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Thailand is too noisy - and the Thais themselves are fed up with it!


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4 hours ago, attrayant said:

This subject falls under the category of being oblivious to those around you, which causes more than just noise pollution.  The house across the street has a water pump that apparently has some loose parts inside because when it turns on, it sounds like a firehouse bell going off.  You can hear it clearly from the far end of the village.  Does the owner of that house not realize there are people living in the houses just meters away?  Or does he realize that but just not care?


I hate those unmuffled motorcycles too.  The kids ride them to school and my ears become deadened for a good 20-30 seconds whenever one passes by if I don't have a free hand to plug my ears.  The school principal should make these kids park in a lot down the street and walk the remaining half-km to the school.




Add to that, noisy aircon units. There seems to be no remedy other than sabotage.

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57 minutes ago, Thian said:

I don't mind to look like a dork...i can't understand why the Thai accept those volume levels while shopping...to me it's very low class to yell to me like that and even expecting that i'll buy something. I can't understand that the Thai accept it.

Have you considered that they yell like that because the have a hearing loss? Could it be a vicious cycle of hearing loss to louder and then even more hearing loss...

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1 minute ago, PEE TEE said:

They missed the worst one .. Boxing loudspeaker pickups 5 oi a row going down Chaweng beach road  and surrounding roads  GET YOUR SEAT EARLY 9.00 O'CLOCK with the music Eye of the Tiger  anyone know what i mean .   

They also quote it's the highlight of your holiday . yeah right 


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Well, what can I say that hasn't been said already? What I want to know is, when are the army barracks close to where I live going to stop blurting those songs about 'Thai unification', the Friday night TV Pm slot music and the songs apparently composed by the PM.????

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22 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Have you considered that they yell like that because the have a hearing loss? Could it be a vicious cycle of hearing loss to louder and then even more hearing loss...

This was my theory too and really hope this is the case


If not, it's completely unacceptable behaviour if they're sober

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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

Can you recommend something specifically?


In addition to the two ear plugs on a connecting string (HomePro safety goods - string minimizes losses of a single earplug), I carry a more stealthy pair of silicone ear inserts (FoodLand) for those situations where I don't want to appear totally like an over-the-top dork (which I actually am ????).

I'm not shy about that at all. If I need 'em in, I stick 'em in. And I don't give a tinkers cuss whether they think I'm a dork or not. I always have the Xmas tree ear plugs on a string in my bum bag, just in case.


Actually, when it comes to real noise pollution, Thailand has some very serious competitors. You think Bangkok is noisy? Go spend a few days in Cairo or any major Indian city.


Thailand's big saving grace is the reluctance of drivers to use the vehicle horn. Believe me, it makes a big, big difference.

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Thais demand attention and sound is the most primitive means,it is driven by a competitive ferrel urge to attract a mate, and to be noticed . ''Darwin''.....

Edited by mok199
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The Rooster. 15 floors up and I can hear that Rooster at full volume even when I have the doors closed and the Aircon on. Sometimes I put the Aircon on just to muffle the noise a bit. 4 am and it starts......I go out on the balcony with my camera and try to spot it so maybe I can stalk it and take it out...its slowly driving me mad I tell you...mad...mad...the noise...the uuuuurguuurgurrrguuuurgggg over and over and over...I cant take it....I have to to something....must stop it.....must........must.....
Buy a ferret or similar and throw it over the fence. Problem solved
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1 minute ago, blackhorse said:
4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:
The Rooster. 15 floors up and I can hear that Rooster at full volume even when I have the doors closed and the Aircon on. Sometimes I put the Aircon on just to muffle the noise a bit. 4 am and it starts......I go out on the balcony with my camera and try to spot it so maybe I can stalk it and take it out...its slowly driving me mad I tell you...mad...mad...the noise...the uuuuurguuurgurrrguuuurgggg over and over and over...I cant take it....I have to to something....must stop it.....must........must.....

Buy a ferret or similar and throw it over the fence. Problem solved

It would need wings....

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6 hours ago, mikebell said:

Which brainy business man thought up the idea of driving a loudspeaker van round the centre of town, holding up traffic; pointlessly burning fuel; polluting the air; with a message that nobody hears in its entirety if at all then stands back to await the rush of inconvenienced customers?


THESE THINGS ARE THE WORST! I am glad someone brought them up before I did. How many people are actually listening to those blaring monstrosities with eager interest, and then acting upon said advertisement?!?! Those roving truck blaring speaker machines are noise pollution at it's worst! ????

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:
6 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Same here, apart from the occasional thunderstorm.

I always thought that most Thais hate noise as much as foreigners.

They do, unless they are making the noise then it's OK. 

Yes, and when i'm making noise myself, i don't expect my neighbours to love it.

Yet nobody has ever complained , thanks goodness not many whining GOMs around here.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha. Now you all know what you put your parents and other older people through when you were a teenager with your blaring rock and roll music from the grammerphone which was in the lounge room and you were in the backyard so you had it full volume so you could hear it and the drunken parties and the loud hot rod cars, Wasn't it great when you were young and cared less about others and now you are old and can't stand the noise.

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One of my biggest irritations living in Thailand was noise.

Wedding, Funeral, Monk, it's always the same. Starts at 5am, ear bleedingly loud music.

I used to deal with it at first, but it wears on you after a time.

I can almost pinpoint exactly when it finally got to me.
A neighbor, probably 200yds up the road, funeral for some relative or other, started the music at 4:30am, at a volume loud enough to rattle my windows and make normal conversation inside the house impossible.

I think Thai's have a genetic disposition to deafness!

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1 hour ago, Jason Green said:


THESE THINGS ARE THE WORST! I am glad someone brought them up before I did. How many people are actually listening to those blaring monstrosities with eager interest, and then acting upon said advertisement?!?! Those roving truck blaring speaker machines are noise pollution at it's worst! ????

You're are ok. No question.

But I would love to change places with you if this would stop listening to the village animals

each day, each night. There are roosters, pigeons and doves, dogs, motorbikes.

I hate basses on loudspeakers, but this stupid animal noise seems to be much worse.

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7 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

My own pet hates regarding noise here.


Those damn advertising pickups.

Speaker clusters on long poles.

Music bass coming from a mile away.

Motorbikes that don't appear to have a silencer.

People who shout in hotel corridors after 10pm.

People who shout.

Those godawful whistle people.

Those 1 kiloton fireworks that randomly go off in the afternoon.

Exploding electricity junction boxes.

People learning to play guitar, or much worse, the ukulele.



No animal noise here has ever bothered me, and I have a loft full of nesting squirrels, and probably 50 tukgaers, [large lizards that hunt at night.]


Fully agree with above! + Unbearable noise of big buses at the hotel's parkings. Welcome World Resort for example is close to many big condos. Buses while staying overnights disturbing thousands of people around. It's not only noise but pollution as well!!!   

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55 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Ha Ha Ha Ha. Now you all know what you put your parents and other older people through when you were a teenager with your blaring rock and roll music from the grammerphone which was in the lounge room and you were in the backyard so you had it full volume so you could hear it and the drunken parties and the loud hot rod cars, Wasn't it great when you were young and cared less about others and now you are old and can't stand the noise.

Mr Russell17au, ok, ok, ok. - But 'No!'

'now you are old and can't stand the noise'. - That's not the point.

Unnecessary, unnatural noise is the main disturbance for all of us.



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1 hour ago, ThailandGuy said:

What a joke.  The Thai themselves are the ones creating all the noise. I once left a village in the isaan because of the freaking noice. It seems that they think that it is normal to have a car filled with boxes and create a shitload of music every hour of the day. Even in the night. If one says something about it they are insulted and behave rude. I have seldom seen a country where people have so little respect for others once music is involved. And the harder this crappy isaan music the more status they think they have. Never again !

It's not only in Isaan but everywhere. Open air karaokes, big buses while parking etc...etc...

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the worst thing is the calculation used to measure noise from the bars, let's all assume they didn't get a tip off first before measured! Joke absolute joke there is a bar which is as noisy as hell where I live in Lampang. Everybody knows who the owners are usual story. I could either get all bruce banner about it or let it go!

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