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After fight that split U.S., Kavanaugh wins place on Supreme Court


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17 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

sanity prevailed? hardly


Lol....cherry-picked the afterthought in the very last sentence. Guess the rest of the post was just waffle then. Not bad really, one of the best examples of a la carte choosing of what to comment on from a post I've seen for a while.

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I just read the following article, very interesting.

And I think it's interesting for both sides to understand each other's views.


Why do Democrats and Republicans see Kavanaugh in such different ways?



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3 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

No candidate put forth by President Trump will ever be "Unquestioned".


Oh, Trump's a victim now? Cry me a river. Don't recall that many issues with his previous candidate, or that the Republicans were particularly forthcoming about acceptance of candidates by the "other side". You're welcome to try and paint this as a one-sided issue.

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6 minutes ago, Ahab said:
15 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I just read the following article, very interesting.

And I think it's interesting for both sides to understand each other's views.


Why do Democrats and Republicans see Kavanaugh in such different ways?



Republicans want someone that will interpret the laws as written using the constitution and precedence as a guide, Democrats want a judge that will bend the law (as it was written) to render rulings that suit their beliefs. Democrats believe that the constitution is an obsolete document and they want judges that feel the same. The Democrats know that the balance of the US Supreme Court has just shifted to the right for the next 20-30 plus years, and that is why they fought with dirty tactics and false allegations from the very beginning.

Did you read the article which I linked in my post?

Because what you write has nothing to do with that article. Maybe you should read it to open your mind.

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32 minutes ago, CanuckThai said:

Well, I hope I'm not brought in front of a court of law, for an ass I might have pinched when I was in my teens.  To be accused of being some sort of miscreant, sexual predator, or rapist, based on a 20-30-40 yr memory of a woman feeling scorned by life, will have courts/media brimming with juicy accusations and filings.  Not that they want any money, fame or media attention, purely seeking social justice of course.

I think this is not so much about his behavior from 30+ years ago but about telling the truth now.

I am sure lots of us got drunk when we were teenagers and lots of us tried to kiss a girl or two who didn't want that.

I think if Kavanaugh had admitted that yes, he got drunk when he was young, and he did not always behave 100% correct then lots of people would have accepted this.

But that is not what Kavanaugh did. He said under oath that he never ever drunk too much and he never had a blackout. Is that realistic? I am pretty sure if the FBI would have investigated that part they would have found witnesses who saw him drunk.

Is it a problem that he was sometimes drunk when he was young: No.

Is it a problem that now he lied about that: Yes!

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36 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

Lol....cherry-picked the afterthought in the very last sentence. Guess the rest of the post was just waffle then. Not bad really, one of the best examples of a la carte choosing of what to comment on from a post I've seen for a while.

weird comment.


do you mean that I should have asked you if I may comment? and if yes, on which parts?


guess your post, by and large, was ok, except a faulty conclusion in my view.

however, 3 shortcomings in your post;


you talk about ruining a man's life, big words

he is now on SC, with a ruined life?

had he been dumped by the Hill, ruined life?


you say obviously no evidence,

this you know zilch about, absolutely zilch

maybe there is evidence somewhere, maybe there is not

to conclude on that an investigation (not background check) would have to be carried out


you waffle about innocent/guilty until proven guilty/innocent,

the new legal standard in US since midget-Bush and 9/11 is guilty until proven innocent

that is how the legal system in US is treating people they don't like

and to be on the safe side they add on torture

for evidence - just look to Cuba

so holding the guilty flag high is just following expressed US presidential preference



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31 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Did you read the article which I linked in my post?

Because what you write has nothing to do with that article. Maybe you should read it to open your mind.

I read it, it was dribble.


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38 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think this is not so much about his behavior from 30+ years ago but about telling the truth now.

I am sure lots of us got drunk when we were teenagers and lots of us tried to kiss a girl or two who didn't want that.

I think if Kavanaugh had admitted that yes, he got drunk when he was young, and he did not always behave 100% correct then lots of people would have accepted this.

But that is not what Kavanaugh did. He said under oath that he never ever drunk too much and he never had a blackout. Is that realistic? I am pretty sure if the FBI would have investigated that part they would have found witnesses who saw him drunk.

Is it a problem that he was sometimes drunk when he was young: No.

Is it a problem that now he lied about that: Yes!

I have no argument, with what you wrote.  Unfortunately the States, with their polarized political, religious and ultra liberal (or do gooder) fanatics, their would be no acceptable "wai".  Only podium chest beating...

What most people are missing is: who paid/organized to mount the initial attack?  The cost to finance this might have been in the millions of $ (lawyers, researchers, paid informants, grease the wheels etc)

Edited by CanuckThai
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5 hours ago, Thailand said:

A win for Trump, a job for life for K and a family and friends who will not quite believe him in the future, the damage is done.


Politics stink do they not?

lol... a proper investigation, vs limited questioning of limited cherry picked witnesses, may have changed that reality.


whom so ever decided and agreed to limit the scope of the “investigation” is largely responsible for any lasting damage, as we will never know the truth, as it was not sought, whilst the senate majority rammed their nominee forward


regardless of that, it’s the legacy of this decision, made along extreme partisan lines which divided a nation, that will haunt the citizens of the United States for years to come.


Politically, for anti trumpists, this is a great result. 

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

How do you know it was limited? How do you know Ms. Fords attorneys didnt stop her from talking to the FBI for obvious reasons?

Hey, let's start coming up with unsupported suppositions and claim them as what? Potential facts? Factoins? Nonsense.

Edited by bristolboy
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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Ummm....under statute, dating back to English Common Law, Corporations (or Juristic Persons as they are known here) are "Artificial Persons" (See Blackstone, for Example).


If you want to limit corporate rights as persons you must proceed accordingly, not by judicial fiat.


So how can Corporate rights be a creation of Modern Conservatism if they date back more than a hundred years.


Legislatures have their jobs. Courts have theirs. Do you want your rights circumscribed by the "Wise Latina" flavour of the day?

Corporations had some right. The conservative Supreme court expanded those rights bigly including giving some corporations permission to discriminate on the grounds of religion. I can't say I attend church much, but I've never seen a corporation in one.

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59 minutes ago, CanuckThai said:

I have no argument, with what you wrote.  Unfortunately the States, with their polarized political, religious and ultra liberal (or do gooder) fanatics, their would be no acceptable "wai".  Only podium chest beating...

What most people are missing is: who paid/organized to mount the initial attack?  The cost to finance this might have been in the millions of $ (lawyers, researchers, paid informants, grease the wheels etc)

Bizarre to see someone trying to pass themselves off as reasonable and then invoke a conspiracy theory.

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