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Butina admits being Russian agent, pleads guilty in U.S. to conspiracy


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Butina admits being Russian agent, pleads guilty in U.S. to conspiracy

By Sarah N. Lynch



FILE PHOTO: Maria Butina appears in a police booking photograph released by the Alexandria Sheriff's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. August 18, 2018. Alexandria Sheriff's Office/Handout via REUTERS


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Russian woman pleaded guilty in a U.S. court on Thursday to a single conspiracy charge in a deal with prosecutors and admitted to working with a top Russian official to infiltrate a powerful gun rights group and make inroads with American conservative activists and the Republican Party as an agent for Moscow.


Maria Butina, a former graduate student at American University in Washington who publicly advocated for gun rights, entered the plea to a charge of conspiracy to act as a foreign agent at a hearing in Washington. She became the first Russian to be convicted of working to influence U.S. policy during the 2016 presidential race and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.


Butina admitted to conspiring with a Russian official and two Americans from 2015 until her July arrest to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, a group closely aligned with U.S. conservatives and Republican politicians including President Donald Trump, and create unofficial lines of communication to try to make Washington's policy toward Moscow more friendly.


Alexander Torshin, who was a deputy governor of Russia's central bank, has been identified by Butina's lawyers as the Russian official. Torshin was hit with U.S. Treasury Department sanctions in April. Paul Erickson, a conservative U.S. political activist with deep Republican ties who was romantically linked to Butina, was one of the two Americans to whom prosecutors referred.


Butina, a 30-year-old native of Siberia, agreed to cooperate "fully, truthfully, completely and forthrightly" with any and all U.S. law enforcement agencies and could provide interviews, sworn statements and lie-detector tests and participate in under cover law enforcement stings.


She was jailed after being charged in July and initially pleaded not guilty. Other Russian individuals and entities have been charged in a separate investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller regarding Moscow's role in the 2016 election.


Clad in a green jumpsuit with her red hair pulled back in a long braid, Butina replied "absolutely" when asked by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan if her mind was clear as she prepared to plead guilty. Prosecutors dropped one other charge as part of the plea deal.


The actions Butina acknowledged taking occurred during the same time period that U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded Russia engaged in a campaign of propaganda and hacking to sow discord in the United States during the 2016 race and boost Republican candidate Trump's chances against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


In a statement of offence read aloud in court, a prosecutor said Butina drafted a March 2015 "Diplomacy Project" calling for establishing unofficial back channels of communication with high-ranking American politicians to help advance Russia's interests.


Although there are no U.S. sentencing guidelines for her specific crime, her lawyer, Robert Driscoll, estimated that under guidelines for similar crimes Butina could face up to six months in prison. Butina faces possible deportation to Russia after finishing her sentence.


Because of Butina's ongoing cooperation, the judge did not set a sentencing date but scheduled a status hearing for Feb. 12.


Leonid Slutsky, head of the lower house of the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee, reacted to Butina's case by calling it a "modern political inquisition," in comments quoted by the RIA news agency.


Erickson's description appears to match "Person 1" mentioned in the prosecution's statement of offence. Person 1 helped advise Butina on which American politicians she should target for meetings, and her plan was carried out on behalf of the Russian official, the statement said.



"Butina opined that the circumstances were favourable for building relations with a certain U.S. political party," the statement added, in an apparent reference to the Republican Party. "Butina predicted that the candidate nominated by Political Party #1 would likely win the upcoming U.S. presidential election," as Trump did.


The "Diplomacy Project" document was crafted by Butina with help from Person 1, prosecutors said. To carry out the plan, Butina requested $125,000 from a Russian billionaire to attend conferences and set up "separate meetings with interested parties" such as other Russian businessmen or people with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they added.


Erickson is a well-known figure in Republican and conservative circles and was a senior official in Pat Buchanan's 1992 Republican presidential campaign. Erickson's lawyer William Hurd said in an email, "Paul Erickson is a good American. He has done nothing to harm our country and never would."


In April 2015, prosecutors said, Butina travelled to the United States to attend a gun rights event whose description appears to match the NRA's annual meeting. At that event, she was "introduced to influential members of Political Party #1," they added.


The prosecutors said Butina invited "powerful members" of the NRA for a visit to Moscow where they met with high-level Russian officials. Apparent photos of the NRA Moscow trip are posted on her social media accounts.


After the visit, according to court records, she sent a Russian official a message apparently referencing the NRA saying, "We should let them express their gratitude now, we will put pressure on them quietly later."


Butina also hosted "friendship dinners" in the hope of establishing ties with people who "would have the ear of the next U.S. presidential administration," prosecutors said.


After the 2016 election, she proposed creating a dialogue with Trump's advisors, but the Russian official told her he did not think the foreign affairs ministry would "go for it," prosecutors said.


Butina even asked then-candidate Trump a question at a gathering of U.S. conservatives in 2015 about relations with Russia and economic sanctions imposed by his predecessor, Barack Obama. Trump responded that as president he would "get along very nicely" with President Vladimir Putin and "I don't think you'd need the sanctions."


Mueller is investigating whether Trump's campaign conspired with Moscow to help him win the 2016 election. Trump has denied collusion with Moscow. Russia has denied interfering in American politics.


(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Additional reporting by Polina Devitt in Moscow; Editing by Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-12-14
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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m sure Trump, the Trump crime family, the GOP and the NRA would love to send her back to Russia.


And I’m quite certain Putin would respond by doing ‘the necessary’.


But non of that is going to happen.


Says right there in the OP that she faces possible deportation back to Russia after doing 6 months. 

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After spending a record $30 million during the 2016 campaign, the NRA spent far less in 2018. One assumes the Russian donations have decreased a bit?


Waiting for the House to call NRA President Ollie North in for testimony. He does have experience in laundering money and running guns.


Not sure what will happen to Ms. Butina? Defenestration? Gravity Overdose? Concrete Poisoning? Polonium cocktails at eight?


Her handler, Aleksandr Porfiryevich Torshin, is not one to be trifled with.


Edited by mtls2005
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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Witness protection for the rest of her life over a crime that warranted a measly 6 months in prison? 

It's a plea BARGAIN.

The term for any witness protection depends on the degree of her contributions her continued value to the government and her willingness to remain in the US with a fabricated background and name. As added pressure, the Marshals Service reserves the right to throw witnesses out of the program if they commit a crime.

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This whole Butina mess is amazing, if only for the cast of characters involved. Are there any republicans not involved in setting up "back-channel" communications with the Russians?


Paul Erickson is probably in deep do-do. His own emails implicate him in a criminal conspiracy.


These "Friendship Dinners" sound like a hoot. As was the Russian contingent attending the National Prayer Breakfast. Both were organized by Ms. Butina.


I guess Aleksandr Torshin resigned abruptly as deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia and is said to be traveling in Kyrgistan.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-30/nra-linked-russia-central-banker-retires-as-aide-nears-u-s-deal


Plea Agreement --> https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5626092-US-v-Butina-Plea-Agreement-and-SOF-EXECUTED.html


5 Key Takeaways from Recent Revelations in Maria Butina Case


Recent investigative reporting and court documents in the case of Russian spy Maria Butina (conspiracy and acting as an unregistered foreign agent) have revealed a great deal about the “covert influence operation” she conducted with leaders from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Center for The National Interest (CFTNI) to groom the next Republican U.S. president to implement a pro-Russia foreign policy. 
Here are five key takeaways:




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“Butina predicted that the candidate nominated by Political Party #1 would likely win the upcoming U.S. presidential election," as Trump did.


This strikes me as an odd reference. All bets were on Hillary winning by a landslide which would seem to indicate that Political Party #1 would be the dems. It’s all convoluted.

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In my opinion this woman didn't deserve this treatment - as she's obviously being used as another pawn in political game - which is an entirely internal US mess. Torturing tourists in US for advocating for their hobbies - no matter how strange they may appear to be is a new low to which even China hasn't sunk yet... Considering that Moscow hasn't kidnapped and tortured any Americans in response - seems like it's a saner place these days.


Plus all of this has some obvious elements of the typical male incompetence anxiety hate fest - something which I definitely can't relate to ????

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25 minutes ago, Nilats said:

In my opinion this woman didn't deserve this treatment - as she's obviously being used as another pawn in political game - which is an entirely internal US mess. Torturing tourists in US for advocating for their hobbies - no matter how strange they may appear to be is a new low to which even China hasn't sunk yet... Considering that Moscow hasn't kidnapped and tortured any Americans in response - seems like it's a saner place these days.


Plus all of this has some obvious elements of the typical male incompetence anxiety hate fest - something which I definitely can't relate to ????

I have to question whether you have any acquaintance at all with the facts of the case. Do you think that because she is a Russian and was in the United States that that makes her a tourist? Have you read any of the correspondence that the had with Torshin and Erickson? Were her activities in the USA typical tourist ones?

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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I have to question whether you have any acquaintance at all with the facts of the case. Do you think that because she is a Russian and was in the United States that that makes her a tourist? Have you read any of the correspondence that the had with Torshin and Erickson? Were her activities in the USA typical tourist ones?

It doesn't matter. I speak from experience. I lived in this "Anglo" setting most of my life and I've seen too many times at companies -  Russians - both male and female either fired or bullied out simply for the fact that they were Russian. Supervisors of British/American/South African and such descent have confessed it to me when I asked about it - some even giggled about it explicitly stated that they were fired or bullied out because they were Russian - it's a cultural thing and most well known "secret", and this is before this whole witch hunt started in US. To think that she could have received any of kind of fair trial under the circumstances is pure fantasy imo ????

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7 hours ago, Nilats said:

It doesn't matter. I speak from experience. I lived in this "Anglo" setting most of my life and I've seen too many times at companies -  Russians - both male and female either fired or bullied out simply for the fact that they were Russian. Supervisors of British/American/South African and such descent have confessed it to me when I asked about it - some even giggled about it explicitly stated that they were fired or bullied out because they were Russian - it's a cultural thing and most well known "secret", and this is before this whole witch hunt started in US. To think that she could have received any of kind of fair trial under the circumstances is pure fantasy imo ????

So I guess the only fair way going forward is to give Russians immunity from criminal prosecution in the USA, the UK, and South Africa.

And even if what you claim about bias is true, which is dubious, how does that justify claiming that Butina was a tourist?

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8 hours ago, Nilats said:

Torturing tourists in US for advocating for their hobbies


Ms. Butina was in the U.S. on a Student Visa. She was not a "tourist".


She has not been tortured.


She has pleaded GUILTY, in court, and has signed the Plea Agreement.


She was represented by counsel.


All additional charges - see Statement of Offense - will not be prosecuted assuming she continues to cooperate.


If her intent(s) were other than attending a school or university, then she should have entered using the appropriate Visa.


While Russia may need more "gun rights advocates" we have more than enough, thank you.



Plea Agreement:  

1. Charges and Statutory Penalties

Your client agrees to plead guilty to Count 1 in the Indictment, charging your client with Conspiracy to violate 18 U.S.C. 951, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 371.

Your client understands that a violation of 18 U.S.C. 371 carries a maximum sentence of 5 years of imprisonment; a ?ne of $250,000 or twice the pecuniary gain or loss of the offense,
pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3571(b)(3); a term of supervised release of not more than 3 years, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 35 and an obligation to pay any applicable interest or penalties
on fines and restitution not timely made.





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Behind the scenes...Maria Butina filming a Gun Safety PSA for NRATV- "Two-handed Sigs in Jimmy Choos"


Go ahead, fire that gun in your left hand missy. And don't shoot the lighting guy standing behind you with the gun in your right hand.



Edited by mtls2005
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Behind the scenes...Maria Butina filming a Gun Safety PSA for NRATV- "Two-handed Sigs in Jimmy Choos"
Go ahead, fire that gun in your left hand missy. And don't shoot the lighting guy standing behind you with the gun in your right hand.

Nice legs.
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