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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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4 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

That moment your cat finds out she is pregnant !!



PS;  As I was too late to get caught up in the fish jokes as they all seem to have been netted before I got to cast an eye over them I thought I would litter the page with a few catty comments after Andrew's lead.

Edited by scottiejohn
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A father and mother send their 14Yo son to a special tutor because he's falling behind in school. After weeks of personal classes and hundreds of dollars, the parents ask the tutor for a progress report. "Good news," the tutor tells them over the phone, "your son is getting straight As."
"That's outstanding!" says the father.
"I'll say," the tutor replies.


"I think we're finally ready to move on to the letter B."

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Two young girls, students at an exclusive prep school in California, are eating lunch and flipping through a celebrity magazine.
"Oh my god, I forgot to tell you!" the blonde says to the brunette. "My mom is getting remarried!"
"No way," the brunette replies. "To who?"
The blonde flips open the magazine and points to a famous director.

"Oh!" screams the brunette. "You'll love him! He was my dad last year!"

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At the wedding rehearsal the Minister noticed the bride was in distress so asked what was wrong.

She replied that she was very nervous and afraid she would not remember what to do.

The Minister told her that she only needed to remember 3 words.

· First aisle, just walk down it.

· Secondly, altar, just stop when you reach it.

· Finally, hymn, after the hymn I will read your vows and you just repeat them after me.


While the bride was walking in step with the wedding march, family and friends of the groom were horrified to hear her repeating these 3 words...


... Aisle, alter hymn.

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“If women are so bloody perfect at multitasking, how come they can’t have a headache and sex at the same time?”


Women on their periods always ovary act.

Q: What's the difference between a pit bull and a woman in menopause?

A: Lipstick


Q: What's the quickest way for a man to end up sleeping on the couch?

A: Forgetting to erase his internet history after reading menopause jokes!


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