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SURVEY: Big Joke--Is he on the right track?


SURVEY: Big Joke--on the right track or overzealous?  

197 members have voted

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2 minutes ago, BestB said:

Considering latest survey where something like 70% of members are not even in Thailand but tourists , hardly a genuine indication , but rather righteous wanna be’s hoping to one day to have a chance to live in Thailand 

Regardless of their abode, domicile, sexual preferences or shoe size they remain TVF members....end of!

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8 minutes ago, BestB said:

Considering latest survey where something like 70% of members are not even in Thailand but tourists , hardly a genuine indication , but rather righteous wanna be’s hoping to one day to have a chance to live in Thailand 

That's the general make up of these types of venues today. 

Distant wannabes pretending to know, yet really haven't a clue. 

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1 hour ago, zzaa09 said:

That's the general make up of these types of venues today. 

Distant wannabes pretending to know, yet really haven't a clue. 

Not gonna lie - I prefer the "digital wannabes" to the washed up and bitter old boys on here who hate everything Thailand related because they found out the hard way the Isaan girl half their age didn't actually want them for their out of shape body and shit jokes. 

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20 minutes ago, SammyT said:

Not gonna lie - I prefer the "digital wannabes" to the washed up and bitter old boys on here who hate everything Thailand related because they found out the hard way the Isaan girl half their age didn't actually want them for their out of shape body and shit jokes. 

Bitter, burnt out, washed up. 

Perspectives, I reckon. 



Real old hand curmudgeons don't belong to this class. 

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...in parallel with the myriad concessions they are slathering on the Chinese now...


...it is rather ungraceful....


...but then again...what better way to deny all the injustices the standard farangs fell victim to....


...rewriting history...so now...they will have never happened...


....2 words come to mind....Jim Thompson....



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9 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

There are three primary primary motives that I can see.  


One is normal publicity to show the people that you are doing the job and are seen to be doing the job in a diligent manner.  It serves the purpose of reassuring the population at large that immigration is finally taking its job seriously.  The second is for self-promotion to the people who will judge you and determine if you are to be promoted when the opportunity avails itself.  Neither is sinister.  


Two is to get the word out to all those that thought that the corrupt ways of the past are no longer acceptable (no tips sign).  


Three is to get the word out to all those that took advantage of the lax enforcement, corrupt, or non-enforcement of immigration laws.  Get legal, stay legal, or get out.  People that have used agents to get around the fact that they are not eligible, etc. or have not abided by the law and intent of the regulations and visas... should take it as duly warned.


Their job is to make immigration work for Thai citizens (as determined by the government), not to make it work for anyone that wants to reside here for any reason.  


Simply put, someone is taking their job seriously and many are feeling insecure...

I recommend you to read the book "Kingdom of making believe"

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10 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

The raids are targeted as the authorities know where crime is centered. .What do African tourists do in Thailand? I have never seen one at a temple, museum, waterfall, adventure sport attraction, or pricy restaurant. Have you been accosted by a proper English girl openly selling sex/drugs on Sukhumvit road? Should Immigration Police go raid Afternoon Tea at the Grand Hyatt Erawan looking for overstayers?

“Big Joke” is on the right track. Thailand has all the laws needed just needs to be enforcerd and bravo the Police are not hamstrung by failed politically correct policies.

No, but they could hit some of the schools and see how many are legal.   I think the % would be equally as high as some of the targeted groups.


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11 hours ago, pegman said:

Wait till they come for you buddy. They are nationalists and this is what they do and you better believe they will get around to you. Unless you are a yellow shirted Thai by birth that is.

The people who abused the 30 day entry permit to live here said the same thing when they cut back on how many you could have, the people abusing education visa said the same, and those abusing tourist visa said the same. People here legally with the proper paper work, visa or extension of stay have not had any problems.

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  • tackle the taxi cheats with harsh sanctions, like say hefty fines, licence revoked and vehicle impounded for the rascals who refuse to turn ON the meter -


  • cease the harassment and red tape on visas and their extensions of stay,  for retirees


  • STOP the finger pointing grotesque photos of the illegals sitting on their chairs,  after being rounded up with the latest raid


  • brainwash the street and beat cops in Thailand to stop racketing foreigners and expats for money. same for the immigration police behind their counters


  • reduce the price of beer, hookers, restaurants and cigarettes  ????



  • Haha 1
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18 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I have very little faith in any Thai government body. History shows their efforts are usually for show.


If they REALLY wanted to improve their image (which they care about more than actual law breaking), they would arrest, prosecute and jail THAI government officers and other influential THAI criminals who facilitate much of the immigration and other crime in Thailand. 

Can't this be pretty much universally applied to ALL governments around the globe?

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3 hours ago, quandow said:

Can't this be pretty much universally applied to ALL governments around the globe?

Sure, it can, but what is relevant and interesting is the degree to which it happens in different places.


People understand this concept of degree/frequency when talking about money but seem to ignore it when comparing people/cultures/societies.


When someone wins millions of dollars, nobody says, "well, almost everyone has some money". They say "that is a particularly large sum of money" with the implication being that a lot of money is not at all the same as little money.

Edited by Fex Bluse
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11 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...in parallel with the myriad concessions they are slathering on the Chinese now...


...it is ungracious....


...but then again...what better way to deny all the injustices the standard farangs fell victim to....


...rewriting history...so now...they will have never happened...


....2 words come to mind....Jim Thompson....




Edited by SOTIRIOS
...an edit of my original post....ungracious instead of not graceful...
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8 hours ago, moe666 said:

The people who abused the 30 day entry permit to live here said the same thing when they cut back on how many you could have, the people abusing education visa said the same, and those abusing tourist visa said the same. People here legally with the proper paper work, visa or extension of stay have not had any problems.

Plenty of people here legally HAVE had problems. I suppose your experince may be limited. I know of several high-flying expats - real expats, living in 100K+/month pent houses or houses, driven in Mercedes Benz, ect - who had visa issues after their Thai business partners turned on them for different reasons. One of these people was a colleague of mine who moved onto Hong Kong. 


Of course, people who have been kicked out of the country or encouraged to leave, won't spend time on this forum as they must focus on getting their lives together. 

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