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Legal tourists and expats will feel the benefit under "Big Joke" - he's the real deal


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OK, let's consider. Is the recent UK decision not to authorise pension letters due in some way to his appointment? If the US Embassy is also withdrawing then its not just a normal sh*tty British Embassy 'failure to help its nationals' (getting worse every year) . If BJ's, appointment IS responsible, it's just making it harder for currently legal residents to stay legal. You have the income outside of Thailand, but now can't prove it. 

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Just now, joebrown said:

I think you're being a bit premature here with your rhetoric JW.

Big Joke said the Thai police sent a representative to interview the alleged rape victim in England.

It's a fact that the BIg Joke said the results of the alleged interview would be made public by last Saturday. Have you seen the results published anywhere yet?

I think it's more likely the 'real police' in the UK have given the BIg Joke  something more than just another photo op to consider. Big Joke took less than a day to wind up his alleged investigation on Koh Tao. This delay suggests to me that there is more credibility to the alleged victims claims than in the rhetoric you spout.

Well, everyone else here is jumping the gun with their rhetoric about Big Joke so why not me also?  As it happens, I've put it on record here that if it turn out that my view of Baxter's credibility is wrong and her very dodgy rape allegation stands up I will apologise to her but I'm pretty sure that won't have to happen.  Wonder why she and her mother have been so very quiet since the first allegation that the mother made?


"Big Joke took less than a day to wind up his alleged investigation on Koh Tao".

He did not wind it up as your spouted nonsense claims!  The investigation is ongoing, it was never wound up!



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1 hour ago, namatjira said:

90 day reports are not a problem if one mails them in.

easy to do.....takes little time....maybe 10 minutes to fill out the form, take it to the post office, enclose the paperwork and return envelope and stamp.......bingo......the last one I didn’t even bother getting the return sent back registered post.....just a regular stamp.

cost was from memory 23 baht all up.....so easy to do and yet for some reason people still queue up at 6.00 in the morning,

they should be given the gold award for cheap Charlie’s.

or maybe they are just too stupid to fill out the forms and use the post office.....it’s really weird.....

It is choice by which means others do the 90 day reporting, as it is yours. I suppose some could say that mailing it in is a lazy mans approach, or a waste of postage. Choice, the essence of freedom.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Time will tell, though to expect one man to single handedly clean up Thailand is asking a bit much.

I will take him seriously when he starts getting people like the Red Bull "Boss" back to face justice.

He's probably back already. 

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

If only,he would be my hero,if he could improve

the problems with Chiang Mai Immigration Office,

so you don't have to start queing in the middle of

the night,just to get a ticket to do your extension

that day.

regards worgeordie

He should make CM his first port of call.Anyone have his email/contact address ?

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3 hours ago, jvs said:

That is not his job?He is head of immigration but i get your point.

He was head of immigration when he said all will be revealed by Saturday ( just gone ) re the KT rape and visit to London. haven’t heard a thing have you ?

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Legal tourists and expats will feel the benefit under "Big Joke" - he's the real deal

How can a guy who is so full of himself, he awards himself fancy ranks in his last job, his present job, and possibly any future jobs, be the real deal?

Major/General indeed? Ha! Ha! Ha! :cheesy::cheesy:


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36 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

He's probably back already. 


The yingluck 'escape' was helped, aided, possibly planned by several ranking cops, and it worked, and some of the cops now punished. 


Seems to me the red bull boys family has massive professional and non-professional resources and connections and easy enough for them to bring him in and out as they please.  And my guess easy enough to find some senior / other scaly unethical cops who would have no hesitation to help (for a fee of course, which would probably guy a couple of BMs but less than small change for the bull mob).





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8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Legal tourists and expats will feel the benefit under "Big Joke" - he's the real deal

How can a guy who is so full of himself, he awards himself fancy ranks in his last job, his present job, and possibly any future jobs, be the real deal?

Major/General indeed? Ha! Ha! Ha! :cheesy::cheesy:



So your saying he personally made up his current / recent ranks?


Full of himself or a dedicated cop? Which one would you really prefer?

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6 minutes ago, maddox41 said:

He will be top dog at immigration for 1 yr till the old boy retires from the chief of police this is a holding pattern for big joke he's going to the top. He be the dirty Harry off police in no time at all. 


Perhaps better to make him the national cop now, because the current guy is asleep at the wheel and has been for most of his tenure. What has he achieved of significance? Nothing I can recall.


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44 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Well, everyone else here is jumping the gun with their rhetoric about Big Joke so why not me also?  As it happens, I've put it on record here that if it turn out that my view of Baxter's credibility is wrong and her very dodgy rape allegation stands up I will apologise to her but I'm pretty sure that won't have to happen.  Wonder why she and her mother have been so very quiet since the first allegation that the mother made?


"Big Joke took less than a day to wind up his alleged investigation on Koh Tao".

He did not wind it up as your spouted nonsense claims!  The investigation is ongoing, it was never wound up!



Well if 'not wound up' means holding a press conference to say that he found nothing to support the allegations and threatening to ban the alleged victim is what you believe then so be it. Oh, I forgot the other matter of arresting people under the Thai Computer crimes act for sharing news likely to defame the name of Koh Tao and it's tourist reputation.

I can imagine gaff ridden Prawit having a word in Big Joke's ear to remind him of the effects of drawing premature conclusions in such cases (Chinese boat deaths off Phuket). The investigation was only resurrected to protect tourism and to show the world that Thailand really cares! 

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2 minutes ago, scorecard said:


So your saying he personally made up his current / recent ranks?


Full of himself or a dedicated cop? Which one would you really prefer?

1.  More than likely.  2. A dedicated cop, but how many Thai cops are dedicated apart from when it comes to collecting tea money? Think about the dreadful carnage on the roads for a start.




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18 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Perhaps better to make him the national cop now, because the current guy is asleep at the wheel and has been for most of his tenure. What has he achieved of significance? Nothing I can recall.


very bad for the election. I do not think the Thais would be happy if raids

were on their homes ... but maybe they will get it in the future

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22 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

This is the same line used by all authoritarian apologists.  They can raid my condo without a scintilla of prior investigation because I do nothing wrong.  I guess you have been lucky and not haven your passport stolen by a police officer and held until you pay tea money.  The police in Thailand are thoroughly corrupt and this has to do with decades of depending on bribes and tea money instead of being paid a livable wage. The point is that random police raids put a chilling effect on tourism and expats because it erodes the feeling of safety in the Kingdom.  Therefore, these random raids are actually at cross purposes with their desired effect.

I will not invite my family to Thailand for the holidays again

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