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Where Would You Move?

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4 hours ago, KSwr7UDHyn said:


That's actually an excellent question.  Not sure I have an answer to that.  I know that I'm not looking for the full blown rural Thailand experience.  I also know that I don't want shuffle past bar girls and touts to go to pick up groceries.  I'm looking for something between those two extremes.  


Maybe something like Hua Hin 10 or 15 years ago.  



Have a look at Paknampran , lovely beach , not too touristy and within easy reach of Hua Hin.

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If you like to have a city nearby , I think you are mistaken not to consider Pattaya or Jontiem , or somewhere along the coast or hinterland east of Rayong .  You don't have to live in either one , there are plenty of houses for sale within a reasonable driving distance .  I have never been to Pattaya , nor ever intend to go , but friends tell me there are all the facilities there for good shopping and entertainment , hospitals .  Krabi town is dead at any season , I love Krabi region , Au Nang , Nopharat Thara , away from all the people and noise . Koh Samui is very varied from Chaweng Town to extremely rural , Chaweng has the best beach and good hospital nearby , but I wouln't choose to live in Chaweng , but a good beach is essential if you like to live near the sea .  Another area to consider is well south of Hua Hin , a friend tells me that is very nice .   

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5 hours ago, KSwr7UDHyn said:

One man's traffic zoo is another man's light traffic.  I'm originally from Los Angeles so I always laugh when people talk about bad traffic when cars are actually moving. ????

Problem is....that cars are actually moving!! ...too fast. And not to forget the motorbikes. Yearly death toll on Samui roads equals (approx.) the LA numbers. ( don´t nail me on that, just read some statistics )

There is a slight difference in population though.

But, Koh Samui is a nice island with almost everything one needs. I´ve been there first time in 1981 and now every once in a while to do my visa stuff or visit a friend who lives in Mae Nam. I live on Koh Phangan, I like it. When you are on Samui you could do a day trip to Phangan (easy and effortless, 30 minutes). Even if it´s only to take another one off your list

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You might reconsider Pattaya given that you say that you liked living relatively and accessibly near a larger city.  We have a condo in Wong Amat (Beach) which is very close to the town of Pattaya but far enough away to have peace and quiet.  We love it here and are definitely not into or part of the well-reputed Pattaya scene.  You can create your own space and from what I understand from reading posts from golfers, it is a golfer's paradise.  Wishing you good luck and success in making your decision. Best.


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16 hours ago, neeray said:

It sounds to me like you've already sorted this out for yourself. I think your good lady has got it right ..... Krabi.

From what I read on this forum and elsewhere, Samui sounds a bit too commercialized and touristic. And not as easy to travel from as Krabi.

Your future sounds great. Good luck.

Totally agree. 


Of course it depends what your budget is. Krabi is not cheap and where I live in Koh Lanta is even more expensive. Then again, you get what you pay for, unspoilt paradise, aside from the usual Thai foibles.


Samui is way too commercialised and difficult to access.

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6 hours ago, Tofer said:

Totally agree. 


Of course it depends what your budget is. Krabi is not cheap and where I live in Koh Lanta is even more expensive. Then again, you get what you pay for, unspoilt paradise, aside from the usual Thai foibles.


Samui is way too commercialised and difficult to access.

If you had to make a guesstimate of how much more expensive Krabi is than, say, Samui, what would you figure?  


It's always hard to get a gauge because people have different baselines.  When I lived in Bangkok, everywhere else seemed cheaper ????  But I'm sure someone from Pattaya might find Samui's prices eye-popping.  

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6 hours ago, baansgr said:

Krabi/Ao Nang is wonderful with a fantastic international airport plus all the big stores like Makro etc.....but boy does it rain, May-October is non stop.

I've been to Phuket a few times during rainy season but never got too drenched.  I would assume when you say non-stop you mean daily rain for a few hours and not all-day rain, right?  

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12 hours ago, KSwr7UDHyn said:

I've been to Phuket a few times during rainy season but never got too drenched.  I would assume when you say non-stop you mean daily rain for a few hours and not all-day rain, right?  

Depends , Sept and October especially can get very wet. I have known it to rain pretty much non stop for days at that time.

I think stats prove that the Southern Gulf is considerably drier overall compared to the Andaman region.

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16 hours ago, KSwr7UDHyn said:

If you had to make a guesstimate of how much more expensive Krabi is than, say, Samui, what would you figure?  


It's always hard to get a gauge because people have different baselines.  When I lived in Bangkok, everywhere else seemed cheaper ????  But I'm sure someone from Pattaya might find Samui's prices eye-popping.  

I honestly couldn't say.


I have found building on the island of Lanta to be considerably more expensive than the mainland, materials between 15-50% more, and readymix concrete double. Labour is limited also. Authorities are over zealous in their fee charging. 


From a shopping point of view my only reference is the purchase of a kayak in Samui which was actually cheaper than anywhere else I had enquired. I perceived there to be a reasonable competition for business in Samui, whereas in Lanta, and even Krabi, you'll pay what they ask!


To be fair, I researched the cost of building on the island before we bought the land, and was happy to proceed. What I didn't do was compare the cost of building / living on the mainland. At the end of the day we found our piece of paradise on the seafront for a very reasonable price, and the rest is incidental.


Aside from costs you should consider very carefully your requirements of culture and entertainment of which there is very little around Krabi region, but the countryside and coastline are spectacular.


Koh Lanta has engaged in a programme of new roads around the whole island and they will leave those in Samui a poor relation. One ferry crossing has already been replaced with a bridge and the other is muted to be going the same way. Development is strictly controlled, motorised water sports and beach vendors are banned, all positives IMO. Shame about the ferry, if it happens, which I find to be a novel experience, and only 20 mins crossing at B100 for a car.


I would seriously suggest you make a list of what you need / want and visit both places to establish how your criteria fairs.


Good luck with your decision. If you make it to Lanta pm me and we can meet up.

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5 hours ago, Tofer said:

I would seriously suggest you make a list of what you need / want and visit both places to establish how your criteria fairs.

I'm in the process of that right now.  


Actually, everyone here has been very helpful and I'm appreciative of that.  


I think my wife and I can get to the same decision.  Samui and Krabi were sort of the, "Ok, not BKK, not CM, not Issan, where do you want to live?" first passes.  


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Samui has many farangs living for years, who are here, because Samui is the most comforable place in Thailand, which has also this tropical palm tree island feeling. Phuket hasn't that at all.

But it is most expensive in many things. But it is also possible to live here with 10k per month, if you can live like that. 

Most Farangs here would not consider to live in Isaan or Patty. CNX is an option for some, who consider Samui too expensive 

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22 minutes ago, Birdman said:

Samui has many farangs living for years, who are here, because Samui is the most comforable place in Thailand, which has also this tropical palm tree island feeling. Phuket hasn't that at all.

But it is most expensive in many things. But it is also possible to live here with 10k per month, if you can live like that. 

Most Farangs here would not consider to live in Isaan or Patty. CNX is an option for some, who consider Samui too expensive 

Some biased and incorrect statements here. One thing right, Phuket is one of the more expensive places to live. However, the OP hasn't indicated he is one of your people living hand to mouth on a pension.

In a thread like this, it's a pity some people can't just extoll the virtues of their choice without feeling the need to throw in personal bitterness about other places.  

To the OP, as your missus has ruled out several places, the poster talking about Lanta might have the most interesting idea. Beach side on the open ocean side of the isthmus , still relatively cheap! Sounds good.

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a few things, not most things, are more expensive in Phuket. I have lived and worked at this 2 places since the 80s. And I still do. Have worked also in BKK 3 years. 


Food e.g. is more expensive on Samui of course. From noodle soups at the streets, fresh food at the markets, supermarket items......check out the price of a Big Mac at MacDonalds and compare that. Or at the 400 BHT Sushi 2nd floor Central, and compare.  

Consumer goods. Dennon hifi amplifier e.g. much more expensive. Computer, mobil phones, check out prices at Central F and Lotus.  Spare parts of all kind of things. Petrol is more expensive. Electricty. Medical bills at hospital. Intern, schools, airline tickets, how many times is it cheaper from HKT to BKK..? and PG from USM to BKK..... HKT-SIN? USM-SIN? ........     


Btw no bitterness at all at my side. Could go back anytime. But I love my life in Thailand.

Edited by Birdman
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14 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Work Permit, director in a company (i.e. major shareholder), registered in a House Book (i.e. resident), owner of a title property (condo or house), are some of the options; it's a "resident card".

Full information here "Samui Resident Card".

Marriage certificate and wifes house book.

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