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Is it fair to tag someone a Cheap Charlie?


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On 1/2/2019 at 7:49 PM, BritManToo said:

The 'kee' used in these cases is a Thai prefix to indicate a negative attribute in a person.

Nothing to do with 'shit' (apart from kee nok, which is bird shit)


They play the same game with 'na' which is a Thai prefix to indicate someone who is 'worthy' of something.

Nothing to do with 'face'.

If you are willing, I would like to learn more about the use of "na". I hear it used and I don't know why. When a girl has said it to me I think it is just a way to make what she says more pleasant.

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On 1/3/2019 at 2:10 PM, sanemax said:

No one complains about paying "a baht or 2" more in one establishment over another though .

   Some people will not buy a ladies drink though because they disagree paying a lady to sit with them 

Then there are the guys that just pay to have ladies sit with them. Different strokes for different blokes.

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Guve everyone a few examples of hypocrites when it comes to Cheap Charlies

* a few years ago in a Pattaya cafe had a aussie friend give a 500 baht tip to a waitress , after i had left her the remaining change 23 baht in coin in the folder.

He wanted to big note himself after seeing me leave that, he piped up in front of all 4 of us and said to me ,” Dont be so mean “ and then left 500 baht in the folder for her which is actually give or take $20 Aud , 


All night he criticises me over leaving 23 baht as a top.

He then kept leaving big tips at every bar we went too trying to make out he was a do gooder.


Well....fast forward 3 years , he’s 63 , now retired medically from work,  broke and has to wait until 65 to get his aged pension even though he worked all his life  he has nothing to show for it !!!


i invited him to go back to Thailand for another trip, of course he made excuses, back problems etc, but in reality he has no money !!!


Edited by georgegeorgia
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On 1/3/2019 at 4:02 PM, BritManToo said:

Dude, I speak, read and write Thai better than you can possibly imagine.

You've made a beginners mistake, you don't want to believe me, feel free.

Blowing your own trumpet again, who cares a continental if you speak write read eats thai , money is the only language in Asia.


your the type of farang who speaks thai loudly and out of  the corner of your eye you see who you are impressing, “whose looking at me “ you gleefully say to yourself.


in fact no one cares mate ! Dilligaf , couldnt give a FF 

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On 1/3/2019 at 8:44 PM, BritManToo said:

I was always happy to buy a lady drink for a slim young girl that would sit with me for 15-25 minutes playing Jenga, etc. (which was how it was 10 years back)

Today, a chubby 40-year-old, her ladyboy friend, don't forget the fatty behind the bar, no. 

You put down other posters for talking negative about Thais..........but you don’t Discriminate or treat thais differently do you !


just another selfish hypocrite who says what he wants to say when it suits him.

Edited by georgegeorgia
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I wouldn't want to be called a Cheap Charlie, rather, not a fool with my money.  Both help prevent a lot of casual requests to borrow money.  Once they get to know that, they won't bother, and word gets around.


On the other hand, know some guys who sometimes act like they are still in tourist/holiday mode, no due diligence.  Thais on the selling side will ride that stupid pony as long as they can.

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