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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A farmer was getting fewer and fewer eggs from his hens and decided he would have to replace the old rooster who wasn't carrying out his job properly. So he bought a new rooster. Later in the henhouse the old rooster turned to the new rooster and said, "Look, let's make a deal. Let me just have three of the hens and I'll leave the rest to you."

"No way," came the reply. "This is all mine now."

"OK," said the crestfallen rooster, "but let me have some pride. Let's have a race across the farmyard and back, winner takes all."

"Alright," said the new rooster, thinking there was no way he was going to lose to this tired old bird.

They set off, but just as the new cock was about to overtake  the old one the farmer burst out of his house and shot him dead.


"Good grief, that's the third queer rooster I've bought this month."

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