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Indecent materials on a laptop


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Porn is illegal in Thailand. Has anyone ever seen a porn related conviction that involves personal amounts and no crazy other things (eg children etc)?


Asking because I cross into Laos and back 1 or 2 times a year with my laptop and am curious about the actual risks.

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One time many years ago I was traveling INTO the states. This little immigration freak with a Napoleonic complex broke out a fine tooth comb and dug down deep into the bowels of my laptop. I had an email download of three nude girls, obviously of legal age, on their knees with lit sparklers sticking out their individual bums. It was a 4th of July joke, and this little butt wipe sweated me for what seemed forever. He kept saying, "Oh, you're in a lot of trouble!" Eventually a supervisor came over, looked at the pic, looked at lil Napoleon, looked at me and said, "Get outta here." Now, every time I travel across an international border, I wipe a drive, install a fresh copy of generic Win 7, and have no worries.

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2 hours ago, Crossy said:

Unless you have some particularly, er, "specialist" tastes (or even if you do) there's enough online material (access via a VPN) that you can avoid carrying anything with you.


If you really must take your own stash, a (readily concealed or hidden in plain sight) micro-SD encrypted with VeraCrypt (son of TrueCrypt) using the "plausible deniabilty" functionality would work for most casual inspections (I would definitely not risk the US).


I long ago gave up carrying anything that could be construed as iffy by some of the countries I visit, not that I graduated much past Mary Millington and Auntie Jayne (yes, I'm that old). A decently fast internet connection gives me VPN access to my NAS at home where important data (banking and work of course) resides.


At last, a smart/clever thinker.

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53 minutes ago, quandow said:

One time many years ago I was traveling INTO the states. This little immigration freak with a Napoleonic complex broke out a fine tooth comb and dug down deep into the bowels of my laptop. I had an email download of three nude girls, obviously of legal age, on their knees with lit sparklers sticking out their individual bums. It was a 4th of July joke, and this little butt wipe sweated me for what seemed forever. He kept saying, "Oh, you're in a lot of trouble!" Eventually a supervisor came over, looked at the pic, looked at lil Napoleon, looked at me and said, "Get outta here." Now, every time I travel across an international border, I wipe a drive, install a fresh copy of generic Win 7, and have no worries.

You actually wipe and reinstall windows every-time you cross a border ?

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I think with a lot of this sort of thing the laws are way behind the technology. What is the definition of porn, an original photo, a photoshopped photo, a drawing etc. What is considered to be "on a device", the dedicated cloud storage for the device, a link to material, an encrypted copy of some porn , porn attached to an unopened email etc.


If I go searching for a "creampie" recipe and get hammered with all sorts of popups, thats images on my laptop (in the cache). If one of those images is appropriately aged, consenting adults but someone has photoshopped the face of a minor onto the pic ???


What if I have some illegal porn on my device but its encrypted, in a hidden folder etc etc.


It opens a can of worms that most laws do not address.

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4 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

hehe, right


but seriously, do they have a legal definition of porn

or is it up to the officer looking to decide?

There is a legal definition, and it is sufficiently vague that it would cover half of the commercials you see on television.

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2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

Going by the posts in this thread porn , or even nude pictures, now seems to be outlawed in the entire world.

Depends where you go, but the main gist of the topic is whether you prefer an uneventful traipse through immigration or whether you want to risk a whole world of additional pain. 


There's enough to contend with, whether arriving or departing, and having questionable content on your electronic device(s) only adds to immigrations, ahem, excitement. 


Up to you.

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when I used to travel back and forth to Canada (for more than a few days) I would bring my desktop computer in parts in my suitcase including hard drives.

I was stopped once I think it was in Japan and asked if I had porn on my hard drive to which I chuckled and said "why would I bring porn on my hard drives, when you can access it in 3 seconds online?"


that got him to stop his questioning.

technically, I guess i must have had some saucy pictures of my gf on the hard drive at that time..

but really. if you want to save some, you can use something like Google Drive where it will be stored online. you can always disconnect the account, delete the folder and then redownload when you are "home" (or just view them online?)


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