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Cost of Living in Thailand: Save money? You're having a laugh!


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Never met any Thai that doesn't have a family farm they can go and live on.

Food grows all year round in Thailand, life never gets that hard.

And if you don't know how to forage, any temple will feed you.

I have to admit I have not.

I have met several who live in the farming areas but have a small metal roof hut,  or I guess you can call it a house. I think the every a Thai has a family farm went some time ago.

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1 minute ago, DonaldBattles said:

THE COST OF LIVING FOR FARANGS IN THAILAND CONTINUES TO RISE. PAYING B2792 PER MONTH FOR CABLE TV IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. The government continues to increase the tax of wine to the point where it is not worth drinking. To say the least about the quality of the box wine. Thank god I live close to the border. Imported foods from Top's is almost prohibitive. Maybe they think we should eat sticky rice and chicken on the stick every meal. The import tax on US beef is impossible starting at 50% ++. If the US put this level of tax on importing Thai rice they would get real in a hurry. No beef fit to eat and rot gut wine is a way of protecting peoples income as no one wants to pay the price. The 420% import tax on wine for a country that has no market for local made wine is crazy.

lol, I think I pay about 900 baht annually for cable tv.

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3 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

THE COST OF LIVING FOR FARANGS IN THAILAND CONTINUES TO RISE. PAYING B2792 PER MONTH FOR CABLE TV IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. The government continues to increase the tax of wine to the point where it is not worth drinking. To say the least about the quality of the box wine. Thank god I live close to the border. Imported foods from Top's is almost prohibitive. Maybe they think we should eat sticky rice and chicken on the stick every meal. The import tax on US beef is impossible starting at 50% ++. If the US put this level of tax on importing Thai rice they would get real in a hurry. No beef fit to eat and rot gut wine is a way of protecting peoples income as no one wants to pay the price. The 420% import tax on wine for a country that has no market for local made wine is crazy.

What for cable??

They must be stupid and have never heard of the black box...


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In Germany I've seen a different sort of snobbishness, 'I've got more debt than you', seems fairly prevalent in the Isaan villages as well although their debt is forced on them. where I am we had very little rain so the rice yield is poor as is the quality, some farmers wont even harvest the whole field as the cost will outweigh what they get for it, instead they cut enough for their own use.

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31 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Dear God, why is this so difficult for you to understand? There are tens of thousands of villages in Thailand virtually identical to the one my GF lives in.

Do you know where the statisticians are gathering their data? The 14K baht/month average income you quote - is that data from the cities alone, or does it include village data? I've never seen a policeman in my GF's village, let alone any other kind of government official. Most of the villagers don't have bank accounts, it's a cash and barter economy. Some like my GF's father have never been outside the village in their entire life. How do you get a sample size of 100% on BOT stats for people whose biggest capital investment is a bicycle?

As I said before, try getting out into the real world.

It’s very similar in the south. My bf’s family can barely afford food and the rent for their house, they need a small car and a bike for commuting, they are doing fine but no money for furniture or anything out of the ordinary, like a sketchbook for my young brother in law. Everybody is working hard and chipping in to stay alive, maybe some people here don’t understand how poor really works. 

Yes many young people strive for the western ideals of new gadgets and shiny things, but so do many others young folks in other countries. For many, a nice phone is their only escape from the shitty reality they live in. 

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7 minutes ago, manarak said:

lol, I think I pay about 900 baht annually for cable tv.

Me too and I have 100mbs Glasfiber Incl tv( which nobody here uses) with great deals all the time with results in approximately 600 the a month. Btw. Tops has reasonably priced items too, I shop everywhere but I look for good bargains. 

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It also doesn't help that investment choices for Thais are limited as well.  You can buy a condo, which is popular but risky and high entry cost.  Or you can invest in the Thai stock exchange, no thanks.  Or put it in a bank for super low ROI.  Pick your poison.  

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53 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

Koh Samui and Koh Phangan are regarded as the most expensive places to live in Thailand you can pay upwards of 150 baht for a meal that would cost 40/50 baht in other parts of the country , gasoline and diesel is more expensive as for furniture it’s double what you would pay in Bangkok but saying all that there are plenty of Thais who drive in nice cars how they manage I don’t know.


No they're not... Phuket & the Andaman sea coast, Khao Lak area are both a lot more expensive than Samui or Phangan, go take a look.....

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51 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

You want me to agree with your theory that Thailand is populated almost exclusively by poor rural villages where the population earns next to nothing and as a result the average wage in Thailand should be next to nothing....I don't the evidence suggests otherwise.

Your post is deliberately misleading. I never said that, only made the statement there is missing data in the average wage statistics.

FYI, the Emerson aphorism is " A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds".

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15 hours ago, Lungstib said:

On the very far north border where I live people earn minimal wage and know they have to live simple, make it go round and there is little competition to outdo their neighbours. Saving is virtually impossible. But down in C Mai there is a class of workers who want the good things in life and are not prepared to go without. They buy expensive big screen TV's, computers, mobiles, auto's and even houses to keep up with their neighbours and borrow to do so. You'd be hard pressed to find a group of Thais with ordinary jobs who actually save money monthly. For that you would need to look at business owners, managers etc. Bangkok is maybe a different world, I know nothing of how they live.

I can never figure out how come so many Thais can afford any of the Apple I phones.  I've made do with a quite reasonable phone for the past 3 years, which cost $169 new.  There must be a lot of borrowing somewhere.

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And maybe if all the Foreigners did not come here anymore because there 800,000 Baht  Immigration wants in a bank Account  adds to There Yearly world bank report on Thailand Economic Status i reckon your in the Shit.



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I could be wrong but I think Thai people are going to face a bigger problem soon, somehow the Thai baht is holding a higher value than what it is worth and sooner or later it will have to be devalued, just what it will do I hate to guess, could the Chinese government be at work again?

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I save roughly 9-15K baht a month, depending on how 'foreign' I want my lifestyle to be. Bangkok Bank and other financial institutions offer sound investment plans, which also help you receive more during tax time. 

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14 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

The Thai people live too much in the here & now. They give little to no thought about the future. Immediate gratification is all they seem to understand, as tomorrow is just a maybe.

Sounds alright to me.......

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1 minute ago, Andrew108 said:

Around the world the rich are getting richer and workers are getting poorer. 


As an aside: an iPhone or other type of smartphone represents amazing value when you look at the functionality they offer. They have become essential items.


But what can we do about the fact that incomes are shrinking whilst the value of assets is increasing year after year? Nothing at all. The global financial system is rigged to prefer growth over sustainability and capital flows towards perthose countries that have a controlled workforce and secure assets that can be invested in.

Democratic balances are seen as untoward market interference causing capital to flow away from that country. This is neo-liberalism. Get people scared and angry. Fill them with desire. Authoritarian governments form and liberal democracy dies. 

Its happening all around the world where the majority of workers are pretty much working to live rather than working to prosper. 

Once we destroy the human race and all other species completly we can always eat our credit cards, right? Few thousand calories in the iPhone, very good value at only $1000+. 

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15 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

Yeah but it's impossible to live in Thailand on less then 40k a month, so no wonder they can't save. I read this on TV often. Where are the Thais mentioned in this article getting their fix of premium import beer and superior western food from?

All the farang relationships who contribute to these people. 

The same ones who are going to have to show 65,000 a month income or savings of 800,000 in order to stay here.

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