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SURVEY: Big Joke--Is he on the right track?


SURVEY: Big Joke--on the right track or overzealous?  

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There have been a number of topics about visa crackdowns.   In your opinion, is Big Joke and immigration on the right track or are they being overzealous?


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43 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...In your opinion, is Big Joke and immigration on the right track or are they being overzealous?..."


While it is the responsibility of the immigration division to regulate the flow of non-Thais in and out of Thailand and set reasonable guidelines for those who stay, the sheer number of news stories and their tone suggests another motive.


The daily (literally) barrage of stories about how "Foreigners" are taking Thai jobs, causing crime, insulting Thai culture, disrespecting Thai people, etc etc etc is straight out of the playbook of a far-right, authoritarian regime. The Junta's message, how they are the only ones that can 'protect' Thais from the evil foreigners, is the message that they want to campaign on, but as they depend on tourism they can't say it out loud. So, we hear the daily drumbeat of how Thais are under 'attack' (subtly) and that the military, represented by Prayut, will 'protect' the Thai people. Text book case...


It is sad; the reason I fell in love with Thailand many years ago was the welcoming attitude of the Thai people and the joyous focus on having fun. Nowadays, it seems like those beautiful aspects of Thai culture are being attacked and replaced with something much darker.


This 'debate' over immigration and the endless media attention ordered by the Junta is aimed at creating the 'us vs. them' mentality; the Junta hopes to ride this to some kind of electoral mandate.


Sad as hell to watch...



Nationalism has always been an easy card for politicians to play. Remember the name of Thaksin's party?  Thai Rak Thai- Thais love Thais

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2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

While it is the responsibility of the immigration division to regulate the flow of non-Thais in and out of Thailand and set reasonable guidelines for those who stay, the sheer number of news stories and their tone suggests another motive.

There are three primary primary motives that I can see.  


One is normal publicity to show the people that you are doing the job and are seen to be doing the job in a diligent manner.  It serves the purpose of reassuring the population at large that immigration is finally taking its job seriously.  The second is for self-promotion to the people who will judge you and determine if you are to be promoted when the opportunity avails itself.  Neither is sinister.  


Two is to get the word out to all those that thought that the corrupt ways of the past are no longer acceptable (no tips sign).  


Three is to get the word out to all those that took advantage of the lax enforcement, corrupt, or non-enforcement of immigration laws.  Get legal, stay legal, or get out.  People that have used agents to get around the fact that they are not eligible, etc. or have not abided by the law and intent of the regulations and visas... should take it as duly warned.


Their job is to make immigration work for Thai citizens (as determined by the government), not to make it work for anyone that wants to reside here for any reason.  


Simply put, someone is taking their job seriously and many are feeling insecure...

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2 hours ago, BestB said:

Because immigration does not always follow its own rules or makes up its own on the spot.



Strange how some people have those problems whilst others never do, like not once in 16 years!

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3 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

If they get rid of the chancers, scammers and con artists life will be easier for the genuine expat, I support their actions unreservedly.

Wait till they come for you buddy. They are nationalists and this is what they do and you better believe they will get around to you. Unless you are a yellow shirted Thai by birth that is.

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If his main concern is busting as many people as possible for immigration violations while ignoring the administrative problems within the immigration system (the absolute debacle that is called Chiang Mai Immigration comes to mind), then I believe he is being 'overzealous' in a tunnel-vision sort of way.  Honestly, he was promoted from a job that put him in the limelight 24/7, so it seems he will concentrate his efforts as Head of Immigration on enforcement in order to stay in the limelight, and let the day-to-day administration of Thai Immigration be damned. There is no glory in being a highly effective administrative agent behind the scenes. 

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1 hour ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I think that the PTB have chosen him to be the next PM of Thailand, just in case Big Too proves to be too unpopular. 


He is not a one-man crackdown.  One officer, however senior, could not implement a sweeping policy like this.  The police have obviously been working on these anti-Indian/African sweeps for some time and he is just the public face who has been chosen to front this movement. 


As others have pointed out nothing appeals to a broad spectrum of voters like a healthy dose of xenophobia.

Regarding setting up a public figure to lead the nation?  You may actually be on to something there.  The meteoric rise of a public figure from within the Royal Thai Police to offer a counter-balance to the military?  The RTP is the only power within Thai society with a chance to keep the military in check.  Stay tuned.....

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For some reason The Thai Government are trying discourage farangs from coming too Thailand. These are the tourists who keep the wheels of the small businesses turning and actually spend money in the shops and bars unlike the Chinese.


Currently they only appear to be selecting people because the colour of their skin.


The current farang overstayers can’t be identified by the colour of their skin so how does Big Joke propose to identify them.


I haven’t read about any Agents or Immigration Offices es yet being paid a visit to inspect what goes on ?



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I believe there are a lot of paranoid posters here on what is really actually happening.


The media hype could also be to warn those overstaying that they are on borrowed time, now if it gives the current unelected government credibility, well good for them, time will tell when the Thai's go to the poles, personally I hope they do not get in as they took power under a coup or force if you like and have themselves overstayed and are now wanting to hang onto power, if they do, this will be a very sad day for the Thai's.


Immigration catching particular races on overstaying or no visa's is probably narrowed down to the most likely races that are troublesome, call it racism or ethnic cleansing, it is what it is and they have their reasons.


Personally I have never had an issue in the 12 years coming going and living in Thailand, just have the right paperwork in order, the correct funds, follow their rules and it's no different than being back in the old country following their rules. I am not distracted by all the paranoia, there is a system in place which appears to have been lax over the years, and now it is being cleaned up, for how long, who knows, the longer it goes on, no doubt the better for the country.


Anyways that's my 2 bobs worth.

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I feel he is on the right track for busting overstay, illegal entry, education visa scams etc. but think he/they are on the wrong track for those who are legally here on retirement visas etc. Things just seem to get worse day by day. EG: if you are a retiree and decide to go upcountry to spend some days with wife/gf's family and you stay in a hotel and then when you return home within 24 hrs have to go to immigration and show them all your documents / house docs again - same if you go out of country - this is total unnecessary madness!! Now i've heard different stories on this as well... some saying nothing has happened to them when they didn't go check in within 24 hrs and others who have been fined..... there is NO UNIFORMITY at the immigration offices and for that matter NONE at the Embassies abroad.  WHY IS THIS??  

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On the right track...Regarding more proof of funds....Quickest way to weed out the fakes & bottom feeder agents too is deny income claims...Show Thailand the $$ in Thailand


If you cannot have at lease 400/800k in a bank to help pay for emergencies,,,then go home


Please, hold the "I have plenty $$  in my other pants,,,I can wire in today stories"????

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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...In your opinion, is Big Joke and immigration on the right track or are they being overzealous?..."


While it is the responsibility of the immigration division to regulate the flow of non-Thais in and out of Thailand and set reasonable guidelines for those who stay, the sheer number of news stories and their tone suggests another motive.


The daily (literally) barrage of stories about how "Foreigners" are taking Thai jobs, causing crime, insulting Thai culture, disrespecting Thai people, etc etc etc is straight out of the playbook of a far-right, authoritarian regime. The Junta's message, how they are the only ones that can 'protect' Thais from the evil foreigners, is the message that they want to campaign on, but as they depend on tourism they can't say it out loud. So, we hear the daily drumbeat of how Thais are under 'attack' (subtly) and that the military, represented by Prayut, will 'protect' the Thai people. Text book case...


It is sad; the reason I fell in love with Thailand many years ago was the welcoming attitude of the Thai people and the joyous focus on having fun. Nowadays, it seems like those beautiful aspects of Thai culture are being attacked and replaced with something much darker.


This 'debate' over immigration and the endless media attention ordered by the Junta is aimed at creating the 'us vs. them' mentality; the Junta hopes to ride this to some kind of electoral mandate.


Sad as hell to watch...




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