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Britain will head into unknown if Brexit deal is rejected - May


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I think any sensible individual can now see that this has to go to another vote. If you were a Leave fan, you certainly couldn't have thought you were getting this bag of nonsense, with the fall back plan of a no deal Brexit.

The people were rightly promised what they were promised and although we know there was large amounts of misinformation (on both sides), no one could have thought it was going to be as bad as this.

Now that we actually know what Brexit is going to look like let's put it back in the hands of the British populous and vote again.  

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8 hours ago, fullcave said:

Welcome to the hotel EU. You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave. 

Just like Kent cannot leave the U.K. on the same conditions as the Brexiteers insist.

Edited by puipuitom
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God this whole thing is a shambles, she may not be the greatest PM but I think she has done her job in at least getting a deal for the vote against all the naysayers and political roadblocks.

I was a firm remainer but the whole thing has now bored/annoyed me so much I don't give a hoot which way it goes. Blighty can steer her own ship over whichever rapids she chooses, I am not going back so don't really care what happens to them/you all anymore.



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4 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I think any sensible individual can now see that this has to go to another vote. If you were a Leave fan, you certainly couldn't have thought you were getting this bag of nonsense, with the fall back plan of a no deal Brexit.

The people were rightly promised what they were promised and although we know there was large amounts of misinformation (on both sides), no one could have thought it was going to be as bad as this.

Now that we actually know what Brexit is going to look like let's put it back in the hands of the British populous and vote again.  

Whether you are a leaver - as you appear to be - or not - as in my case- the bulk of what you say I totally agree with, this is not what ANYBODY expected or indeed wanted. Asking the people again is the only valid option.

A couple of points though, nobody was rightly promised anything. You can't (Or shouldn't anyway) promise people things that you are completely incapable of delivering. Farage was uncharacteristicly honest, when the morning after the referendum he admitted that £350M for the NHS was just essentially, made up for a laugh. A woman who was "Promised the world" by her suitor, would be best to call in a shrink to deal with his delusions! Then there is the Cambridge Analytica/ Banks the crook/ Russia tie up which suggests that the referendum was won illegally. No question that the other side were also economical with the truth, but only Trump would claim that the degree of dishonestly was comparable, it isn't.  

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Oh, no attempt at self flagellation there Vogie. You are right - there seemed to be a competition amongst European nobility to see who could be the most callously depraved. I think King Leopold of Belgium is a strong contender for the number 1 spot. 


But my post was in direct response to the suggestion (or my inference, at least) that, having once had a global empire, Britain could rise again from the remnants of Brexit. While our contemporary world leaders may be no less pathological, the opportunities for them to behave as blatantly as their predecessors did is not so apparent. 


Leopold surely among the leaders of the pack,

not necessarily gold medal but at least a podium place.


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T.May was a remainer = conflict of interest .  Cameron resigned because it was the right thing to do as the vote defeated him .  The UK has gone to war with a pacifist at the helm , so to speak .

May has refused to be influenced by D. Davis or  Dominic Raab who again did the right thing and resigned . May is consistently stubborn and refuses to listen to her own party and others of different opinions .

It really is scary and she reminds me of a dictator who is hell bent on doing things her way or not at all .

The UK has been bullied by the E.U. as an example to any other country that have thoughts of leaving the union .  For me Boris would not have taken the same stance and would have punched back , nor would he let the Brexit saga continue for so long which has caused many problems to businesses because of uncertainty .

T.May should not be the PM of the UK as she has demonstrated by her dreadful E.U. performance and austerity cuts imposed on the NHS and police . The UK is in a right mess and the floundering pound is just one of the casualties .

As a footnote ( I am not a JC supporter ) but if there was a general election and labour won , JC is a champion of getting the expat pensions annual increase reinstated for all . Every cloud has a silver lining .

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Here's a deal suited to Mrs May.


The UK:


* pays $60bn to the EU

* leaves the Single Market and the Customs Union, but agrees to abide by all their present and future regulations

* accepts the continuing jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice

* accepts EU regulations on free movement of people

* cedes Northern Ireland to the Irish Republic

* cedes Gibraltar to Spain


They're pretty close already, just a couple of details to sort out ....

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15 hours ago, Jip99 said:



People like Ike you have made the mistake of underestimating the UK in the past.


The UK can manage perfectly well without the EU.


It does need Europe though - as much as Europe needs the UK.

You seem to be stuck in a time warp. The days of the British empire is long gone and today your nation of 60+ mill. needs Europe's 450(ish) mill. far more than Europe needs you.

Let me repeat; faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more.

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You seem to be stuck in a time warp. The days of the British empire is long gone and today your nation of 60+ mill. needs Europe's 450(ish) mill. far more than Europe needs you.
Let me repeat; faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more.
The eu need...

1. Finance from the UK

2. The UK's far superior anti-terrorism intelligence network....have you ever heard about the " 5 eyes "?????.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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20 hours ago, John1012 said:

Rather go into to the 'unknown' as an independent democratic nation than continue into the morass of the corrupt dictatorial EU, losing our national identity, control of our laws, becoming a vassal state of the EUSSR. Many other countries trade successfully under WTO rules, is it beyond our capabilities to resume trading as an independent nation, with our own national standards and tariffs? Australia/New Zealand/Canada/USA are huge markets. It might take a few years to build up our manufacturing and agriculture base again, but we would survive. We just need some politicians with a spine to represent us, sadly May, Hammond, Javid and co do not qualify. As an aside, if Theresa May told me I was male, I would check , that is how much credibility I put into anything she does or says.

Many British people seem to think so, we have done it before and there is no reason why we cannot do it again.


To do it properly we need good strong and reliable leaders with the will to lead the UK onwards, though I have to admit that the current crop of MPs from ALL political parties don't really inspire me

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38 minutes ago, Becker said:

1. The non empire of none of your business.

2. What possible relevance could that have?

It just seem that a very high % of the poster who are in support of the U.K. remaining in the E.U. are citizens of the E.U. While nearly 100% of those championing Brexit, are U.K citizens. I wonder why.



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On 11/27/2018 at 6:16 AM, Basil B said:

See it did not take that s#!t stirring fat fool from across the pond long to shove his oar in, one thing you can be sure he speaks only for the interests of America The Trump Corp.

Well he certainly got one thing right, when he described May’s so called agreement, as a very good deal for the E.U.

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