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Thailand is too noisy - and the Thais themselves are fed up with it!


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1 hour ago, Henryford said:

In Pattaya as well. The <deleted> things crow all day long from 4 am. It shouldn't be allowed in a residential area but the Thais don't seem to care.

Thais care. They don't care to speak up and have a big problem, and I think they see chickens as doing it as their normal thing. But what do roosters do? Annoy by crowing never stopping. I got one rooster moved out (nice people who understood) and hitting on another in another house (compliant to a certain point) as they got rid of the big loud mouth one, and so far they moved the smaller one to the back in their yard where noise only carries to my bedroom window a tiny bit. 4am is correct nd grotesquely ugly, and this is in a new housing residential development. 

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An American friend of mine complained to his Thai wife about some noise, and she replied, "Don't listen to it."

I can relate to her answer as my wife replies similarly with, no thinking, up to him, not so long, come upstairs, not the same your country or can do what?
She has a very zen way about problems and that always cools me off and gets me laughing at my foolishness for thinking anything here should conform to my American standards for behavior.
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8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

That's the one that gets me the most.  Have a neighbour a few door down who has base music going on all day every day as he works on broken down cars (not too loud, but can hear the dum dum dum base everywhere in the house and garden).


But, then at the end of the day he turns on the base speakers at maximum volume in his pick up truck with all the doors open and gets drunk for a few hours.  Thankfully its usually over at about 7pm, otherwise I would go crazy.  Can hear the music and base a long way from out street.  Thai neighbours solution was a build a very tall wall.  Other neighbours just don't talk to the guy and shun him.  But no one will actually tell him or the police to stop the noise... even the head man lives very close to him and does nothing.  Been going on about a year now.





I know what you mean . I have had the windows vibrating and can feel the walls tremble . Coming from a land where that noise pollution could cost you a fine or persistent reoccurence your freedom , it is not easy to tolerate . What I am not sure of are they acts of pure ignorance whereby they are unaware of the effects on others , or is it they do not care as long as they enjoy themselves  .  Music blasted from pickups is a serious health risk and many of them will be deaf or have poor hearing at an early age .

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The whistles with bodies attached to them.. blowing mindlessly as loud as they can as you drive by ignoring them.  You can hear them in your condo blocks away on the 14th floor.  

Yes I just had this talk with my wife when I spontaneously burst out laughing while walking in a hospital parking lot. She asked what’s funny? I asked her if she ever remembers hearing somebody blowing a whistle at drivers in all her travels through America?
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On 10/6/2018 at 1:03 PM, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?

the Blues Brothers ??

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On 10/6/2018 at 2:51 AM, Thian said:

That's what i hate the most of the countryside, those nasty roosters who all start at 3-4 am untill 9 or so...

Also the Wat shouldn't make so much noise as they do.   ...

My wife has some little pet chickens at our house at the edge of town in Loei.  She likes her colorful roosters, though she doesn't like them "raping" the hens (her words).  But she gets up at about 4:30 in the morning, so the crowing isn't a problem.


The Wat/monk college that is 200 meters from the house is a different story.  They occasionally have all-night festivals, blasting music until the sun comes up. 

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3 hours ago, superal said:

I know what you mean . I have had the windows vibrating and can feel the walls tremble . Coming from a land where that noise pollution could cost you a fine or persistent reoccurence your freedom , it is not easy to tolerate . What I am not sure of are they acts of pure ignorance whereby they are unaware of the effects on others , or is it they do not care as long as they enjoy themselves  .  Music blasted from pickups is a serious health risk and many of them will be deaf or have poor hearing at an early age .

You  say  what???

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On 10/6/2018 at 1:08 PM, blackhorse said:

Ban modified bike exhausts. These man boys love to gun it when going under a bts station where sound is amplified x 5

Totally agree but not just in Bangkok - same up here on rural roads in Khon Kaen Province especially when schools finish for the day. It is like Brands Hatch but without the helmets, protective gear and driving skills.

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Like a tone deaf moron singing through a loud PA system or a man child revving up the engine on his Honda scoopy with the exhaust baffle removed, they are all just looking for attention. As if to say "look me" "look me" "everybody look me" they are so desperate for attention. 

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On 10/6/2018 at 9:28 AM, Gecko123 said:

I've been waging a one-man campaign to raise awareness about noise pollution in my neighborhood, especially coming from large outdoor home speakers and souped up car sound systems with windows rolled down and doors open wide. It's been going on at least two years, and I can honestly say neighbors are starting to show more appreciation for peace and quiet. It's been a slow educational and coalition building process. Older people, people with health problems, people with young children, people who work graveyard and swing shifts, and people who don't have sound systems are all good candidates for allies against noise. Nobody has actually come right out and said 'thank you', but I can tell a lot of people appreciate my efforts. The goal isn't to force someone to stop making sound whatsoever, but to educate and build awareness about noise pollution. I've also tried to get the local police to take noise complaints more seriously, pointing out the increasing number of cases where excessive noise has resulted in violence.


So uninvited missionaries are still trying to impose their values on local natives! Sorry educate people.   Get a life.

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Soi dogs and cats are a problem created entirely by Thais themselves.. until they get rid of this superstition of spay and neuter will affect your ability to have children little will change. They been pump this nonsense out on our local radio station. 

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2 minutes ago, loong said:

The article states that over 30% of complaints are about noise and I assume that not all these complaints are from Farangs. That's very high and considering that the majority of Thai people will not complain for fear of reprisals, I think that it is safe to say that Thai values concerning noise pollution are no different to ours.

I couldn't say it better.

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We live in Khao Talo, Nongprue. We have very loud noise from the school opposite in the mornings and afternoons because the PA system is turned way up loud.  We also have the temple behind the school which has its loud festivals.  We get told to go away if we ask them to turn it down and the police do nothing.

We also have the advertising trucks in threes up and down the road which is very loud, despite us having double glazing!

The we have the motorcyclists with no silencers ....

I was thinking of getting a petition up and taking it to the local district office but not sure what they could do about it?

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After reading these 14 pages of comments, I am happy to go to Thailand for up to

2 months to escape a bit of Winter, but am always happy to return to the sanity that

is Canada, where there are noise bylaws that are upheld by the local police.


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50 minutes ago, maddermax said:

Further to my last message, one way we could try to get the advertising trucks to stop would be to make it clear to the advertisers that we will boycott their products if they advertise in this way.  Comments ....?

I do the same when in a mall and some salesgirl starts yelling through the speakers..i put my fingers in my ears so all can see and i walk away...what a lowclass way of selling i think it is.


And those loudpeaker trucks for announcements all should be taken of the roads..they drive 5 km/hr on busy mainroads causing huge trafficjams, very annoying and dangerous.

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Correct me if you think I am wrong, because my thinking it is more a matter of up-bringing.   In more stable Asian countries like Japan -Singapore for example, there is little of this loudness.   In SE Asia China and Thailand are prime examples of NOISE, and loud speaking people.  Biggest example in Thailand, tourism noise problem people the Chinese.  Sorry ---my opinion only  ?? 

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On 10/7/2018 at 9:02 AM, finnishmen said:

if you living area have noisy too lot, you live wrong area, go to isaan coumntry and have silent ewery day, only sometime dog noisy little but use footh have silent leu, 555555


Hi Fishermen ,

                    You will probably not know this gentleman but you read a bit like an old favorite of mine


Professor Stanley Unwin   ,   he had an unusual way of arranging his grammar , however it was always understandable . No offence intended and if you Google him you may enjoy .

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2 hours ago, travelman6 said:

ADD to that, Tuk Tuks, the most noise polluting vehicle in Thailand and outlawing all but the electric ones would be GREAT.

Many Thais will avoid electric vehicles because they can't be easily modified to be ear-splitting noise makers and the electrics are too civilised and don't pollute enough.

Edited by MaxYakov
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