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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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"No man goes before his time . . . unless the boss leaves early."


Did you hear about the painter who kept getting fired for dropping things on people? 
He couldn't hold his lacquer.


Did you hear about the farmer who won an award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture? 
He was outstanding in his field.


Old bankers never die, they just lose interest.

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Unable to read the name on the label of a package, a postman decides that the weight of the box and the words left on the ripped label mean the package is for the local book shop.

"I've got a package that I think is for you," the mailman tells the store owner.
"Well, what's the name on the label?" the store owner asks.
"That's the problem. It's obliterated."

"Well, it can't be for me," the store owner answers. "My name is John."

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6 hours ago, ballpoint said:

I can soon fix that:


Chimpanzees are clever animals; one of the few that makes tools. But one chimp was much better than the others; he made tools to eat with. One was a single sharp blade which he called his one-point-tool. The other had four prongs and he called this one his four-point-tool. Using them together, he could cut up fruit and eat it without any of the mess that chimps usually make. The rest of his troop were massively impressed and quite jealous; they all wanted the tools.

But one day he went to eat a mango, only to find his four-point-tool was missing. His first thoughts were that one of the jealous chimps had pinched it, but, after several arguments and fights (they were chimps after all) he concluded that it wasn’t one of them.

So off he went to talk to some of the other animals. First, he asked the lion if he’d taken his four-point-tool. But the lion said no, why would he want a silly little tool when he had sharp claws.

So next, he went to the elephant and asked him. But the elephant said no, why would he want a silly little tool when he had a trunk.

Finally, after asking all of the other animals, he found the jaguar who was smiling smugly. “Have you taken my eating tool, Mr Jaguar?” said the chimp. “Yes, and I ate it” growled the jaguar. “Why?” cried the chimps, in tears.

“You see”, the jaguar replied “I’m a four-point-tool eater jaguar”.

I had one of them, it didn't eat my tool but it did drink petrol ????

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