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Medical chiefs to discuss compensation over acid death


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Medical chiefs to discuss compensation over acid death

By The Nation



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The Social Security Office (SSO) medical board will next month consider whether to approve compensation of up to Bt400,000 to the family of 38-year-old acid victim Chorladda Tharawan.


She died at the second hospital she was taken to after allegedly being refused treatment at Praram 2 Hospital in Bangkok, said SSO Secretary-General Ananchai Uthaipattanacheep on Thursday. 


Chorladda's family filed a request in Khon Kaen.


This board will examine if the death was caused by poor medical treatment.


Anachai said Praram 2 might be removed from the SSO system. 


The Health Service Support Department (HSSD) probe, which reported earlier this week, was unclear if the private hospital denied treatment to the patient. The SSO had asked the HSSD for an answer, Anachai said.


On November 9, Chorladda was attacked with acid by her husband, who was later arrested. 


She and her 12-year-old daughter arrived at Praram 2 in a taxi at dawn with acid burns on her face and neck. But she left soon after in another taxi for Bang Mod Hospital, where she was entitled to free treatment, and where she died. 


According to the HSSD, Praram 2 might have committed five legal offences, including a failure to follow guidelines about how to categorise emergency patients and a failure to ensure a proper transfer. 


HSSD chief Nattawuth Prasertsiripong said the body would lodge a complaint with the police to bring the case to court. If convicted, Praram 2 management could face a two-year jail term and a fine of Bt40,000.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30359101

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-11-22
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Can authorities at least get the facts correct on the cause for facial burns?

Hospital says boiling water, family says acid.

Meanwhile as

13 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I haven't heard a single peep about the murderer. 

No deep pockets nor possible award for compensation from the alleged acid/boiling water attacker?

Seems the police at times walk away from a crime when parties focus on civil damages.

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Can authorities at least get the facts correct on the cause for facial burns?
Hospital says boiling water, family says acid.
Meanwhile as
No deep pockets nor possible award for compensation from the alleged acid/boiling water attacker?
Seems the police at times walk away from a crime when parties focus on civil damages.
I just think its clear the guy is a murderer and he will go to jail.

The hospital however is also guilty IMHO and i am happy they try to do something about it. But i worry nothing will come of it.

They should have provided care as it was life threatening. I hope something comes of it so it serves as a warning to other hospitals. I doubt it but i like to keep hoping.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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15 hours ago, sweatalot said:

yep, right - blame the hospital not the murderer :bah:

tit   :WPFflags:


talking about the hospital and the mistakes that they might have made

-or not

but nobody talking about the scum that murdered her - that's sickening

Not to worry, that SCUM is the beneficiary. TIT

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Seems the police at times walk away from a crime when parties focus on civil damages.

Exactly.  It does seem that if a civil solution can be found, all criminal complaints disappear.  However, that doesn't address the root-cause of the problem.  If criminal negligence is prosecuted and sanctioned, then it's a deterrent to other hospitals who may engage in the same behavior. 
Just because a civil settlement is reached doesn't absolve the prosecutor from doing their job which is to prosecute criminal activity for the public's benefit so that it doesn't reoccur. 

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