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What Have The Thais Given The World ?


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Calm down please guys..

If we start having to edit posts.. thats the first step to closure.

totster :D

ok, som nam naa to whats his face :o

Do you still need proof of funds.Perhaps I could lend you some money.Secured of course.

Now, any more lies you want to tell us?Are you British or American? Aussie perhaps?

What does som nom na mean.Is this an Irish blessing, or is it native American speak...like geronimo? :D

Don't blame all this on us Anglo Saxons, please. Anyway, I find this flaming a little unsettling and I fear this Thai bashing might upset our smiling hosts. Incidentally, The Thais must have invented SOMETHING. That must be an interesting little assignment for the internet browsers.

Edited by qwertz
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Great read. Britmaverick, Acquiesce, Chuchok, et al. :o

I admire all of the inventions and creations that HM the King has shared with the world, and there are many.

Thai cuisine -- heard English pubs have Thai food buffet nights, and many restaurants the world over serve a Thai-flavoured dish or two, never mind the huge number of Thai restaurants everywhere.

Thai dance.

And, um, ladyboys.

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Honestly the only things that Thailand has contributed to the world are in no particular order:

Muay Thai

Sexy girls

Thai food

That's about it really..if thailand wasn't the #1 exporter in Rice another country like Vietnam would be and I doubt the world would notice because someone would fill the gap. Same goes for rubber, silk, tapioca, or whatever other agricultural or natural resource.

Thailand basically manufactures for Japan so as far as that goes i'd say you'd have to credit Japan for much of Thailand's economic growth. All the car companies here are foreign owned anyways.

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Sufficiency Economy. :D:o

And Ultraman, one of my favourite superheroes (and the Japanese almost nicked it from us.)

Ultraman kicks ass, but lets suspend judgement on the "Sufficiency Economy" for now, shall we? Until we're sure its not some suicidal agrarian system / "Great Leap Forward?"

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Sufficiency Economy. :D:o

And Ultraman, one of my favourite superheroes (and the Japanese almost nicked it from us.)


Ultraman is in fact Japanese. The creator was Eiji Tsuburaya from the legendary Tsuburaya Productions company who also did Godzilla. Nice try though..like I said Thailand has to thank Japan for its economy and Ultraman.


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Ultraman is in fact Japanese. The creator was Eiji Tsuburaya from the legendary Tsuburaya Productions company who also did Godzilla. Nice try though..like I said Thailand has to thank Japan for its economy and Ultraman.


I knew this would happen. And it would come from either you or Dupont or bkkandrew or a few others. So enjoy educating yourself:


"Thai television production company Chaiyo will re-launch superhero character Ultraman as Ultraman Millennium after it recently won a copyright lawsuit against production firm Tsurabaya Co of Japan. Chaiyo had designed Ultraman in the late 1960s and claims it had "provided the character to the Japanese firm for a fee", but without relinquishing its copyright outside Japan, according to the Thai company's managing director, Peerasit Saengduenchai, son of Ultraman inventor, Sompote Saengduenchai. The Japanese company used the character in a successful TV series of ..."

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Apart from RedBull and the Bumgun what have the Thais given the world ? is there a connection between these 2 items ?

They have given us TERA.. (Well Thai mum anyway)..post-31110-1171995750_thumb.jpg

well, i would like to pass an informed opinion on the lovely thai goddess named " tara patrick."

i was watching telli in a hotel room and a documentory came on the screen.

it was about young ladies and the removal technic of there clothing, just incase they caught on fire.

i must say that tara was an olympic champion at performing this manouver and went on to perform some mind boggling gymnastics.

so in conclusion,

thailand has given the word,

# 1 = tara and her fire safety message. :D

# 2 = noddle soup

# 3 = M.B.K and the 4th floor full of telephones

# 4 = the" lovely MIG " and the " lovely cutie." ( love your work girls ) :D

# 5 = rambuttri st and the gecco bar.

# 6 = katoeys ( which david j tayler appreciates very much ) :o

thank you very much from a refined english gentleman. :D

that being ME,


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Apart from RedBull and the Bumgun what have the Thais given the world ? is there a connection between these 2 items ?

I think you will find that Red Bull was first made in Switzerland along time ago.

Just a rumour I heard...


Red Bull is from the Thailand. It was developed by a Thai company called, TC Pharmaceutical. Later, an Austrian guy bought the distribution rights for Europe and North America from the Thai company. So yeah, what you heard was just a rumour.

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I would say that Thais make Theravada Buddhism easily accessible to the world. :o

Or, more specifically, Thailand gave us the Thai Forest Tradition - the most authentic form of Buddhism since the Buddha lived. At the world conference of Buddhists last year the representative of "Western Buddhism" was a Brit who belongs to the Thai Forest Tradition.

Thailand also gave as Ven. Buddhadasa, who is recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as one of the world's 'Great Personalities'.

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