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Pentagon chief Mattis quits, citing policy differences with Trump


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8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

The question is could Russia have actually delivered on that offer. They tried the same thing in 2016 and Assad firmly nixed it.

Who cares, let the Russians have that mess. And let the Russians and Iran fight Sunni  ISIS. Don't forget that Iran is shia

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Mattis' resignation letter was pretty scathing when one reads it. I'm surprised he bit his tongue for so long.


As one pundit put it 'the last grownup has left the White House'. With the Donald currently having a temper tantrum over the shutdown and wall funding I hope the 'Football' is being kept well away from him.

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3 minutes ago, balo said:

What an idiot ! How could Americans willingly been voting for this man? 

I think the whole election must have been rigged. 


I wouldn't use the word rigged but the results were not legitimate due to Russian interference which we know for certain was widespread and massive and all about electing the compromised one -- Individual-1. So now we have a real crisis that is headed to even more dangerous uncharted territority. A compromised by hostile powers illegitimate president who has gone deeply ROGUE. It's not funny anymore if it ever was. This situation makes Nixon/Watergate look like a garden party.

Edited by Jingthing
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46 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

So, normal US policy as we have seen over the past few years then- screw up a country and then just abandon it. What a great policy.


I was working in Iraq in 2011 and people openly stated that they wished Saddam was still there, at least under him they had basic sanitation, electricity and healthcare. He was contained and no threat to the West. The country is still stuffed up. I supported the invasion of Afghanistan and it could have been won if assets hadn't been moved to Cheney and Rumsfeld generated actions in Iraq. The Taliban were on the ropes in 2002.


Abandoning Afghanistan to the Taliban is an insult to the memory of every service person and civilian who has died there over the past 17 years. ISIS in the Middle East is a direct result of American meddling.


Your foreign policy is a disgrace. At least Mattis had the cojones to resign over massive errors of 'judgement' by Trump.


This not an anti-American rant, merely the truth as seen without blinkers. 

Sure sometimes a strongman is required to keep the lid on : Saddam and Ghadaffi . The U.S. destablized Iraq by dismantling the Iraq army.They destablized Libya and we get Benghazi . You supported the invasion of Afghanistan ??. The original and only reason the U.S. went into Afghanistan was going after bin laden who escaped there after 9/11. But instead of sending in Army Rangers to do the job right , the U,.S. contracted it out to the locals. That did not work out too well. So after blowing that the U.S. spends 17 years there - for what?  Nation building, schools and bridges that are promptly blown up by the taliban green on blue attacks .The Taliban have been there for ever. The Russians lost to them. Let them have it !! . Again : let the russians and iran have the fight with isis. Get out of syria ,iraq, afghanistan and libya now.  If you want to blame anyone , then get to the cause: bush , cheny and rumsfield . By the way the iraq war was very lucrative for chenys' business. https://corpwatch.org/article/halliburton-makes-killing-iraq-war

Edited by morrobay
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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wouldn't use the word rigged but the results were not legitimate due to Russian interference which we know for certain was widespread and massive and all about electing the compromised one -- Individual-1. So now we have a real crisis that is headed to even more dangerous uncharted territority. A compromised by hostile powers illegitimate president who has gone deeply ROGUE. It's not funny anymore if it ever was. This situation makes Nixon/Watergate look like a garden party.

I would suggest that what taints the legitimacy of Mr Trump's presidency is not the Russian meddling in the election campaigns, whilst there is no doubt it happened, and Mr Trump and senior members of his team must have been aware of it, if not (perhaps they were) actively involved in it. The effect of such meddling is hard to establish. What, to my mind, very clearly colours his legitimacy is that the electoral college which put him in office ignored the simple fact that more (quite a lot more) people voted for the other candidate than voted for him. How can he be the legimate choice of the American people?


All these members of his executive staff, whose resignations we are now witnessing, must have been aware of that particular heffalump in the corner of The Oval Office watching when they were sworn in!

Edited by JAG
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