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Error 1005


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This is a new one for me. I tried to access a UK travel website, Travelbag.co.uk, to check out flight prices. I've used it may times before and booked flights through it, so there's nothing dodgy about it at all. This is the message I got when I opened the link:


Error 1005 Ray ID: 492b8931d959701a • 2019-01-02 07:33:10 UTC

Access denied


What happened?

The owner of this website (www.travelbag.co.uk) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (23969) from accessing this website.


I've never heard of an ASN before, but I found a tool that told me it's TOT Thailand, which is indeed my ISP. So what does this mean, have Travelbag blacklisted TOT for some reason, and if so why? 

When I fire up the PC again tomorrow it'll have a new IP address (dynamic IP) but I'm guessing that the ASN will still be the same so I'll get the same message. Does anybody know what's going on here?

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9 minutes ago, Guderian said:

So what does this mean, have Travelbag blacklisted TOT for some reason, and if so why? 

Guess it's just another version of the same story (just recently about more US servers).

They block all access with Thai IP addresses.

As I also have ToT (fiber) the error is the same for me.

Getting/using a VPN is the best workaround.


Thailand is notorious for a lot of hacker attacks, fraudsters, infected computers. So many site operators "take the easy route" and block all access with Thai IP.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Thanks. I wonder if it's only TOT affected, or have they blocked the likes of True and 3BB as well?


I've been thinking of getting a VPN for a while now, maybe that's the way to go. Weird, though, that they've had thousands of pounds worth of business off me in the last two years via my Thai IP address, but they evidently don't want it any more.


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I just tried accessing the site using 3BB VDSL and got a similar, but interestingly different, message:


What happened?

The owner of this website (travelbag.co.uk) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (TH) from accessing this website.

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5 minutes ago, dabhand said:

I use 3BB in Thailand and get an Error 1009 Access Denied message.


So, looks like all TH connections are being blocked. 


3 minutes ago, wpcoe said:

I just tried accessing the site using 3BB VDSL and got a similar, but interestingly different, message:




Thanks for the info. Yes, that looks like the end of it for that website, at least here in Thailand. VPN here I come I guess.

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I use AIS Fibre....I get the block message also.   


Used VPN to switch to a Singapore IP address...still blocked.  Then tried a U.S. IP address and was able to connect.


Expect Travelbag.co.uk website (or whoever hosts there site) has just intentionally or unintentionally blocked this part of the world (i.e., Southeast Asia).



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Blimey, it's worse than I'd thought. I was Googling a recipe for beef stew on my phone last night and the recipe website I clicked on showed the same message, your region is blocked. Seems like some paranoid websites must have implemented this at the start of the New Year as I'd never seen it before.

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I think Thailand's efforts to become a digital "hub" is working out well with the exception of some hub's spokes being blocked from being able to reach the outer wheel (a.k.a., the entire world).  



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