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Animal cruelty: "Soldier" orders staff to tie up and throw out annoying dogs


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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Considering the event, I expect that there is a much larger story behind this. One has to have some serious mental health issues to  torture animals on end for hours.

Maybe the the dogs have bitten several people. ?

Maybe children ?

If they have done the above.

Who cares what happens to the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by stanleycoin
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58 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe the the dogs have bitten several people. ?

Maybe children ?

If they have done the above.

Who cares what happens to the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!

Urgent action is long overdue re the feral menace but the touchy-feely brigade flatly refuse any suggestion no matter how sensible it may be. A Wing/Tail/Paw bounty would sort the problem of feral or invasive species out on no time if they'd stop and think about it instead of waiting for people to die of the likes of rabies.


What happened to the bounty on the tail of the pesky grey squirrel?

The government used to reward the killing of squirrels


7:02AM BST 22 Jul 2010


SIR – In the 1950s, the Ministry of Agriculture paid sixpence per grey squirrel killed – on production of the tail as proof. They even lent out sets of light aluminium poles to poke the squirrels out of their nests.

The general view then was that they were pests and that the public should help cull them. How times have changed.

Keith MacInnes
London SW19

Edited by evadgib
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34 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe the the dogs have bitten several people. ?

Maybe children ?

If they have done the above.

Who cares what happens to the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!


It’s a good thing you do not speculate much ???? and if dogs have not bitten then what?????

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3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

All this Bs about soi dogs.

Exterminate them now. and stop feeding them you idiots. :bah:



I took in 2 soi dogs about 9 years ago

They are 2 of the most loyal and protective mutts Ive ever had, why must idiots like you want them dead

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7 hours ago, bannork said:

This was in the news yesterday. The dogs were saved by animal rescue volunteers.

The soldier's torture of the dogs is unforgivable but dogs can be aggressive towards cyclists. Some form of self defence would be better, a revolver firing chilli powder for example.

I believe Chilli Dogs are a delicacy in USA.

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59 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

Maybe the the dogs have bitten several people. ?

Maybe children ?

If they have done the above.

Who cares what happens to the dogs !!!!!!!!!!!


I agree there might be a case for humane disposal of the excessive amount of strays but there is no excuse for cruelty ever. I care what happens and how they are tested. 

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7 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

If all  happened as  was in this reported item then definately the actions of those involved are due criticism for the cruelty aspect.

My wife and I take  basic humane care of (currently ) 7 stray dogs.

I would prefer not feeling the need to do so.

We once adopted an emaciated and ( dog  bite)injured stray pup that unfortunately succumbed to rabies.

Thailand needs  to reject the bs  apathy about the stray dog population.

If the Government can pass legislation  about cruelty to animals ( It is  not exclusive to dogs)  but not pass legislation requiring official responsible ownership and  care of  dogs in particular whilst  allowing feral dogs to breed at will then  events like this  are inevitable and although unreported very common.

Rabies kills people. It kills  dogs. It is  known that a  very significant percentage of feral dogs are  carrying  rabies.

Remove the obvious source! It would be more practical and  humane  to  do a nation  wide  removal of  feral dogs with accompanied  legislation enforcing responsibility for true domestic  dogs than to aimlessly and expensively provide  vaccines  for dog bite  victims and hospital care  for those ( often children) who get savaged  on too many occasions. Add to that number those people who  get attacked or threatened on motorcycles  and have accidents as a result.

For those  who would  defend the "rights" of the  soi dog to exist as is  should  consider if a part of that  right  is to die under the wheels of  cars etc . And if they do not die then survive with  permanent injury limiting  a happy existence.

Humane is a word and action that  involves more than blind sympathy.


If you knock one over it becomes a Cruft$ champion yet when someone gets bitten owners are nowhere to be seen...

Edited by evadgib
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3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

To the wackos using this sad event to further their ignorant opinions, get it through your diseased heads that what occurred was a premeditated act of savage cruelty intended to inflict pain. There was no attempt at a solution or in addressing the immediate issue. It was a childish outburst from a man demonstrating that he is unfit to command young men.


You are criticizing someone who stated a known link. I don't know where you received your doctorate let alone practiced, but you should consider some remedial courses, as your field has changed significantly over the past 15 years or so. I am not a qualified psychologist, but I recall the compulsory forensic psychology seminar I was obliged to attend and this is what we were taught. The fellow who gave it was the director of forensic psychiatry at our university and was always known to be ahead of his time with his research.. A quick literature search will substantiate the intent of the statement that the person made, that you criticize. For example;

Journal of the Academy of Psychiatry Law. 2002;30(2):257-65.

Animal cruelty and psychiatric disorders.  Gleyzer R1, Felthous AR, Holzer CE 3rd.

Abstract: Animal cruelty in childhood, although generally viewed as abnormal or deviant, for years was not considered symptomatic of any particular psychiatric disorder. Although animal cruelty is currently used as a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorder, research establishing the diagnostic significance of this behavior is essentially nonexistent. In the current study, investigators tested the hypothesis that a history of substantial animal cruelty is associated with a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder (APD) and looked for associations with other disorders commonly diagnosed in a population of criminal defendants. Forty-eight subjects, criminal defendants who had histories of substantial animal cruelty, were matched with defendants without this history. Data were systematically obtained from the files by using four specifically designed data retrieval outlines. A history of animal cruelty during childhood was significantly associated with APD, antisocial personality traits, and polysubstance abuse. Mental retardation, psychotic disorders, and alcohol abuse showed no such association.

I am not going to get into an academic discussion here, but I understood what the person meant. Knowledge bases change  as we learn more and it is incumbent upon us to stay current. That is why I am obliged to  undertake 32 hours of continuing education every year to maintain my accreditations & licenses. 


Why don't you do something? Soi dog welcomes volunteers  and donations to its spay and neuter program, which is the only effective  feral dog control in Thailand.


You are clueless as to the event. The man did not "rid" his camp of the dogs. Rather, it was a petty vindictive  outburst one sees in petulant 5 year olds who don't get their way. He intentionally tortured the animals. Your position supports the planned, intentional act of depraved cruelty. The  man is also alleged to have physically threatened to shoot anyone who objected to the illegal act. Where is your moral compass, or are you only concerned about your own fun?Thailand is also over run with dangerous disease ridden vermin farangs. They are selfish and think only of themselves. Why else would a morally responsible individual play golf at an army owned golf course? Has it dawned on you, that you are part of Thailand's problems when you patronize those golf courses? Aside from these golf courses being one of the worst abusers of water supplies, ask yourself why young men are conscripted into military service and end up working as forced labour at these recreational facilities that  the conscripts will never  access, nor will regular Thai people for that matter. 

 You suggest a short trench, a few bullets and problem solved. Well, be careful what you wish for as it wasn't too long ago there were armed groups in Chiang Mai who wanted to do that to the  foreigners frolicking at the  exclusive military playgrounds. They claimed that they were seeking to rid the country of people like you. Keep behaving as you do, and they may come back.


Rubbish. What part of  the  event did you not understand that the man tied up the dogs, torturing them? Explain to those of us who are  mentally stable humans where it is normal behaviour to torture animals for hours?  No one would have complained had this been a quick euthanasia event, or a spay and neuter undertaking. Instead, this was a violent manifestation of mental illness by a person who is entrusted with the well being of young male conscripts as well as other personnel. Worse yet, was that he physically threatened to shoot anyone who intervened. His actions were criminal if he indeed threatened to shoot people. And yet here you are to approve. 



I will say it again....replace the word “Dog” (or any logical reference point where Dog would fit) with “Rabied Vermin” and then read it again.


Look at the dogs in the picture and note the number of rabies deaths in Thailand this year not to mention the number of people bitten and then tell me in what way these dogs (or any stay dogs) in a Thailand cannot safely be assumed to be Rabied Vermin. 


If if you got bitten by a stray dog in Thailand would you NOT get a rabies course of injections? If the answer is that you would get the injection then the assumption is surely that every stray dog has rabies. In what way am I wrong?

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Look up the various definitions of Vermin and tell me how the definition does not apply to Thailand’s stray dogs?


in what way am I wrong? You are using completely misplaced western values to assess the problem of stray dogs in Thailand.


Again, use the word Rabied Vermin instead of Dog for a better perspective. If not then explain how Rabied Vermin does not accurately (actually perfectly) explain what Thai Stray Dogs are?

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