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Florida man charged in connection with 14 mail bombs sent to Trump critics


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3 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

James Earl Ray was a lifelong criminal, a fugitive who had escaped from prison, and a white supremacist.  No political motive.

Mark Chapman said he was angered by Lennon's statement that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.  Religious motive.

Care for strike three?

How can you be so sure that you had 2 strikes? Oh, yes! The batter --you-- is calling the shots! I think the dice are loaded. Right? A Nobel Prize winner in literature said about some humans that it is the certainty of their opinions that makes them cruel. I will let you ponder over that. Some people like humility. I do. I do realize though that some claim that women like confidence. Trump is very confident and he is always right, in more ways than one.


Personally, I am more into peaceful and friendly discussions than baseball games. That being said, ...


1st pitch: Are there many Democrats white supremacists? I don't know many. You?


2nd pitch: It seems to me that right wingers are usually extremely religious or vice versa. Not always, but that is a common pattern. The term religious-right is often coined. 


The word "pitch" has many meanings.




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28 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

People keep insinuating that it is Trump's rhetoric that is making the right wing angry. I can assure you, it is the left making them angry. The list of reasons is endless, but it all boils down to the deconstruction of America and everything that contributed to a wonderful quality of life. Forcing moral people into an unnatural society is a recipe for depression and mental illness. Threatening peoples borders makes people want to defend their land. And on and on it goes.

If the list is endless, surely you could present some examples.


Btw, I think it is convenient to frame the debate along black and white lines, democrats and republicans, left and right. Corporations are the puppet masters corrupting many politicians of both parties. The Dem. party uses moral issues to appear different, but on economic policies they are not that different. De-regulation has been a hallmark of both parties. That being said, there are representatives of both parties that seem to have a spine and a heart. There are plenty of entitled white men and women on both side of the aisle. Progressives seem a bit less corrupt.


This bomber seems to belong into a mental asylum, not a jail. He is an outlier. On the other hand, Trump went too far with his egomaniac attention-seeking drama and marketing. It would be easy to verify if Trump pushed him to act, but the FBI will conveniently protect the establishment, even a guy as unappealing as Trump. 

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6 hours ago, bangsaenguy said:

This guy really drank the kool aid. He has done exactly what Trump has encouraged. This action is Trump's responsibility. Of course, he will blame anyone other than himself. If I closed my eyes and envisioned a typical Trump supporter, this guy would be it. Blindly following the Pied Piper

Examples abound...………….


- German extremists followed the Nazis


-Those gullible, lost and looking, follow religion.


-Those who are different believe the earth is flat.


- Those who are bereft of brains and morals follow trump.

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5 minutes ago, JestSetter said:

If the list is endless, surely you could present some examples.


Btw, I think it is convenient to frame the debate along black and white lines, democrats and republicans, left and right. Corporations are the puppet masters corrupting many politicians of both parties. The Dem. party uses moral issues to appear different, but on economic policies they are not that different. De-regulation has been a hallmark of both parties. That being said, there are representatives of both parties that seem to have a spine and a heart. There are plenty of entitled white men and women on both side of the aisle. Progressives seem a bit less corrupt.


This bomber seems to belong into a mental asylum, not a jail. He is an outlier. On the other hand, Trump went too far with his egomaniac attention-seeking drama and marketing. It would be easy to verify if Trump pushed him to act, but the FBI will conveniently protect the establishment, even a guy as unappealing as Trump. 

Open Reddit/conservative or similar right wing comment platform and read for days, examples of things the left does to make the right angry.  I know it's not the echo chamber you are comfortable with, but it is good to see what the other side is saying.

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4 hours ago, malibukid said:

why doesn't the U.S. require a passport or DL when mailing a package.  this info could be scanned in and added to the bar code on the package. better yet biometric data?

Be careful what you wish for... it might come true

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1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

Your side only believes in relative morality. Which is something isn't immoral if you want it bad enough. The right tends to ascribe to a moral code which would be seen as normal throughout most of human history.

Would that be democracy and equality? (democracy..... democrats)

but yes..... going back in the written history of civilization... or more specifically... Ancient Greek.... they definitely sought democracy, so I suppose your right


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5 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

There are nut cases on both sides. That is an obvious truth.


6 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

The right tends to ascribe to a moral code which would be seen as normal throughout most of human history.

Yo! :cheesy:

Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Open Reddit/conservative or similar right wing comment platform and read for days, examples of things the left does to make the right angry.  I know it's not the echo chamber you are comfortable with, but it is good to see what the other side is saying.

You did not read my post very carefully. One more time.


On moral issues the list will be long. But, as I said, both parties on economical issues are pretty close, if you remove the hubris or the constant Trump marketing/hype that he sells. 


So, real unemployment figures have been manipulated by both parties. Google it. The real unemployment is around 18 to 20%. In fact, Trump used to use this figure when Obama was boasting. Of course, Trump also boasts about the 4% fabricated unemployment figure. Google real usa unemployment. (It is also worth looking at participation rates and real wage VS inflation figures. Now that T-shirt and all from China will start to cost more thanks to the trade war, inflation should pick up, nullifying any wage increases, if any.)


On the banksters, both parties have spared them.


Debt and deficit-wise, Trump is raising both. Obama lowered both. All I know is that China and Japan are selling their US debt and that should keep the USD low or lower for a while.


So, here, I mentioned 3. It is off-topic. 


I do subscribe to Foxnews along my usual left-leaning/independent feeds. As I said, GREY matters, but one should really be worried about a news outlet called Fox. It is not what they say that is so much problematic, it is what they are leaving out.

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

That is an amazingly insignificant anecdote. Maxine waters tell her crowd to harass republicans wherever they are found. Hilary tells people to abandon civility when dealing with the right. 

There is a bit of a difference between the concept of abandoning incivility or harassing people in an elevator (Hatch dismissed them rudely and did not engage with them or wanted to at any time) AND saying all that Trump has been saying about hurting physically anti-Trump people. If i recalled, there were 2 women with cell-phones and Hatch had 2 security guards whom I am sure are well trained to handle any (pun intended) ... calls and much more. He did not look one bit afraid of anything. Now bombs are a little different.

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5 hours ago, riclag said:

Is it to early to respond with a opinion,probably !This whatever is a sick individual!

Does this individual represent PT or supporters for change,  far from it! Would a rational person two weeks before the second most important election spoil it's idol's image or it's cause ! This individual's hatred and how it chose to show it, is inconceivable! 



I don't recall you practicing the same level-headed approach suggested on past topics relating to supposed transgressions and misdeeds attributed to people associated with the "other side".


As for "inconceivable", there's that handy The Princess Bride reference.

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4 hours ago, riclag said:

It's inconceivable for a follower to want to act out to destroy millions of followers dreams. Sick!


What's "inconceivable" (well, not really) are the priorities on display in the post above.

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Your side only believes in relative morality. Which is something isn't immoral if you want it bad enough. The right tends to ascribe to a moral code which would be seen as normal throughout most of human history.

This quote of mine has gotten a lot of laughing responses, which I find a bit unusual because it wasn't really very funny, and the basic difference between conservatives and liberals is often described as, Conservatives in favor of traditional values. while Liberals find there is room for adjustment in our moral paradigms.  But I guess the left seems to believe that their morals have now retroactively become the morals of all time. This becomes obvious when they are seen judging people on things they said or did decades ago when there were different standards for acceptable speech and humor.

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5 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Well he is good family man, supports and promotes the women in his inner circle, doesn't drink (I've heard). 

But that is all beside the point because the president is not who I was talking about.


He's a "good family man" how? Cheated on wives, divorced, makes questionable comments on daughter, other daughter seems estranged. Relations with other family members not that great either. Behavior and conduct not quite what's expected from a grown up role-model. Believes being rich and famous is a free pass to do whatever (grab women, kill people on 5th avenue), lies are a second nature....and so on and so forth.


That you don't want to bring Trump into this is obvious, it sorta shoots the legs off your argument.

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12 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

This quote of mine has gotten a lot of laughing responses, which I find a bit unusual because it wasn't really very funny, and the basic difference between conservatives and liberals is often described as, Conservatives in favor of traditional values. while Liberals find there is room for adjustment in our moral paradigms.  But I guess the left seems to believe that their morals have now retroactively become the morals of all time. This becomes obvious when they are seen judging people on things they said or did decades ago when there were different standards for acceptable speech and humor.


And you seem to define the scope of "traditional" as whatever suits your politics.

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5 hours ago, riclag said:

Is it to early to respond with a opinion,probably !This whatever is a sick individual!

Does this individual represent PT or supporters for change,  far from it! Would a rational person two weeks before the second most important election spoil it's idol's image or it's cause ! This individual's hatred and how it chose to show it, is inconceivable! 


Here above is the portrait of a man who really understands why Trump is a genius

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10 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Is it really trump making the right wing crazy??


He's an enabler, allowing the craziest ones to release their inhibitions following his whims.


On the other hand, how many liberal terrorists have acted out their frustrations in the manner of the cartoons you posted?

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Trump and most Republicans must be furious with this Cesar guy; and obviously, the Democrats must be loving all this. This whole incident might cause the Democrats to win, at the mid-terms, many more seats than they had been aiming before. And, it could very well be the beginning of the end for Trump.

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