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Thailand makes HUGE changes to its laws on smoking in public

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17 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

So what's next... prohibiting  of laughter???

Laughter is good .. Duh, Cigarettes are an absolute ignorant & stupid choice 

Of lifestyles .. what good does smoking cigarettes bring .. ?

 Foolish, insecure people enriching tobacco companies .. (Why) to ensure poor health, wracking coughs and a dim-witted image for themselves  .. Please .. if you insist on your right to such a moronic habit, then Smoke over there somewhere ????‍♂️

If you’re serious, read ... Alan Carr’s “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” 

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33 minutes ago, direction BANGKOK said:

In my estimation, you need to explian or argue, why someone would take your word over the science. Why should someone listen to you, over the scientists if they are trying to do what is best for their health and family's health? 


"There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke."



You can write them and tell them to change that wording if you would like, but to say "secondhand cig smoke will have no affect on you" is a position that is false based on the scientists recommendations. Again, why should we listen to you and not them, that is the point you must address. 


Nothing have to be changed. In the link they talk about indors, not out in the free.  Get Your facts right !!

Edited by Nielsk
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17 hours ago, transam said:

In the UK they banned smoking in pubs etc, but you could stand outside and have a puff, in this case it seems you have to stand in the middle of the road..????

Behind the pub in a separate smoking area, ideally. An attack by lymphoma cancer cured my smoking habit two years ago - cold turkey. However, if you want to stand in the middle of the road (as a protest?) have at it, it may be safer to do that than to smoke!


Some of the cigarettes smell really bad and cigarette smoke can go right through my PM 2.5 respirator mask because smoke particles (and many other particles, bacteria and viruses) are smaller than 2.5 microns. 

Edited by MaxYakov
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My my... I’ve always been a Non Smoker... I hate the stale Stench of others smoke on my clothes... 

I do feel that smoking outdoor is fine as the smell dissipates into the air... I’m from UK and the Disgusting concentration of filthy smoke in doorways really pisses me off...

unlike UK 90% of bars here are outdoor, where smoking won’t cause any harm to anyone... this sounds as ambiguous as ALL Thailand’s “Statute Rules” unfair on smokers... and probably unpoliceable... 

As for “ Electric Cars” they burn fuel to create electric to power them ?? Henry Ford designed his model T to run on Ethenol and built from Hemp ...thee BANKSTERS forced him to use Petrol and Steel .. people blame others when the culprit for evils is the Banks.

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So..... at my Cafe/Pub I have a smoking area at the back.... but in order to get 5m away from the door you would have to be sitting on the fence at the back of the property.... ????

In the unlikely event that a member of the BIB happens to pop in with a tape measure to check out the smokers, will I get fined or the smoker if they are within 5m of the back door?? ????

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17 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Is this to bring smokers in line with prison inmates? Will Big Joke be promoted to Head of the Fun Suppression Squad?

No- it's the "marginal"  authorities taking directives from some <deleted>. Look at your country before you deflect "anything".



Yes- regards,



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Once more the posts from a significant percentage degenerate into mud-slinging against anything Thai. Seems that many on this forum can never see anything positive ever being done. Maybe they should look more closely at the situations in their countries of origin...

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6 minutes ago, Commercial Diver said:

Laughter is good .. Duh, Cigarettes are an absolute ignorant & stupid choice 

Of lifestyles .. what good does smoking cigarettes bring .. ?

 Foolish, insecure people enriching tobacco companies .. (Why) to ensure poor health, wracking coughs and a dim-witted image for themselves  .. Please .. if you insist on your right to such a moronic habit, then Smoke over there somewhere ????‍♂️

If you’re serious, read ... Alan Carr’s “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” 


In reality very few people are going to take your advice and go out and purchase a copy of said publication or even send off to Amazon for one. Folk are simply not going to do it and it's probably a load of waffle that's been printed simply to make money.


If it's such a boon to those wishing to quit tobacco as you seem to imply could you kindly take the trouble to explain in a couple of paragraphs the main points that are made in Carr's book. If your doing so results in just one smoker becoming an ex smoker then you will have made a valuable contribution to that individual's future well being.

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2 minutes ago, TMNH said:

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. here we have a lame-brain castigating people who smoke. Go find some other cause when it is not none of your business.


As long as I don't have to smell your smoke, or you, you're right, it's none of my business...lets just agree to keep it that way.

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6 minutes ago, TMNH said:


The existing law is followed by most Thais, but there seem to be quite a few foreigners who don't. So there is a good chance that the new law will also be followed, and the foreigners who don't might be fined.

Edited by jackdd
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18 hours ago, transam said:

In the UK they banned smoking in pubs etc, but you could stand outside and have a puff, in this case it seems you have to stand in the middle of the road..????

Standing in the middle of the road is probably safer as they have a tendency to ride motorbikes on the pavements here

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18 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

So what's next... prohibiting  of laughter???


Laughter is good for your health. Smoking harms your own health and that of those who have to breath your smoke. 


About time all countries clamped down on those who think it's ok to have a quick smoke and pollute others.


Well played Thailand!

Edited by Baerboxer
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18 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

So what's next... prohibiting  of laughter???

What a selfish attitude. Thanks to second-hand smoke I'm suffering from a fatal lung disease. I really admire Thailand for its bans on smoking.

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Glad I gave up smoking some years ago, because it already then started to be too difficult, to be a polite smoker. Even I enjoyed smoking, it was really not that hard – think it's a question of you want to give it up...????

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