and have silent ewery day, only sometime dog noisy little but use footh have silent leu, 555555


I have lived in an Isaan village. The noise can be worse than in a city. Somebody dies and can be 4 to 7 days of rock concert level of sound nearly 24 hours per day.

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On 10/6/2018 at 2:03 AM, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?

Someone that did it before my first time in Thailand.  


September 1972.  



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22 minutes ago, ponder said:

An American friend of mine complained to his Thai wife about some noise, and she replied, "Don't listen to it."

I got the same answer a while ago. Then I turned the stereo to 11 with some ACDC on and told her not to listen to it. She remained quiet for about two weeks. Rock is the answer.



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