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‘Big Joke’ vows to get rid of 7,000 overstaying foreigners by end of month


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12 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

Could not be better. Let them arrest all overstayers. What I don't like is the urine test they do to catch users of Marijuana (and other drugs) after they verify your passport and immigration status. Once, I just arrived from Amsterdam and caught up in this stupid raid. And guess what happened? Why do a urine test? I think it is a violation of privacy and my American friend thinks it is OK. He has been living in Thailand for a longtime and lost all sense of privacy I think. ????

Yes weed stays in your blood for up to a month, your US friend is one of the thaier than thai expats?

Need a smoke after seeing big joke all over the forum, think should all ignore the next one and nobody comment, geez is this north korea without the legal weed lol

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4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Quite agree, I hope he does away the the dodgy visa services providing extensions for those without the funds, those people need to go home.

Sure hope they arrange some form of benefits in advance for all the Thai families and thai children that will be destitute and living on the streets without their low income husbands or b/f 

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Just wondering peoples opinion.  I'm a legit resident so a Big Joke fan. A couple of weeks ago Watchman laid out a decree on what Joke should/Must do.


Does anybody believe that Joke has been sold a poisoned chalice to fail because he's in the press so much ?


Seen it done in Industry.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

As far as I am concerned he can go for his life catching them all. If you can't play by the visa rules, you have no right to be here. Those of us here legally cop continuous flak from the bad reputation such people give the rest of us.

I dont disagree with your sentiment but who is giving you flak ? Those Thais who simply dont like foreigners will voice their opinion regardless of the circumstances , the ignorant rarely behave in a logical fashion.

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11 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

A financially naive statement. Firstly tying up that amount of cash in a low interest account ,even if you have it is an appalling investment. Secondly having sufficient income is just as good a guarantee (probably better)that you can support yourself. My last income letter indicated a multiple  4 x the specified amount and I do not want to liquidate healthy investments in stocks and properties I own to sit vegetating in a bank.

Should I not be here? 

But you have the backing and the proof in the pudding to show Immigration you have such a wage coming in. I think quite a few do not have such cash flows and just a healthcare issue is enough to wipe them out or maybe even worse. Thailand is changing now. I don't agree with everything, but things are going to change and we are going to have to adapt. 

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

As far as I am concerned he can go for his life catching them all. If you can't play by the visa rules, you have no right to be here. Those of us here legally cop continuous flak from the bad reputation such people give the rest of us.

Utter nonsense.


Who knows how circumstances change?



Edited by Odysseus123
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15 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

When they will come after the foreigners who bought houses with a Thai company all this warm enthusiasm about the strict application of the laws may fall slightly for a few people :coffee1:

I remember Suthep spouting that if there was evidence that a farang put money into a thais house they would lose the house putting the thai family on the streets , nice hey, that would clean out many here

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9 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

I dont disagree with your sentiment but who is giving you flak ? Those Thais who simply dont like foreigners will voice their opinion regardless of the circumstances , the ignorant rarely behave in a logical fashion.

You beat me to it. "Those of us here legally cop continuous flak from the bad reputation such people give the rest of us."

What continuous flak do you cop and from whom?

The bad reputation is from the drunks, brawlers, even the graffitti writers etc and they're probably legal tourists. I doubt very much that you'll see many Poms, Aussies, Yanks etc arrested by the end of this month.

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4 hours ago, racket said:

Overstayers, criminals and other people who doesn't follow the laws should be arrested, fined and deported. It's just common sense, and this will put a relief on the burden for normal folks who're adhering to the laws and not become a subject for a minority who doesn't. But honestly, I think this is just a PR move for BJ and we don't really know what these numbers truly are. 

If Thailand really does get rid of all these illegals and overstayers, surely they should do the right thing and make things easier for all the decent expats and tourists instead of making them jump through these unnecessary hoops. 

But when does Thailand ever do the right thing?

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

As far as I am concerned he can go for his life catching them all. If you can't play by the visa rules, you have no right to be here. Those of us here legally cop continuous flak from the bad reputation such people give the rest of us.

You seem to think this is not all propaganda for the 2 P's before elections bowing to the royalist elite. (sure you posted differently last week)

What about people that are sick? I got charged for overstay when suthep and co closed international airports, was that my fault?

what about the foreign drs that got refused entry to help after tsunami for no WP, its not always black and white

I hope you have a WP by the way ????

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22 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

When they will come after the foreigners who bought houses with a Thai company all this warm enthusiasm about the strict application of the laws may fall slightly for a few people :coffee1:

Such contradictions will certainly apply, and extended, to special folks. 

Especially when hidden greasing palms enters the picture. 

These unsavoury activities not only apply to things Thai, but commonplace the world wide. 

It's the way the world works.


It is what it is.

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4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Quite agree, I hope he does away the the dodgy visa services providing extensions for those without the funds, those people need to go home.

These "dodgy" visa services are greasing the right palms which is why nobody will need to go home.

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12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

If Thailand really does get rid of all these illegals and overstayers, surely they should do the right thing and make things easier for all the decent expats and tourists instead of making them jump through these unnecessary hoops. 

But when does Thailand ever do the right thing?

Thailand does the right thing for Thailand, pity the UK cant do the same for the UK.

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3 hours ago, hobz said:

Hope he gets the job done quickly and fix all other immigration related problems quick.

Then I hope he gets moved to chief of traffic police or some type of anti corruption unit. Because this is where we really need him.

"or some type of anti corruption unit." If any individual ever tries to interfere with certain income streams, then I do not fancy their chances of continuing in the job.

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42 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

When they will come after the foreigners who bought houses with a Thai company all this warm enthusiasm about the strict application of the laws may fall slightly for a few people :coffee1:

Exactly what I was thinking.  All these "kick'em out, because I follow the rules" types forget that Thailand is a minefield of laws that they are violating, some knowingly and others unknowingly.  Not just your example. What happens when Big Joke decides to focus on IP or people using VPNs to access internet sites prohibited by the Thai government?  How many people are running illegal copies of Windows and other software on their computers?  What about downloading or accessing television and films illegally?  And wait until one of these sorts one day opens the door to the curb on his car too quickly and trips up someone on a scooter cutting inside--wait till they try to explain "well, it was his fault, not mine."  And of course there is airport customs: how many registering their jewelry and electronics (and underwear) before they leave Thailand so that when they return they don't need to pay the otherwise legally required customs duty?

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3 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Give a 500 baht reward to anyone who reports an overstayer who gets thrown out. Problem solved. 

Overstayers are part, I emphasis part, of the reason why decent expats and tourists have to jump through so many hoops.

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3 hours ago, lkv said:

Look, when some of you moved into Thailand, you probably did it for the lax environment amongst other things, and easy going lifestyle.


The fact that this lax environment has been ideal for all sorts of dodgy activities is an effect of the way the laws have been applied. Or not applied.


Nowadays, the laws are being applied in a "military style" which will affect ALL "law abiding" expats. And it is likely to continue.


So this is a different Thailand than the one you chose to move into years ago, and it's "not the overstayer's fault".



In your'e last paragraph, you should have said it's "not "all" the overstayers fault. Although I have no time for overstayers and illegals, I have to say that this post is very true.

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5 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I know a few people using these kinds of services.


Most are decent blokes living a quiet life in their 50's and 60's and contributing to the local economy. 


Many have the money but quite rightly don't want to keep it in a Thai bank account in perpetuity.


Graft and cutting corners is the Thai way of doing things, visas and suchlike have never been any different. If it makes life easier then why not use these services? 



You are just plain wrong.


If you want to live here, bring a bit of cash across. No big deal if they, as you say, have it anyway. Secondly, it is not in perpetuity, it is for as long as you want to/are allowed to stay here or until you die (in which case it is safe to assume that you do not care too much anymore). I just cannot accept that people believe that because you sneak into a country and lay low (buying your groceries and beer along the way) that is justifies a wholesale breaking of the law. You live in the grey area mon ami.

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58 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Oh if only your wish were true !

The reality is that the major grafters ( domestic and international ) will not be touched , the corruption will not abate one little bit .

What we are seeing is a round up of just the small fry , simply a distraction from the major issues affecting the kingdom.

Bashing Johnny foreigner is always a popular ploy , the patriotic xenophobia plays well with the masses , its what it disguises that is the real concern.

Yeah, I hope big joke fixes immigration issues quickly and then moves on to tackle road safety where 22000 Thai people die every year and over 1 million Thai people get injured every year. 

And then once he fixed that he should start looking at corruption,, I'm sure the Thai people are losing billions due to corruption every year.

But hey meanwhile getting rid of overstayers and criminals is not a bad thing.. I'm sure they cause some damage too. Or do they?? I bet getting rid of all overstayers is actually a bad thing because I bet most of them are spending money here and thus being a net plus for the Thai economy.. foreign Criminal operating in Thailand. How many of them actually commit crimes? How many are just here spending their money? Is it really positive to throw them out?

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21 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

And criminals who forget their passport at home, when they go to buy their Bia Chang at 7/11, will be deported too... Numbers oblige... I guess you are one of those select gentlemen who keep their passports between their teeth while boobooming a soi 6 creature?

Or between their cheeks.. 


But no, come on, nobody will be deported before getting a chance to produce the passport with Visa etc.. if you heard anything else it's fake news. 

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