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New Legislation Proposal:


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No more speedos please. For those unfamiliar with speedos, they're those tight spandex swimming shorts that professional swimmers wear. It seems like Europeans are the biggest offenders. I can't have one day on the beach without seeing some fat, hideous Europeans prancing around the beach with their balls dragging in the sand.

Are you guys unware that speedos aren't considered casual wear? And as a rule of thumb, perhaps you should be under 80 or 90 kilos when wearing speedos. I understand that many of the speedo wearing europeans are the ones that came here seeking misadventure with ladyboys and are most likely prone to wearing speedos around the house and to business functions. But I have seen some fat older monsters wearing speedos and my lord, I have had nightmares. Children should not have to see this. This may cause irrepable damage in these fresh and innocent minds.

Thus, my proposed legislation for Phuket:

Artilce 56. Section C-1:

Speedos are banned in all public areas unless worn in a competitive swimming event. All fat Europeans will have their bags searched upon arrival at the airport for evidence of speedos or speedo knock-off products. Any contraband will be confiscated and your name will be recorded in the official "Black Book of Shame".

I request that signs be posted on all beaches warning of the repercussions of wearing speedos and have "Speedo patrol officers" working around the clock keeping our beaches free from lewd, and perverse savages who fail to abide and comply to the "Speedo Laws".

If you want to wear speedos, go back to the mediteranean or where ever they condone such sick and twisted behavior. Keep our beaches clean and Speedo-free!

That is all.

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Forget Pattaya, in fact forget speedos...

I propose the new legislation be expanded to "Only Beautiful people can wear swim wear"

Nothing worse than spending time here in LOS amongst all these lovely cuties only to find 24 stone, whiter-than-milk farangs sunning themselves on the beach, Green-peace would have a field day sometimes!

So... forget fat blokes in speedos (beleive me, i've tried) i suggest we ban all ugly fat hairy people from the beach...

That goes for the women, in fact More So for the women, gives me nightmares seeing the rolly polly look-a-likes giving it all on the beach...

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I am not brave enough to wear a speedo but I got to say it's better than wearing nothing at all. Last year I was on one of the little island off of Ao nang bay in Krabi and saw some european men with nothing on. There were little thai kids running around on that beach that saw this moron. Naked women I do not mind but men that's just disgusting.

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When I was younger I wore speedos because I was a competitive swimmer.....but as soon as iIgot older and was no longer competing I gave them up. Which more peopel should think of doing.....event hose who hsould have never worn them in them in the first place. I have never been to thailand but on my frequent trips to europe it oen of the things i loathe about going to the beach or pool. No wait i saw this in Brazil again......

Anyway you should get rid of them as a sign of respect to others....no need to be offending so many people. I dont care if its a cultural tihng. There should be some test to pass before you can even purchase them.

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Seems to me this tread is yet another example of yanks trying to impose their "values" upon the rest of the world, including Europe, Asia and South America.

If the sight of a fat person in speedos offend you look the other way. Nobody force you to look. Sheesh!

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two points i'd like to raise here...

Point 1. Im no sepo, kow jai mai?

Point 2. Dont take things so <deleted> seriously, isnt it obvious were just 'avin a laff?

Take a walk down happy street, stop in the chill out bar and lighten up with a case of chang or something :o

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Seems to me this tread is yet another example of yanks trying to impose their "values" upon the rest of the world, including Europe, Asia and South America.

If the sight of a fat person in speedos offend you look the other way. Nobody force you to look. Sheesh!

No yanks here my good chap. Just a good ol' Canuck. And a concerned citizen. Sure, the European comment was a generalization, but in all honesty, Europeans are the biggest Speedo offenders out there.

Its pretty hard not to see speedos when they're everywhere! Speedos to the left, speedos to the right, Speedos jammed up that man's crack! Argh. I'm in Speedo ######!

Now that its rip tide season here in Phuket, I'm very concerned. Are these strong seas gonna rip off these speedos? Will these now speedo-less walruses need my help when their struggiling for the shore? Will I have the strength and mental fortitude to grab onto these hairy varments and rescue their speedo-less asses?

Time will tell. God grant me the power for if I fail, natural selection has done its course, and the world will be be short another speedo-wearing beast.

God grant me moral indifference.


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can we set up an anti speedo law in pattaya, mainly against the european middle aged tanned skinny men in luminous speedos,

Luminous Speedos....Oh my...those are the worst offenders. They're like the heroin of the speedo underground. Very addictive. Very destructive.

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