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ED Visa Issue / Muay Thai

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I have been in contact with a Muay Thai school for almost a month. They had good reviews and I decided I wanted to train with them on an Ed Visa. My wife who isnt very well (another reason we are choosing to visit Chiang Mai) opted for the thai language visa so she could be in a traditional classroom (sitting) environment. My contact at the muay thai school advised that it would be better if my sick wife took muay thai training for exercise and they would allow her to do a "soft" training and it would still count toward the ed visa. 

My wife agreed and we sent the discount training fee on November 29, plus additional money for "visa services"


A week later, an emergency caused us to reconsider our timeline so I reached out to the school to request a refund of the training cost (not the visa fee which i understood was work that they had to do.)


The muay thai school responded claiming because they are associated with the ministry of education they can not readily refund (although the cost of the visa was separate from the training). Additionally they requested to see medical files to justify our cancellation. I think we are being scammed out of our money. They indicated the only refunds allowed are for denials from MOE.


Today is December 7. It has been 7 days since we submitted payment and their emails indicated that it would take a full 7-9 WEEKS (longer than any other school (muay thai/ hand to hand/ language or otherwise) to recieve confirmation from MOE so i doubt highly that they have received acceptance from the MOE. They also indicated it would take 45 days for them to consider the refund which sounds like a ploy to wait out response from the MOE. 


Emails from them have become less frequent, obviously. Even in my anger I am willing to concede the 12000 thb (of the total 85000 I paid) that I paid for "visa services" but I would like my training costs back approximately $2300 usd.  I was hoping to reach out to the MOE or Immigration to ask that the application be retracted....


Is there anything that I can do? 

Edited by LittyBittyLana
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Neither the MOE or immigration will be able to help you.


I’ve no idea whether or not you are entitled to a refund for the course; if you are, and they refuse, you’ll probably need to involve a lawyer.


They do not organise a visa for you. Once you’ve paid for the course they should provide you with the MOE paperwork for you to apply for the visa in your home country. I don’t have any first hand experience, but can’t believe it would take 7-9 weeks to get the MOE acceptance.

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This is not the west, Any money you have paid are normally deemed theirs as soon as they are received. Does not matter what happened if you decide not to come or to leave early then you forfeit any money you paid, this is normal for Thailand especially in the Fitness industry. All you can do is keep asking and hope they give it to you, If they choose not to not really much you can do sorry. Never EVER pay in full unless you are 100% sure you are going to able to complete the services offered here in thailand.

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"Additionally they requested to see medical files to justify our cancellation. I think we are being scammed out of our money. They indicated the only refunds allowed are for denials from MOE."


doesn't make sense. did you send them proof by way of medical files? looks to me that they are saying they normally only refund if the MOE refuse the visa associated with the course but they may be willing to sort something out if you can prove she is genuinely too ill to train rather than you just had a change of plan.


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If it was me I would just suck it up. The money is gone. This will sound bit nasty, but you sound bit naive. I mean when you buy say a plane flight etc, you are offered insurance. No insurance ticket money is lost. Many many examples similar. I recently booked hire car Thailand and opted for the "discount pay in full option".. result lost my funds. No problem. I accepted. Would appear you were not fully aware of conditions. Even if you were, as one member mentioned, this ain't the west.

On top of all that your Mrs was already ill  and the plan was some study some passive Muai Thai. Money gone move on.

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I would have advised to arrive on a 60 day tourist visa, visit the school during your first week and do the application.....that's what i did and it all got approved before the 60 days.

The school is very good at paperwork, in fact excellent, they do all the visa extensions and 90 day reporting for you, except you have to turn up at immigration office during the one hour time slot they give you.

Anyway, that's no help to you now.


They are an extremely friendly bunch in the office including Jongjet the owner. I find it unusual that they will not refund most of the fees.


BTW the yearly fee is only 33,000 baht which includes the three visa extensions and you don't need a visa service as they do all that for you too. So you paid over the top.


Did you contact the school direct or via an agent?


Good luck anyway

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You could threaten them with bad publicity. If that does not produce a partial refund, my advice would be to write it off. In Thailand, your chances of recourse through the law would not be good. The fact that they have MOE accreditation shows that they have connections.

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