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Thailand Tells Black People Don’t Come Here


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9 hours ago, kwilco said:

It always amazes me how racists spend so much time arguing that their racist theories and dogmas aren't racist.

It always amazes me how people like you live in a world with rose-tinted goggles. I am not a racist. I have worked in more than 70 countries and with 100's of nationalities. I have many good friends in these countries too. As I said to you wake up and smell the coffee. People of all nationalities commit crimes. Some nationalities more than others for very different reasons. Look at the causes first wherever it may be. Go to somewhere like Nigeria and you will see the causes. Move forward and look at most Nigerians in Thailand and I will guarantee that the majority are not engaged in legitimate tourism. They are looking to make a buck. Simple reason. 

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9 hours ago, kwilco said:


  9 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I don't consider India as Asia.  In fact it is typically referred to as the Indian Sub Continent.  Some people and places do consider India Asian.  So be it

You'll bebe saying Britain isn't Europe next....when did you leave school?



Russia is in Asia as well. Do you consider Russians to be Asians? GK was referring to ethnicity not where it is geographically.

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19 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Of course, but it is also the situation that a certain group is operating open drug trade in BKK And the police should be cognisant or ignore that scenario?


Then go after that certain group and not all people of the similar color.

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The news went out just a bit off, they are targeting black Africans, not blacks in general, and give Thais a break, something is wrong with blacks when so many are in jail for crimes they did commit and so many already deported back to Africa. And after all, they are not sent to jail just like that, they are being searched and if it's all good they can go.

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asians are scared of all other races. my neighbours are terrified of me and im white. They are scared by people that stand up to injustices. They dont get it at all and see it as violent bit ita quite the opposite. It truly terrifies them. Perhaps whites will be discriminated more so soon enough.

Maybee its a penius thing. Its not like thais run scams, sell drugs, etc.. If only equality was a possibility here.

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If Thai law enforcement agencies have data that says people from the African continent are more involved in crime, then you cannot blame them for targeting people that fit that 'profile', especially if they are hanging around in what they consider to be high crime areas. Customs and immigration agents at airports do exactly that but on the basis of appearance more than race.

Just because some PC civil libertarians rush to emotional labels like 'racial profiling' doesn't mean its not an effective way of reducing crime. As a white male I know I am labelled here (Falang) and looked down upon by some Thais. That's just how it is and I get on with life here.

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1 hour ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

If Thai law enforcement agencies have data that says people from the African continent are more involved in crime, then you cannot blame them for targeting people that fit that 'profile', especially if they are hanging around in what they consider to be high crime areas. Customs and immigration agents at airports do exactly that but on the basis of appearance more than race.

Just because some PC civil libertarians rush to emotional labels like 'racial profiling' doesn't mean its not an effective way of reducing crime. As a white male I know I am labelled here (Falang) and looked down upon by some Thais. That's just how it is and I get on with life here.

Good post.


The PC brigade, however well-meaning, don't seem to know the difference between "racialism" and "realism".  The persons they accuse of being racists are actually just being realists, and have a better fix on what is happening in the "real" world, as opposed to the Utopia that the liberals want to believe in.

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4 minutes ago, allanos said:

Good post.


The PC brigade, however well-meaning, don't seem to know the difference between "racialism" and "realism".  The persons they accuse of being racists are actually just being realists, and have a better fix on what is happening in the "real" world, as opposed to the Utopia that the liberals want to believe in.


Correctamundo. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. What the PC brigade haven't realized yet is that the people they so vigorously defend do not want the same utopia they do, and the respect and tolerance they are shown is not reciprocated.

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“The suspicious targets are the dark-skinned people. First, we search their bodies, then we search their passports,”


i believe this is a big discrimination and colored people should boycott thailand and dont visit here then.

bc this is a total racial abuse.

think about it, you walk around a touristic area (lets say Nana area as an example) as a colored person among many white guys and they just come and search your body and nothign for white guys. 

authorities, please go check white guys too. there are more visa offenders among them i believe!

such move just damage reputation of peaceful Thailand and nothing else.



Edited by Galactus
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On 10/23/2018 at 5:30 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I can't vouch for accuracy (it was a long time ago), but I recall reading many years ago that China, in the 1400s, would not allow black men to enter their territory unless they were castrated and made into eunuchs first.


I recall seeing the futility of black people trying to hail a taxi in S Korea in 1990.


I recall chatting with Chinese people in Guandong in the late 90s who were emigrating to the US and they told me that their greatest fear was being killed by black people.


This is the Asian cultural legacy for black people.


Why would anyone be surprised that they are being unwelcome?


And in the UK they even took the golliwogs off Robertson's Marmalade jars because they "scared the kids"! ???? Or was it because they were considered to be symbols of racism? I forget, now - sorry! ????



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On 10/23/2018 at 2:07 PM, Jingjock said:

They brought it on themselves, Africa is one of the worst nation by far for scamming people, I'm still getting at least 5 skype calls every night from this country.

Did you answer every time and not block them? Did you say "helloo is this Africa again?? Here's three fiddy if you stop calling??!! God damn lochnes monster from Africa"?

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On 10/22/2018 at 5:37 PM, bkk6060 said:

This forum and others have continually expressed complaints about the listed subjects.

Many about their presence on lower Sukhumvit and elsewhere, male and female.

My experience with them has been verbal harassment and attempted drug sales.

So, sounds like the Thai government got tired of it and sent out the troops.


Sounds like the dark skinned people currently in Thailand have worked very hard to achieve the image that now has them titles as undesirable. If only the less desirable dark skinned people are drawn to come to the Kingdom it should be no surprise that they will not be welcome. One has to wonder if there are many more dark skinned people in the Kingdom that have melded into Thai society without issue, surely there are many good people sharing this skin color. Although it does seem like a disproportionate number are causing problems.


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On 10/23/2018 at 5:19 AM, Darcula said:

How about Tiger Woods? Is that offer of Thai citizenship going to be renewed if he wins another major?

As far as I know Tiger woods is half thai. But what about the arab pickpockets in the Sukhumvit area?

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On 10/22/2018 at 8:05 PM, LALes said:

This all amounts to nothing if the African drug dealers around Soi 13 are not removed.

I wonder where do these black guys get their drugs to sell on the street from. Mostly Thais. Except Sukumvit working girls, most thais buy their drugs from thais. Go to rama 4 slum and watch. Be careful though.


The same is true for Europe and America. Where do these street sellers get their drugs from? From white people only. 


It is always the economically disadvantaged people who get the brunt of any ill conceived policy. I support removing illegals/criminals without any racial profiling. Not every black guy on the street is selling drugs and targeting them exclusively is racial profiling. 

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Racism is just a word! Since when did it belong the pity me card because I am black? institutional racism is used when Government workers (jobs for for life no matter what bad things you do) treat contract (yearly) workers poorly. Refuse them the same benefits, don't acknowledge their skills. and remove them at a moments notice, if they don't like them.  Most people aren't stupid, They see what other people do, how certain groups follow in their fellows footsteps in actions they do! So become wary of the same groups, until like me all have to prove themselves, to be of good faith. The same goes for religion, when you refuse to be in the same room as another because their version of religion tells to not to.... the same goes for people of colours, if you are open and honest, others will see and welcome you. We only see the colours of people when our defensive system given to us by nature, warns us to be wary of strangers, by their actions, which mean a stranger standing on a street corner, is warning, same as woman standing their, wearing clothing that seems wrong for the occasion. Perhaps that is why you might seem more attached to the girls hanging around outside  Nana Hotel. You know they are doing the same, but most are dressed as normal ( mind you its been a few years since I been down there!) rather than across the road,

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On 10/24/2018 at 1:07 PM, bluemoonpattaya said:

I totally agree with this Thai approach to remove a group of people who are causing trouble and here illegally. If this was in England there would be a torrent of people shouting racial abuse, and most of them would be of ethnic origin. If they looked after the true British people back home the same as the Thai's look after there own here, then Britain would be a better place.

I'm not a racist but i can see how people can be turned, when the racist card is only played one way. in favour of black people.

So well done Thailand for looking after your own people. 

So the Brits should be kicked out of Australia ? As they were booted out by Gandhi? “ I am not a racist”, but you reek of it.

Well done, mate . What about booting out the Russian mafia in the south? As for England, any jealousy? Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London. Or your coloured English BILLIONAIRES? 

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30 minutes ago, Brickbat said:

So the Brits should be kicked out of Australia ? As they were booted out by Gandhi? “ I am not a racist”, but you reek of it.

Well done, mate . What about booting out the Russian mafia in the south? As for England, any jealousy? Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London. Or your coloured English BILLIONAIRES? 

Perhaps you should do a bit of research as to my knowledge Gandhi was never in Australia  and bluemoonpattaya is totally correct in his approach. 

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16 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

As I mentioned earlier, most Thais get their daily dose of drugs from Thai people only. By booting out blacks, they cannot reduce drug usage. 

Blacks are on lower Sukhumvit from Asoke past Nana selling drugs every night.

Also up Soi 4 from Sukhumvit to Grace hotel.

I do not disagree with you about reducing usage. But, the appearance from this busy and popular tourist area with blacks is extremely negative. 


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I would have thought folks know that Gandhi booted the Brits out of his own country. And unthinkable that he could ever boot anyone out of any other nation other than his own.


as for BM Patty’s view, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You too. But it’s intelligent debate and not just assertions of it being correct or incorrect that could lead to an understanding of what is true

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4 minutes ago, Brickbat said:

I would have thought folks know that Gandhi booted the Brits out of his own country.

I would say Gandhi booted Brits from their crown jewel and from a country that created the British middle class, putting aside all the other historical reasons for the end of colonialism. ???? 

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It's not just black people....in all honesty, the locals don't want anyone here if they had a choice. In general, they just put up with tourists/expats because of the money but we are not welcome here really in a genuine way...certainly on a governmental/elite level despite some normal Thais being OK, but it's become "some" now as to how it was a while back. It wasn't always like this, as in 20 years ago, as it was fine but I can sense more resentment in the last 7-8 years than before and even in such places like 7-11 where the staff are more frosty than before. Although, to be fair, this has happened in many places where there is now "welcome fatigue" or the tourist novelty has worn off due to the authorities and business people chasing ever growing numbers, money and unsustainable figures. Can't continually grow all these indefinitely...it's finite.  

Edited by Sir Dude
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