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Backpacker reveals how she escaped terrifying kidnap attempt in Thailand


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Yeah this pi##es me off and also doesn't ring true at all especially when she is quoting what the Thai guy supposedly said to her in perfect English. It seems people are jumping on the bandwagon of knocking Thailand at the moment. I wonder what would have happened had she acted in the same way in her native country i.e. got s#itfaced drunk and accepted a ride from a stranger.... oh hang on she wouldn't have behaved like that in her native country... but its okay to do it here!!!! Fool.

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2 hours ago, LazySlipper said:



Can't really judge her decision to travel alone cos we are all free to make mistakes. However, she should not put it to the media what happened to her because, in my opinion, most people won't have pity on her. Getting shiiiitttteee faced is a bad idea when abroad in a counbtry where you do not speak the native language. When I am away from home I simply don't drink. But that is just me.

Yes- and unfortunately if you're inebriated, prudent thinking is not even a choice. And yes- I do not pity her....why? Because she failed to understand that she was a guest and failed to adhere to appropriate behavior. I am tired of those who get shit-faced and have the balls  to complain about "something". Respect the country you are visiting or stay home.

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4 hours ago, bannork said:

Just another stupid Western girl who can't handle her drink.

I agree. Unreported at the time, (2017?) unsubstantiated anywhere and not very believable.

I am all for justice in Thailand and am of a mind to support the 'Hang-'em high' for those occasions when a young woman is assaulted, molested or intimidated by someone looking for a cheap thrill/sexual encounter.


Her story isn't really something I can accept. After a year abroad in Asia, she is so naive as to go with strangers to a party in the 'rainforest'... get smashed out of her brains, walk away intending to go 'back' alone, (so she says), in a lonely location, (she says) accepts a lift from a stranger, (she says), and then has the skin scraped from her leg after some form of accident and concocts a story that she doesn't report or speak about for roughly one year?


Why would anyone do all those things - all in one night - "on a whim"?

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"Rachel Turner, this is your life!"


Yeah right! Full of sh?te and lies, shame on you for trying to blame nameless others who can't defend themselves. Was there really a motorcycle rider? Or were you so pissed that you kept falling over, leaving your skin on the ground?

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Perhaps another reason to rent a place within walking distance? So many stories where "visitors" have no idea of where they are staying (when inebriated) AND then comes a story where a visitor forgets where the hell they are staying. Um.....I think I am staying herer, but I don't know.


And even though I understand people imbibe, when foreigners visit- get <deleted> up, and then make  assertions that are unsupported, then I hope those specific tourists go elsewhere.


I can imagine what Thai natives say underneath their breath. Crazy farangs? But farangs spend money, so obviously "some" think that visitors are <deleted> and don't necessarily care about revenue (umm- I do not think so), then you do not bite the hand that feeds you.

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9 minutes ago, hobobo said:

"Rachel Turner, this is your life!"


Yeah right! Full of sh?te and lies, shame on you for trying to blame nameless others who can't defend themselves. Was there really a motorcycle rider? Or were you so pissed that you kept falling over, leaving your skin on the ground?

You seem to be good at making up stories..

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And to those "visitors: " who so readily cry BS in some way, I would suggest that you stay home until you know how to act in a foreign country. Why is it "females"? Am I so not aware (no- I don't think so) that female visitors suddenly cry foul? Then stay home.

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Or refrain from drinking in a foreign country "if" you can't act accordingly.  I am well-traveled and I am cognizant of "norms", but when alcohol enters the equation, all bets are off. So don't be so amazed if you insist upon your normal behavior in a foreign country.

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In other words, we let out guards down- especially when drinking. Not that I don't ream people taking advantage of inebriated people- a BS move. I was taught to be respectful- even after some drinks. So re: that woman in question, more facts are to be offered, but I lose my patience when visitors  expose themselves to potential negative happenings. Whether a question of natives taking advantage (in this case- I don't think so). or simply being a drama queen. All I know is that I'm glad I'm not exposed to these drama queens.

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4 hours ago, MARK74 said:

Either it's been changed slightly for reader experience or she found  a moto taxi with unusually good english skills.


There are no motorbike taxis in the region afaik.

This was a rapist that was lurking around a party area as rapist does and waiting for opportunities.

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So many experts who most likely were not there when the incident took place; most likely don't know the parties involved and who most likely have some supernatural power to see into the past and pass judgement in the present. 

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Surely no comment is needed on this, it is not even worthy of a news story, just a day in the life of a stupid young girl, there must be thousands of similar stories to choose from. 

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26 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

What a weak, anticlimactic story. 


What passes for 'journalism' these days is becoming more worrying by the hour.

I agree. It doesn't worry me as I see what "reporting" and "news" has become; a regurgitation of stories woven with with yarn of dubious fact; and sold to the gulible who are starved for purpose.

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6 hours ago, Loaded said:

Kidnapped? I read the article and it reads to me like a drunk silly girl accepting a ride home from a bloke who leaves her when she falls off his motorbike.

That deflection was fast . WooHoo!  Hope you get points for that.


However as we are in the ebb of the Chinese tide. They need to do a little damage control and for that matter promotion of tourism among western tourists and that means backpackers too.

I understand they decided decades back they would be better off without them, but right now, they need all the tourists they can get; IE a little proactive in preventing this negative PR.

Can you get on that?!   :thumbsup: 

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4 minutes ago, anterian said:

Surely no comment is needed on this, it is not even worthy of a news story, just a day in the life of a stupid young girl, there must be thousands of similar stories to choose from. 

I agree. Many similar stories are written by posters on this forum.

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