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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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33 minutes ago, fangless said:

After I put my glasses on I realised you had not typed that the poof stuck a dog up your a&se!

Even that was wrong.  I meant to say my god ate my glasses. 

(It's a very vengeful god, and won't admit to creating me with eye imperfections.  (Everything else is perfect though, I'll give him that)).

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3 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

Never on a Saturday.  I need to be able to sit down on Sunday.

We are in danger of getting into the "too much info" state , but even so I am intrigued as why it is ok the rest of the week and what the hell goes on (or off) on a Sunday!


PS;  Please rest assured that your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence by ALL TV members.

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4 minutes ago, fangless said:

We are in danger of getting into the "too much info" state , but even so I am intrigued as why it is ok the rest of the week and what the hell goes on (or off) on a Sunday!


PS;  Please rest assured that your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence by ALL TV members.

Sunday's my day of rest.  Wouldn't want to <deleted> my Dog off.

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1 minute ago, ballpoint said:

Sunday's my day of rest.  Wouldn't want to <deleted> my Dog off.

I thought the dog was doing that to you, but anyway I am glad to see that you do have some consideration for it's well being!

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A military function is being held where officers of the Army, Navy and the Air force are present.

The Army and Navy officers were describing the Air force as the Cinderella of the military.

To this, the Air force officer replied" I don't know a lot about Cinderella except the fact that she had two ugly sisters".

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A group of bored military officers start talking about whether sex is work or fun

The lieutenant goes first and says, "I feel that making love is 80% fun and 20% work."

Then captain responded by saying, "No, I think that making love is more work than that. I would say that it is 60% fun and 40% work."

Finally, the major says, "No, making love is definitely way more work than that. I would say that it is 20% fun and 80% work."

They are all contemplating these revelations when a private walks by. The officers call the private over to ask his opinion.

The major says, "Excuse me, private, we are having a discussion and would like your input. The lieutenant says that making love is 80% fun and 20% work. The captain says that making love is 60% fun and 40% work. I say that making love is 20% fun and 80% work. Private, what is your opinion?"

The private says, "Well sir, you are all wrong. Making love must be 100% fun, because if there was any work involved, you would have me do it.

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