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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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Two young married women, both next-door neighbours were returning home from a hen party late at night.

One hissed "I need to take a pee, I'm wetting myself" "Me too" responded her companion "but there are too many lights here"

They were passing a local cemetery so jumped over the low wall into shadow to relieve themselves.

"Drat" said one "I don't have any tissues to wipe myself. I will have to use my knickers"
She wiped herself and threw the wet knickers into a bush.

The second woman too had no tissues. "I'm not using my knicks she said, they're new" 
Instead she cast around and spotted an old wreath with shrivelled dried leaves, grabbed it and wiped herself.

Finished, they both returned home.

Next morning the two husbands were talking over the garden fence.

One said, "That's the last time I let my wife out by herself. Last night she came home with no knickers!"

The second husband said, "I should be so lucky. I found this stuck to my wife's crotch" 
He handed a label to his neighbour who read out the faded blue hand written note.

"From the entire crew at the Fire Station. We will never forget you"

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Heard the one about the car designer who crossed a Toyota with Quasimodo?

He came up with both

The Hatchback of Notre Dame!


The Huntchback of Motor Homes!

Edited by fangless
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I went up to a homeless man sitting on a bench in the town centre today with a cup of coffee for him.
I sat next to him and asked how he'd got in this position.
He said to me "You know, three weeks ago I had it all, my own accommodation, a cook, good food, the internet, TV, I used to go to the gym, to the swimming pool, the library, everything"
I replied, "Blimey, that's a bit rough, what happened, bad luck, divorce, drugs, alcohol problems"?
He said "Nah, I got released from prison"

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