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Thailand Tells Black People Don’t Come Here


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On October 22, 2018 at 3:31 PM, SoilSpoil said:

I don't think the over sensitive racial trump card will be taken serious here.  African drug dealers and hookers down Sukhumvit are a total menace. 

I saw a Nigerian black drug dealer on the steps in front of that hotel on sukhumvit glaring at a light skinned thai girl with braces arse, and he said "cup".

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22 hours ago, JamJar said:


Wouldn't that be Guyanese. You should know your staff better. ????


But seriously, even at school you could observe the difference between black people from different countries.


The ignorance shown by many on this kind of thread is often astounding.


Black this and black that. They have no idea how thick they make themselves appear.


No attempt at any kind of intelligence. Just banal racist statements, not caring who they offend.


Apart from that, whilst there may have been dodgy African characters around Sukhumvit and also committing 'romance scams', there is no doubt that there are many more criminals and dodgy characters in Thailand of almost every ilk.

The difference is that they are not always immediately visible. There are drugs dealers, call centre scammers, fraudsters of every kind and none of them are 'black'.


Black people aren't shooting stabbing and fighting each other in Thailand. 

White, yellow, brown(including Thai) people are ripping people off on a larger scale with call centre scams than anything (perhaps) Nigerians are achieving.


Yet there are all of these righteous people posting here, who haven't done a dodgy thing in their lives. No involvement in any illegal activities, including prostitution it seems. Hypocrites, I'm sure.


But as soon as there is a thread mentioning black people, certain characters appear in order to vent.


It's fine when the likes of the Krays and the Adams are committing crime and murder in the UK. To some they were even heroes.


But when some Somalis from a war zone arrive in the UK and begin stabbing each other, all of a sudden it's those 'black' people.


It's not about political correctness. It's just crass stupidity and wilful ignorance.

Angry people who are fed up with their lives who are looking for someone to blame.


There is a lot of crime carried out by foreigners in Thailand and most of it is not carried out by 'black' people.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the biggest cheerleaders are simply happy that the light is shining on someone else.

The crime of the west indians ,unlike the Krays  ,targeted the most vulnerable and usually female or school boys. People with little money [mugging and steaming]..These crimes were almost unknown before Macmillan set out to destroy white working class culture with the massive immigration program he started and every government since has carried on...Too many people have confused Roots  and 24 with fact instead of brainwashing fiction.

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On 10/23/2018 at 12:30 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

I can't vouch for accuracy (it was a long time ago), but I recall reading many years ago that China, in the 1400s, would not allow black men to enter their territory unless they were castrated and made into eunuchs first.


I recall seeing the futility of black people trying to hail a taxi in S Korea in 1990.


I recall chatting with Chinese people in Guandong in the late 90s who were emigrating to the US and they told me that their greatest fear was being killed by black people.


This is the Asian cultural legacy for black people.


Why would anyone be surprised that they are being unwelcome?


I remember working in Southern China in the early 90's and black were regularly refused entry into China via the Shenzen/HK border post when i used to come through there 

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5 hours ago, p414 said:

The crime of the west indians ,unlike the Krays  ,targeted the most vulnerable and usually female or school boys. People with little money [mugging and steaming]..These crimes were almost unknown before Macmillan set out to destroy white working class culture with the massive immigration program he started and every government since has carried on...Too many people have confused Roots  and 24 with fact instead of brainwashing fiction.



Sorry, but you are simply making it up.

No muggings in the UK before West Indians arrived?? Utter crap. People were being coshed long before they arrived.


As I alluded earlier, racists like to romanticise.


Perhaps you can link to some evidence of these crimes of 'West Indians' against women and school children.


Who are these 'West Indians'? Jamaicans? Barbadians? St Lucians? Guyanese? Antiguans?


The fact is that you have no idea and you simply make up a narrative to fit with your racist belief system.


Let's conveniently ignore the domestic violence against women and children that simply was not acted upon by the police in the past. They would simply walk away, stating that it was a 'domestic'.

See my point? Good old days eh? Easy to be blind to certain types of crimes, but to emphasise others...based on the colour of someone's skin.


Let's not forget violent attacks on 'Pakis', regardless of whether they were from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh....

On the other hand, taking advantage of the late opening shops, as they would work longer hours and enjoying a good curry.


Oh, but that is ok, it's the 'steaming' by groups of youngsters that is the real problem.


The fact is that there is crime going on all of the time. 


For example, some Latin American immigrants would be involved in the import of cocaine.

But no outrage from you about Latin Americans, because they are not obviously visible to you.


Then there is massive white collar crime. Again, romanticised as harmless.


The worst is some young 'black' kids behaving badly.


Certain people are always looking for scapegoats for their miserable lives.


But you need to look beyond colour and race.


Are certain Africans the only ones selling cocaine in Thailand? These are clearly small time dealers if they are delivering it themselves.


I admittedly don't know any Africans in Thailand, but I certainly know of other foreigners and locals who are selling drugs in Thailand.


But of course, it feels good to some to attack the poorest in society as the root of all ills.


Hint: The poorest in society are more likely to commit certain types of crime.

It doesn't mean that more crime is committed by people of colour. It's just a special visible kind of crime.


Africans may be have been hanging around lower Sukhumvit simply because they were allowed to make money and pay kickbacks there.


But the holier than thou mongers complained because they were only there to take advantage of poor brown people and weren't interested in being accosted by Africans.


My point is that stupid people choose to make assumptions because of the colour of someone's skin. 

But we know there is far worse criminality out there, that have nothing to do with being 'black'.




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It is entirley reasonable for the police to be targetting crimes, end even targetting those people or social groups whom they reasonably suspect  of committing or abetting those crimes. It is however completely unacceptable in any civilised society to target 'dark-skinned' people or any other ethnic or racial group.
On the other hand (and this is a part of a very big problem in the UK) it seems entirely sensible to ignore what a person is or whet he or she looks like, but to pay careful attention to what they do. The cultural impact on behaviour is huge. Racism is always absolutely wrong, but to observe behaviour is always not only right, but essential.
Nonsense it's profiling. When security are screening for terrorists at airports should they stop [emoji732] every single westerner or concentrate on the Muslims who are doing 90% of the damage. That's not a trick question

How many white guys spend hours in a group on lower Sukhumvit pushing meth?

Hit the dark skin guys hard. If the USA did this their violent crime rate would be down big time.
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2 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Nonsense it's profiling. When security are screening for terrorists at airports should they stop emoji732.png every single westerner or concentrate on the Muslims who are doing 90% of the damage. That's not a trick question

How many white guys spend hours in a group on lower Sukhumvit pushing meth?

Hit the dark skin guys hard. If the USA did this their violent crime rate would be down big time.


How many 'white' guys came to Thailand to take advantage of poor brown girls?

I guess those types think that as long as they are spending money they should be welcome.

There are low-lives of all types. 


Don't you think they are already 'hitting them hard' in the USA? What would you like them to do more to the dark skin guys in the USA?


I somehow imagine that if they had a better quality of life in the first place, many wouldn't be turning to crime in the first place.


Much like the little brown girls in Thailand. If they weren't poor, they wouldn't have to fraternise with socially inept foreigners.


Think less about colour and more about poverty.


If they are so poor in the NE of Thailand that they have sex with unsavoury foreigners, how do you imagine the life of the Africans?


People do what they can to survive.


So whilst I am not condoning their behaviour, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to judge.

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1 hour ago, JamJar said:


How many 'white' guys came to Thailand to take advantage of poor brown girls?

I guess those types think that as long as they are spending money they should be welcome.

There are low-lives of all types. 


Don't you think they are already 'hitting them hard' in the USA? What would you like them to do more to the dark skin guys in the USA?


I somehow imagine that if they had a better quality of life in the first place, many wouldn't be turning to crime in the first place.


Much like the little brown girls in Thailand. If they weren't poor, they wouldn't have to fraternise with socially inept foreigners.


Think less about colour and more about poverty.


If they are so poor in the NE of Thailand that they have sex with unsavoury foreigners, how do you imagine the life of the Africans?


People do what they can to survive.


So whilst I am not condoning their behaviour, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to judge.

I Agree that it's more about the poverty.I'm here in the US and see a lot of "light" skin crime... violent and non violent. We've just had a couple more mass shootings last week by "light" skinned people. The white collar crimes they commit aren't a joke either. Sh*t people come in all colors!

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I guess you are one of the millions that read the daily headlines in the late 60's early 70's that screamed 'RACIAL ASSAULT'....And like most of the sheep readily believed that poor ,innocent, hard working,clean living west indians were daily in fear of being out after dark.....Years later on a BBC interview the met police commissioner stated what many of us already knew...The assaults were carried out by blacks on white and other races.

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9 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Nonsense it's profiling. When security are screening for terrorists at airports should they stop emoji732.png every single westerner or concentrate on the Muslims who are doing 90% of the damage. That's not a trick question

How many white guys spend hours in a group on lower Sukhumvit pushing meth?

Hit the dark skin guys hard. If the USA did this their violent crime rate would be down big time.



Well, you say nonsense but then agree with the very point I'm making. Go figure...

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